Spruce Up Commercial Lawns and Surroundings with Fall Maintenance Services

Preparing your commercial lawn and surrounding areas for winter, including flower beds, trees, and shrubs, is a critical strategy for maintaining beautiful landscapes throughout the year. And, there's a lot to get done in the fall season to prepare for that. Plants and seedlings need to be mulched while lawns need to be cleared of all the falling leaves. Plus, with winds and the start of rain, there is debris that should be removed plus trees and shrubs have to be pruned to get rid of any dead wood. This is also the time to winterize your commercial irrigation system to protect it from the cold elements. Here are some of the things you'll need to do to keep your commercial lawn and surroundings looking beautiful throughout the season and into winter: Deadhead flowering plants because this will help keep them healthy. Remove all weeds and debris in the area regularly. This may be something that has to be done more frequently until the trees have shed all their leaves. Debris that also needs to be cleared includes branches and other items that get blown around during this season. Prune plants to create a tidy landscape and sense of order to your commercial surroundings. This also keeps the plants healthy so they are ready to re-grow in the spring season. Pull all weeds that tend to make your landscape look messy and block your flowers and ornamental plants from putting on a spectacular display. Regularly check for insect damage so that no infestations get out of control. Edge and trim grass areas and mow at a height that keeps it all looking consistent. This regular mowing throughout the fall season will also help strengthen the roots and provide a way for new growth in the spring. Taking care of a commercial lawn and surroundings requires a lot of time, which you may not have. Yet, you want your office building, apartment complex, or other commercial structure to look pleasing to the eye as well as neat and tidy. After all, it reflects on your business and impacts those that visit or use these commercial areas on a daily basis. Contact us now to get started with our commercial lawn service for the fall and every season!

By |2018-10-06T21:41:08+00:00October 6th, 2018|Categories: Lawn Care|Tags: , , |Comments Off on Spruce Up Commercial Lawns and Surroundings with Fall Maintenance Services

Weed Control: Put Down Pre-Emergent in the Spring

Weeds seem to appear everywhere, especially after winter and spring rains. They get in the way of your lawn and garden plants and flowers getting the nutrition and water they need. That's why they must go. Spring is a good time to get those weeds under control as part of your lawn maintenance. There are many ways you can do this, but applying a pre-emergent herbicide is one of the most effective weed control strategies. Here's why: For our commercial lawn and garden services here in Memphis, we use high-quality pre-emergent herbicides to control broadleaf weeds and crabgrass that start to infringe on turf, landscaping, agricultural lands, golf courses and other areas.  Pre-emergent herbicides weed killers are perfect for spring and fall application. Pre-emergent herbicides are typically applied in the early growing season, which is the springtime. This helps prevent the weed seeds from germinating and becoming full-grown weeds. The pre-emergent herbicide weed control forms a barrier around a weed seed. This makes it nearly impossible for the wee seed to sprout so then it's less likely to grow. Pre-emergent herbicides can be applied a few different ways. You can utilize a granular spreader or a pressurized handheld sprayer. Liquid herbicides are often concentrated solutions that have to be mixed with water first. Granular herbicides can be spread and require irrigation to help the granule release the pre-emergent chemical.    To help make the pre-emergent work effectively, it's important to aerate the lawn and surrounding area first. Then, apply the weed control substance. This helps the pre-emergent get the seeds to do its work. Watering the pre-emergent also helps it to get into that topsoil layer where the weed seeds tend to germinate. Follow the instructions provided on each pre-emergent weed control solution you select. For all of our commercial clients, we take care of this part of lawn care and maintenance for you to ensure you have the healthiest lawn and garden possible. Contact us today to learn more.

By |2018-05-30T11:51:05+00:00May 24th, 2018|Categories: Feed Your Lawn, Fertilize, Insect Control, Lawn Care, Weed Control|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on Weed Control: Put Down Pre-Emergent in the Spring

Spring is the Time to Seed Lawns

Pugh's Earthworks Didn't Seed In The Fall? You Can Still Overseed In The Spring Reseeding your lawn helps keep it growing and thriving. It goes through cycles of growth just like flowers and plants. However, you will need to know the best times of the year to seed your lawn in order to maximize its growth potential and get the best results from your lawn maintenance. Here, in Memphis, there are two seasons that are typically ideal for seeding lawns. That's fall and spring. These seasons are ideal because they have the milder temperatures that give the grass seeds an opportunity to grow and get a healthy start versus winter, which is too cold, and summer, which gets very hot. Spring Lawn Seeding Since it's spring, start thinking about how to see your lawn so you can enjoy a beautiful and lush green carpet for the next few months. The soil should be between 55 and 60 degrees Fahrenheit. Before placing the lawn seeds, take out any weeds and root systems that may inhibit seed growth by taking away precious water and nutrients from the lawn seeds. Plus, if you leave the weeds in and try to kill them later with weed killer, it will damage the new growth from the lawn seeds. You will also want to loosen the soil, remove dead grass and debris, and then add a layer of topsoil and fertilizer. Spot Seeding to Fill Lawn Holes This is also the time to consider filling in those holes that may have appeared on your lawn. Like with regular lawn seeding, it's important to first remove the dead grass and loosen up the soil. Then, you can spread the grass seed. Use a rake to spread it out and mix the lawn seeds into the loosened soil.  From there, you will need to add mulch and straw. Or, you can use a seed starter mat or blanket. This will hold the seeds and loose soil in place. Maybe you have just bought or rented a house that has a lawn that could use a little love. If half the lawn still has grass and isn't full of weeds, you can repair it by seeding it rather than starting over. For these types of major lawn fixes, you will need to mow it very low and then add an herbicide. Leave it for up to two weeks and then seed it as though it was a new lawn. Our Lawn Maintenance Services Here in Memphis, we offer lawn maintenance services that include seeding lawns. Contact us to find out how we can restore your lawn or stimulate growth for a green, healthy lawn.

By |2018-04-25T03:06:57+00:00April 22nd, 2018|Categories: Lawn Care|Tags: , , |Comments Off on Spring is the Time to Seed Lawns

Annual Fertilization Going On Now

Springtime in Memphis, Nashville, Little Rock, Jackson MS and Jackson TN are all ready to get annual color installations. Color (bedding plants) are warm accents that make commercial properties more inviting and have the curb appeal businesses are looking for. The end of April in southern climates is the perfect time for adding bedding plants to landscape beds. Flowers add color and texture and richness to landscaped areas. Late spring is also time to apply fertilizer to turf for maximum growth all summer long. Strong and healthy turf requires the proper blend of nutrients. At Pugh's Earthworks, we take great pride in keeping our properties green all summer long.

By |2018-04-07T16:17:53+00:00April 28th, 2017|Categories: Feed Your Lawn, Landscaping, Pugh's Earthworks|Tags: , , |Comments Off on Annual Fertilization Going On Now
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