Fall Commercial Lawn Care Services

Now that fall has arrived and the weather is changing, it's time to take a more in-depth look at fall commercial lawn care services and what that involves. The fall commercial lawn care service includes seeding, dethatching, aerating, over-seeding, and fertilizing. Mowing This is the time to start decreasing the height of your lawnmower. You'll want to end up somewhere around an inch and a half high on your lawn height. The frequency of mowing is also determined by how fast the grass grows during this time. Take one-third of the blade or less. Also, it's better to mow in the evening so the sun is not beating down on it. Weeding By this point, the weeds should be disappearing. There may be a few stragglers left to take care of before winter sets in and they completely go away. Trees and Shrubs This is the time to also pay attention to trees and shrubs as well as the lawn, doing deep root fertilization. This provides your landscape with the essential nutrients it needs for the winter. Raking It's important to remove all leaves that have built up on your lawn. If you leave them, they will decompose and use up any soil moisture plus invite insects to your lawn. This will all cause damage, including dead spots on the lawn that will be a welcome home for weeds in the springtime. Aerating Because lawns become compacted over time, this can reduce air pockets that are necessary pathways for nutrients and water to reach grass roots. That's why aeration becomes an annual event that is usually done in the fall. It loosens up the soil, returning those air pockets to the lawn. Over Seeding Adding more seeds to your lawn can help fix dead spots and creating grass that is lush and beautiful for the upcoming spring season. Fall Fertilizing A special fall fertilizer keeps the lawn healthy during the autumn months so that it has the nutrients it needs to get through the winter. Let us help you take care of your commercial lawn throughout the fall season. Contact us now to get started on our monthly commercial lawn maintenance services.

By |2018-10-26T22:51:38+00:00October 26th, 2018|Categories: Lawn Care|Tags: , , |Comments Off on Fall Commercial Lawn Care Services

Spruce Up Commercial Lawns and Surroundings with Fall Maintenance Services

Preparing your commercial lawn and surrounding areas for winter, including flower beds, trees, and shrubs, is a critical strategy for maintaining beautiful landscapes throughout the year. And, there's a lot to get done in the fall season to prepare for that. Plants and seedlings need to be mulched while lawns need to be cleared of all the falling leaves. Plus, with winds and the start of rain, there is debris that should be removed plus trees and shrubs have to be pruned to get rid of any dead wood. This is also the time to winterize your commercial irrigation system to protect it from the cold elements. Here are some of the things you'll need to do to keep your commercial lawn and surroundings looking beautiful throughout the season and into winter: Deadhead flowering plants because this will help keep them healthy. Remove all weeds and debris in the area regularly. This may be something that has to be done more frequently until the trees have shed all their leaves. Debris that also needs to be cleared includes branches and other items that get blown around during this season. Prune plants to create a tidy landscape and sense of order to your commercial surroundings. This also keeps the plants healthy so they are ready to re-grow in the spring season. Pull all weeds that tend to make your landscape look messy and block your flowers and ornamental plants from putting on a spectacular display. Regularly check for insect damage so that no infestations get out of control. Edge and trim grass areas and mow at a height that keeps it all looking consistent. This regular mowing throughout the fall season will also help strengthen the roots and provide a way for new growth in the spring. Taking care of a commercial lawn and surroundings requires a lot of time, which you may not have. Yet, you want your office building, apartment complex, or other commercial structure to look pleasing to the eye as well as neat and tidy. After all, it reflects on your business and impacts those that visit or use these commercial areas on a daily basis. Contact us now to get started with our commercial lawn service for the fall and every season!

By |2018-10-06T21:41:08+00:00October 6th, 2018|Categories: Lawn Care|Tags: , , |Comments Off on Spruce Up Commercial Lawns and Surroundings with Fall Maintenance Services

Lawns Need to Be Watered Regularly in the Summer

As the temperatures continue to soar, it's important to have a regular summer watering schedule for your lawn to ensure it can thrive and grow throughout the year. Here are some tips on how to water your lawn during the summer season: You don't need to water your lawn every day in the summer despite thinking it will help in the hot weather. What happens is that the lawn gets over-watered and starts to die. Get to know the soil properties of the area you live in. This tells you a lot about how to water your lawn in the summer and throughout the year. This is because water tends to penetrate soils differently. For example, it is more likely to penetrate sandy or loose soil than clay-based soil.  The water should penetrate six to eight inches below the ground surface. Check your overall irrigation system for your lawn to identify any places where water is not regularly reaching that portion of your lawn. Any dry spots will tell you where you need to make changes to your irrigation. Think about what type of grass you have in your lawn as this will also tell you more about how to water it. For example, Tall Fescue has a deep root system. This means it has the highest drought tolerance of all cool-season turf types. Then, Kentucky Bluegrass goes dormant during a drought. Warm-season grasses, which include Zoysia, St. Augustine, Bermuda, and Centipede, tend to thrive in warm conditions. They have a deep root system and require approximately 20% less water than cool-season lawn grasses. The age of your lawn is also an important consideration for determining irrigation frequency. While all lawns need consistent moisture, you need to proceed with caution on newly-planted lawns. Don't rely on rainfall. Instead, you'll need to provide supplemental irrigation during the first year of growth to ensure it develops that deep root system. Focus your watering times on early morning or late afternoon/evening when the sun is not scorching the grass or adding to the water evaporation. As a commercial landscape and maintenance company that is focused on helping local businesses enjoy healthy, beautiful outdoor spaces, we are here to help with your lawn care needs. Contact us today and we'll keep your lawn looking lush and green throughout all seasons.

By |2018-08-19T19:56:19+00:00August 19th, 2018|Categories: Lawn Care|Tags: , , |Comments Off on Lawns Need to Be Watered Regularly in the Summer

Focusing On Insect Control in the Spring Pays Year-Round Benefits

Now that spring has arrived and your garden, trees, shrubs, and lawns are starting to grow again, all this activity will be sure to attract insects. While some are there to help, other insects don't do your garden or lawn any good. That's when you know it's time or insect control strategies. Plus, what you do now in the springtime can help control insects the whole year round. To get started, it's important to know that there are three general strategies you can use for garden insect control. These include physical controls, live controls, and packaged controls. Although each insect control strategy is good, you need one that fits your type of garden and insect issues.  This is where it can help to have a professional assist you with your garden and lawn maintenance as they are adept at understanding the best inset control strategy to implement. First, physical pest control manually removes insects. For example, this can involve cutting the larvae of cottonwood borers out of trees or shrubs. Or, soil covers can be placed around your plants' roots. This strategy for insect control can prevent maggots from reaching these roots and destroying the plants. Second, live pest control uses the power of nature to eliminate insects. This involves introducing certain insects that feed on the insects that are destroying your plants. For example ladybugs and praying mantises take care of aphids. Third, you can control insects by using chemicals or packaged pest control products. Focus on non-toxic products before opting for the stronger chemicals. You can also opt for some other alternatives for pest control to help keep insects away from your gardens and lawns the whole year round. These include electronic pest control techniques, including the use of ultrasonic frequencies. Also, you may want to consider organic pest control products that use citric acid or garlic to kill insects. Sesame oil, thyme oil, and clove oil are integral to other types of organic alternatives for relief from pest infestations without damaging your garden. Contact us today if you would like to get professional help in learning how to control insects in spring as well as all year.

By |2018-05-30T11:55:55+00:00May 6th, 2018|Categories: Insect Control, Pest Control|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on Focusing On Insect Control in the Spring Pays Year-Round Benefits

Nashville’s Hospitality Industry Prepares For Big Growth

As Tennessee’s capitol continues to develop, industry, tourism, and infrastructure are preparing for what is next. The August luncheon for the Greater Nashville Hospitality Association (GHNA) featured a discussion about the rapid growth of Nashville, particularly as it relates to hotels in the city. GNHA works to provide support and advocacy for all hospitality related businesses and serves as a leading educator in the Nashville area hospitality industry. Metro Planning Department Executive Director Doug Sloan spoke about NashvilleNext, the 25 year vision for the city. The plan, adopted last year by the planning commission, was a combined effort of 18,500 community participants. It focuses on the growth, development, and preservation of the emerging and ever-changing city. Sloan referred to NashvilleNext, a guiding force for Nashville’s future, where population is expected to experience significant growth 2040. The issues addressed in NashvilleNext anticipate solutions for the flourishing climate of the hospitality industry. “Our department by nature is a department of change,” Sloan said. According to Nashville.gov, the 25-year plan aims to: · Preserve our neighborhoods while building housing close to transit and jobs · Protect rural character and natural resources · Create walkable centers with jobs, housing and services in suburban and urban areas · Expand walking, biking and transit · Make our city affordable for all Nashvillians Nashville was named by Forbes as one of the top 16 destinations of 2016, and Nashville visitors spent in excess of 5.5 million dollars in 2015. The tourism-related field employs almost 60,000 metropolitan Davidson County residents.   by Kristi Stephens Walker, Community Representative for Pugh’s EarthWorks

By |2018-04-07T17:26:05+00:00October 24th, 2016|Categories: Hotel Grounds Maintenance, NashvilleNext, Pugh's Earthworks|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on Nashville’s Hospitality Industry Prepares For Big Growth
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