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Focusing On Insect Control in the Spring Pays Year-Round Benefits

Now that spring has arrived and your garden, trees, shrubs, and lawns are starting to grow again, all this activity will be sure to attract insects. While some are there to help, other insects don't do your garden or lawn any good. That's when you know it's time or insect control strategies. Plus, what you do now in the springtime can help control insects the whole year round. To get started, it's important to know that there are three general strategies you can use for garden insect control. These include physical controls, live controls, and packaged controls. Although each insect control strategy is good, you need one that fits your type of garden and insect issues.  This is where it can help to have a professional assist you with your garden and lawn maintenance as they are adept at understanding the best inset control strategy to implement. First, physical pest control manually removes insects. For example, this can involve cutting the larvae of cottonwood borers out of trees or shrubs. Or, soil covers can be placed around your plants' roots. This strategy for insect control can prevent maggots from reaching these roots and destroying the plants. Second, live pest control uses the power of nature to eliminate insects. This involves introducing certain insects that feed on the insects that are destroying your plants. For example ladybugs and praying mantises take care of aphids. Third, you can control insects by using chemicals or packaged pest control products. Focus on non-toxic products before opting for the stronger chemicals. You can also opt for some other alternatives for pest control to help keep insects away from your gardens and lawns the whole year round. These include electronic pest control techniques, including the use of ultrasonic frequencies. Also, you may want to consider organic pest control products that use citric acid or garlic to kill insects. Sesame oil, thyme oil, and clove oil are integral to other types of organic alternatives for relief from pest infestations without damaging your garden. Contact us today if you would like to get professional help in learning how to control insects in spring as well as all year.

By |2018-05-30T11:55:55+00:00May 6th, 2018|Categories: Insect Control, Pest Control|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on Focusing On Insect Control in the Spring Pays Year-Round Benefits

Applying Fertilizer in the Spring Can Strengthen Roots and Promote Growth

Spring is the time to fertilize your lawn and plants because this is when growing season starts again. The fertilizer has the nutrition that all green things need to really start growing. Here's why Healthy lawns must have adequate water. This promotes cell enlargement and aids in evaporative cooling. Lawns and plants also require sunlight and carbon dioxide for energy production as well as oxygen for respiration. Lawn growth also involves getting nutrients from the soil that are absorbed by roots. Sometimes, the soil does not have these nutrients so that's where fertilizer comes in to help out. In fact, one research article noted that there must be at least 18 elements for proper plant growth. And, if any are missing, it could limit plant or lawn growth. This includes nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. By applying fertilizer to the soil, the soil becomes more fertile. The result is that the plants and lawn that the soil feeds becomes healthier, resisting damage from insects and fungus. You'll be able to tell if your plants, trees, and lawns aren't getting the right nutrition. That's because their leaves will be yellow or light green. They may even have dead spots on them. There will be fewer leaves. And, the ones that are there will be smaller than normal. There will also be poor plant structure and root growth. Look for fertilizers that incorporate organic enzymes and amino acids. These help plants and lawns deal with any seasonal stresses from heat or frosts as well as transplanting. Since more insects and diseases also turn up at this time, these ingredients in the fertilizer will help strengthen the roots and offer protection. Look for fertilizers for certain types of plants, shrubs, and lawns. It helps to use a customized fertilizer for the area you want to feed. If you are not sure, contact us and we'll be glad to help with lawn fertilizing and yard fertilizing.

By |2018-05-03T01:02:14+00:00May 2nd, 2018|Categories: Feed Your Lawn|Tags: , |Comments Off on Applying Fertilizer in the Spring Can Strengthen Roots and Promote Growth

It’s Not Too Late to Plant Shrubs in the Spring

Pugh's Earthworks Spring Is A Great Time To Plant While spring is already in full swing, we know that here in Memphis and nearby the spring season has been a little delayed this year. We are now looking forward to warmer weather and enjoying the rest of spring. That's why it's not too late to consider what you may want to plant during this spring season. Shrubs and flowering shrubs are great ideas for your yard. No matter what size yard you have, shrubs are a great way to add depth, texture, and color to a garden. Location, Location, Location When you plan on planting shrubs, it's important to consider where you are going to put them. Consider any zoning or Homeowners Association rules as well as be aware of property lines. While you may love the shrubs you are planting, your neighbors may not. And, the last thing you want is to have to pull it out after all that hard work. Then, there are sunlight and shade requirements to think about. Also, check to see how big the shrubs may get to ensure you've picked a location that will accommodate how big the shrub will get. How to Plant Shrubs When you take the time to plant a shrub properly, it will grow faster. Plus, it may even enjoy a longer life. The mild temperatures in spring are the right time to give the shrub the chance to take root and grow. The soil is the right temperature to help the shrub. Shrubs are typically purchased in containers. The shrub has been growing in the container for some time, which also gives it a better chance of survival. There are numerous sizes of containers and shrubs that allow you to pick the size that is appropriate for your planting area. To plant a shrub, first, dig a hole that is twice as wide as the root ball. Make sure to loosen the soil around the hole so the roots can start to penetrate it and make a home for themselves. Remove the shrub carefully from the container and put it in the hole as soon as possible. The bare roots are vulnerable to light and air so they need to get back into the dirt as soon as possible. Lightly push the soil down around the shrub to get rid of any air pockets. You can also add water to settle the soil. This also helps the root ball to start receiving the water it needs to stay healthy. Add mulch around the shrub to start giving it nutrition. Shrub Maintenance Even after planting it in the spring, there is still much to do to maintain your shrubs. You'll need to keep an eye on your shrubs over the course of the first year to make sure they are getting enough moisture as the weather heats up. Signs of moisture distress include wilting leaves or hard soil. Continue adding water and mulch around the newly planted shrub. You won't need [...]

By |2018-04-26T19:20:32+00:00April 26th, 2018|Categories: Planting Tips|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on It’s Not Too Late to Plant Shrubs in the Spring

Spring is the Time to Seed Lawns

Pugh's Earthworks Didn't Seed In The Fall? You Can Still Overseed In The Spring Reseeding your lawn helps keep it growing and thriving. It goes through cycles of growth just like flowers and plants. However, you will need to know the best times of the year to seed your lawn in order to maximize its growth potential and get the best results from your lawn maintenance. Here, in Memphis, there are two seasons that are typically ideal for seeding lawns. That's fall and spring. These seasons are ideal because they have the milder temperatures that give the grass seeds an opportunity to grow and get a healthy start versus winter, which is too cold, and summer, which gets very hot. Spring Lawn Seeding Since it's spring, start thinking about how to see your lawn so you can enjoy a beautiful and lush green carpet for the next few months. The soil should be between 55 and 60 degrees Fahrenheit. Before placing the lawn seeds, take out any weeds and root systems that may inhibit seed growth by taking away precious water and nutrients from the lawn seeds. Plus, if you leave the weeds in and try to kill them later with weed killer, it will damage the new growth from the lawn seeds. You will also want to loosen the soil, remove dead grass and debris, and then add a layer of topsoil and fertilizer. Spot Seeding to Fill Lawn Holes This is also the time to consider filling in those holes that may have appeared on your lawn. Like with regular lawn seeding, it's important to first remove the dead grass and loosen up the soil. Then, you can spread the grass seed. Use a rake to spread it out and mix the lawn seeds into the loosened soil.  From there, you will need to add mulch and straw. Or, you can use a seed starter mat or blanket. This will hold the seeds and loose soil in place. Maybe you have just bought or rented a house that has a lawn that could use a little love. If half the lawn still has grass and isn't full of weeds, you can repair it by seeding it rather than starting over. For these types of major lawn fixes, you will need to mow it very low and then add an herbicide. Leave it for up to two weeks and then seed it as though it was a new lawn. Our Lawn Maintenance Services Here in Memphis, we offer lawn maintenance services that include seeding lawns. Contact us to find out how we can restore your lawn or stimulate growth for a green, healthy lawn.

By |2018-04-25T03:06:57+00:00April 22nd, 2018|Categories: Lawn Care|Tags: , , |Comments Off on Spring is the Time to Seed Lawns
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