Winter Tree Planting is a Vital Service we Perform for Commercial Properties

Pugh's Earthworks A hard freeze triggers plants into dormancy for the winter. This makes it the safest time for Winter Tree Planting.  The professionals at Pugh's Earthworks Commercial Landscaping will handle all winter planting needs so that trees and shrubs can be settled in and ready to start growing and making leaves in the springtime. Also, plants store energy during the growing season so they can provide energy during the fall and winter seasons that help them grow roots. Plants undertake most of this root growth during the “dormant” season. That is one of the biggest reasons why it makes sense to plant trees and shrubs during the winter season. However, there are other reasons that make it an ideal time, too. Stress levels are reduced because of the lack of foliage and soft new growth. This means less water is used to keep the trees and shrubs happy. Pruning will also not need to be done. To be successful with winter tree and shrub planting, there are a few tips to follow. First, mulching is important because it will help to maintain constant soil temperatures and keeps soil moisture at a constant level. Second, use less fertilizer and use organic fertilizer so it doesn't burn the roots. It is specifically designed to promote root growth while not encouraging foliage growth. Third, if you live in a windy area, consider staking the trees to prevent undue stress on the new roots. If the ground is frozen solid and unworkable, then you can store unplanted shrubs and trees in a sheltered spot with southern exposure. When growth starts in early spring, prune any damaged branches, and feed with a balanced organic fertilizer. Importance of Winter Tree Planting Winter tree planting is a strategic choice that offers numerous benefits. Planting during the dormant season allows trees to establish their root systems, ensuring a strong foundation before spring arrives. Additionally, nurseries often offer a wider selection of tree species during the winter months, giving you more options to choose from. By planting in winter, you're setting your trees up for long-term success. Choosing the Right Tree Species Selecting the appropriate tree species is crucial for successful winter planting. Considerations such as hardiness, adaptability to your specific location, and the desired aesthetic impact should guide your choice. Look for tree species known for their winter hardiness, such as evergreens or deciduous trees that thrive in cold climates. Matching the right tree species to your specific location will enhance its chances of survival and growth. Preparing the Soil for Winter Planting Preparing the soil is a critical step in ensuring optimal conditions for your newly planted trees. Start by conducting a soil test to determine its nutrient levels and pH balance. Based on the test results, you can make any necessary amendments to create the ideal soil conditions for your chosen tree species. Winter soil preparation sets the stage for healthy root development and long-term tree growth. Proper Planting Techniques Mastering the art of proper tree [...]