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Don’t Let Snow and Ice Get in Your Way

Winter officially arrived on December 21st. However, some areas are already experiencing winter-like conditions with snow and ice. Don't let these conditions stand in the way of your business or customers going about their normal routine. In Memphis, snow and ice can be a challenge, which is why we started offering snow and ice treatment for our commercial customers. We have years of experience in dealing with these winter conditions. Plus, we can customize a snow or ice treatment program to keep your property safe and accessible as well as one that fits your budget. Our snow and ice treatment plans include numerous methods. First, we do a salt application prior to the inclement weather arriving. The salt application helps to prevent the snow and ice from sticking to your roads and reduces the time period between when the snow and ice hit the roads and when it starts to melt. Once the snow and ice are on the ground, we use special trucks that are equipped with snow plows. While we cannot move all the snow on your property or leading to your property, we can improve your ability to use your parking lots and the egress in and out of your facility. Our winter snow and ice treatment program can be added to your monthly landscape and lawn maintenance program at any time, offering extra value. The snow and ice treatment services are beneficial for our large institutional, retail and office complex clients. Many of our homeowners associations (HOA) and our condominium owners associations (COA) have also taken advantage of our snow and ice treatment program. Contact us now to experience the service for yourself this winter!

By |2018-12-17T21:54:14+00:00December 26th, 2018|Categories: Ice and Snow Services|Tags: , , |Comments Off on Don’t Let Snow and Ice Get in Your Way

Tips For Beautiful Retail Shopping Center Lawns and Landscape

The right landscape can make a retail shopping center feel more shoppable. That's why it's important to keep flower beds, hedges, trees, and lawns beautiful at these shopping malls and strip malls beautiful and welcoming the whole year round. It sets the mood and tells customers what the retailers feel about the customer experience. First, make sure you regularly update the look of the landscape. If trees have gotten too big after being there for decades, they might obstruct the view of the shopping center. Also, patrons want to see more environmentally sensitive landscaping so they know water is not being wasted. Second, look for ways to add ambiance through the landscaping, such as creating a natural screen with planters or hedges. These can be barriers between the road or parking lot and an outdoor patio that makes it more inviting to sit in that area. Third, consider how the landscaping works together and add plants and flowers that complement each other rather than create a confusing mix of greenery. Make the area more park-like and as an oasis where customers may want to stay longer and enjoy it. Maybe they will even continue shopping. Finally, consider the season so that you rotate seasonal flowers and plants, such as ornamental kale in the winter and chrysanthemums in the fall. Think of all the ways that you can add visual interest for visitors. We have helped numerous retail shopping centers maintain beautiful lawns and inviting landscapes. Contact us today to learn how we can help your retail space.

By |2018-12-17T21:40:11+00:00December 17th, 2018|Categories: Shopping Center Landscape|Tags: , , |Comments Off on Tips For Beautiful Retail Shopping Center Lawns and Landscape

What To Look For in a Landscape and Lawn Maintenance Company For Your HOA

When you have a homeowners association, part of the monthly dues goes toward ensuring that the common areas and sometimes even front yards are cared for by a professional landscaping and lawn company. To ensure you get the best value for all the residents that maintain their community to the highest standards, there are some key things to look for when searching for the right commercial landscape and lawn maintenance company for your HOA or COA. Know What's Included Don't just go with the lowest bid you receive because that may not tell you the whole picture of what you will actually be charged or what type of quality work they will do. It's important to have a transparent maintenance company that tells you exactly what they will do for your HOA or COA each month with a cost breakdown for maintenance, repairs, and upgrades to things like the automatic sprinkler system. Get References Find out how HOAs feel about what this landscape does for them each month in terms of water management, aesthetics, value, and overall service. If possible, go view those properties to see what their work looks like in terms of lawn and landscape maintenance. Ask those clients what they like about the landscape company and why as well as if there is anything that they don't like about them. Hire a Landscaping Company with Experience Look for a landscape maintenance company with proven experience. They've been in business for several years and can show a portfolio of work. They are more likely to have the experience to maintain your landscape better than an inexperienced company. Make sure they also have the licensing, insurance, and industry memberships that also speak to their experience. Gauge Communication Levels One of the biggest complaints HOAs and COAs have is the lack of communication with their service providers. Look for one that responds promptly to questions and concerns. You can also gauge this by checking with their other customers as well as meeting with them directly to see how they interact with you. Verify Certifications, Licenses, and Insurance Be sure to verify all paperwork to check that all certifications, licenses, and insurance is up to date and correct. This is also a sign of whether a company is honest and prompt about what they do. We'd love to work with you and show you how our years of experience taking care of HOA AND COA properties makes us the right choice for you. Contact us now to learn more!

By |2018-12-11T21:11:37+00:00December 11th, 2018|Categories: Pugh's Earthworks|Tags: , , |Comments Off on What To Look For in a Landscape and Lawn Maintenance Company For Your HOA

How to Prepare Your Lawn For Spring While It’s Still Winter

The winter time is actually an ideal time to prepare your lawn for next year's growing season. There are many things you can do to prepare the lawn while it's dormant so that it will be willing and eager to start growing when warmer weather and the rains return. Here are some lawn maintenance tasks you can do now during winter to prepare your lawn: First, remove any debris that has been accumulating throughout the fall and early winter seasons. Rake and remove all debris. This will encourage better air flow throughout the grass and prevent disease and insect infestation. When spring arrives, all this clean-up will allow new grass blades to grow without any struggle. Next, apply a pre-emergent crabgrass control right at the end of winter before soil temperatures straight to rise. This will help decrease the likelihood of weed seeds beginning to germinate. Fertilization is also important during winter to help the grass store up nutrients that it needs to foster spring growth. Since winter can wreak some havoc on lawns, it's important to address any areas that have been damaged by salt or snow plows. As the season ends, re-seed any of damaged turf areas. If you have used the pre-emergent, however, it will prevent any seeds from growing so make sure you time this right. You will want to take care of turf repairs as early as possible so that the seeds have enough time to germinate. Repairs may also involve grading your lawn to address low spots that can lead to poor drainage while high spots are often cut too close during mowing. Therefore, you will need to level out your lawn. Also, identify any places where the soil may seem more compact and aerate these areas. Make sure your mower and other equipment are clean and ready to go for the new season because you will need to use these tools more often than you did in winter. With so much work, we understand that it can feel overwhelming. That's why it makes sense to consider a commercial landscaping service that can handle all these tasks for you during the winter months and into the spring season. Contact us today to learn more about what we can do for your commercial lawn.  

By |2018-12-05T02:36:00+00:00December 5th, 2018|Categories: Feed Your Lawn|Tags: , , |Comments Off on How to Prepare Your Lawn For Spring While It’s Still Winter

Winter is the Best Time to Prune Trees

When it comes to pruning trees to encourage new growth, there are only certain times of year when it is ideal to take on this maintenance task. And, one of these times is winter. Here's why. Dormant Pruning trees in winter when they are dormant is a common practice because it leads to more new growth in spring. IF you want to achieve that from your trees, then this is the time to prune them. Doing so supports current and future tree growth. Access In winter, the ground is harder, making it somewhat easier to do the work of pruning. Plus, because the branches are bare, it's easier to see and handle them during the pruning process. Disease Identification Any type of disease a tree may have will be easier to spot and treat during the winter time when the tree is bare. Healing Process By cutting the branches on the tree at the end of winter, the tree can then release the energy it has stored for the fall to heal these areas. Natural Tree Form In winter with the dormancy, the tree can be returned to a more natural form as the pruning helps to better shape the tree's look. Pruning Tips If you are going to prune your own trees, here are some tips we use in our commercial landscaping and maintenance business: Wait until the coldest part of winter has passed. This is because some trees have sap like maple, walnut, and birch, and will bleed that out if pruned then. While it's not harmful to the tree sap to bleed, it may be better to just wait until the coldest temperatures are done for the seasons. Start by removing dead, damaged, and diseased branches, which will help prevent insect and decay organisms from damaging the tree. Look for crossing branches to remove as this could cause further damage to the tree as they rub together. Remove any co-dominant leader branches, which are two branches that are growing near the top of the tree. By cutting off one of these, the other becomes dominant while other branches are not at risk from splitting or tearing during a windy period. If there is a dense canopy, thin this out so the tree can access more air and sunlight to reduce the risk of disease problems. Remove suckers and water sprouts because doing so can provide more food and water for the tree. Also, remove narrow crotches, which appear as a tree ages. Doing so can eliminate other tree damage. If you are not ready to tackle winter tree pruning, then contact us today so we can take care of it for you!     

By |2018-11-25T19:14:47+00:00November 25th, 2018|Categories: Commercial Landscape Maintenance|Tags: , , |Comments Off on Winter is the Best Time to Prune Trees

Protect Your Irrigation System From Freezing This Winter

With winter just around the corner and temperatures already starting to drop, it's important to consider how this change in the weather can impact your irrigation system. What can easily happen is that your irrigation system freezes. This can cause pipes to burst and create a lot of problems. To prevent this from happening, there are some steps you can take to prepare your irrigation system and commercial landscape for the freezing weather: 1. Insulate The first step is to shut off the water supply to the irrigation system. The main shut-off valve for your irrigation system needs to be protected against freezing by wrapping it in insulation. The best way to insulate this shut-off valve is with foam insulation tape and a plastic bag. If you don't have one of these valves, this is the time to consider having one.  Also, insulate any above-ground irrigation pipes you may have has part of your system. You can use self-sticking foam-insulating tape or foam insulating tubes for these above-ground pipes. 2. Go with Manual If you have an automatic irrigation system, this when you need to turn off the timer and handle it manually. Most controllers have what's called a "rain-mode" that shuts off the signals to the valves. Everything else will work. The only change is the valves will not activate. 3. Drain the Pipes The next step is to drain the pipes that are part of the irrigation system. Any water that remains in the pipes during winter can freeze and expand until it breaks the pipes.  There are several ways to drain pipes. You can use a manual drain valve, an automatic drain valve, or the compressed air blow-out method. When it comes to draining your pipes, the best option is to turn to a local irrigation specialist due to the risks involved. We do offer sprinkler winterization services during this time of the year. 4. Protect Valves and Backflow Preventers Finally, you will need to return to some insulation work, including insulating the backflow preventers and valves if they are located above ground. Insulation tape also works well for this task. Just be careful to not block the air vents and drain outlets on the backflow preventers. If it all sounds like a lot of work, then consider letting us handle all of this winterization process for you. Contact us now to learn more about all of our winterization services, including snow and ice treatment.

By |2018-11-20T00:54:13+00:00November 20th, 2018|Categories: Irrigation|Tags: , , |Comments Off on Protect Your Irrigation System From Freezing This Winter

Why Winter is a Great Time to Plant Trees and Shrubs

Although it may not seem like it due to the colder temperatures and changing weather, winter is still a good time to plant trees and shrubs. Here's why. First, plants, trees, and shrubs all store energy during the growing season that they then use in the fall and winter to grow roots. In fact, most root growth occurs during these seasons. Second, the stress levels of trees and shrubs are reduced because of the lack of foliage and the minimal new growth. Third, there is considerably less water that needs to be provided in order to keep these new plantings going. Fourth, pruning is not necessary unless there happens to be a broken branch. By not having to prune, there is less risk that you will damage any part of the tree or shrub that is getting ready to grow in the springtime. To make the most of these winter planting advantages, here are some tips to follow: Mulching is a critical step to take when you are planting trees and shrubs in winter. Mulch provides a way to maintain constant soil temperatures. That way, plants can still grow roots when the soil temperature stays above 45 degrees. By applying a good layer of mulch, you also help to keep soil moisture at a constant level. Use less fertilizer and only a type that is designed to promote root growth while minimizing nutrients for foliage growth. You don't want to stimulate growth. For trees planted in the winter where there is considerable wind, stake the tree to prevent undue stress on the new roots. Of course, if the ground is frozen solid and unworkable, then you'll have to wait.  Store unplanted shrubs in a sheltered spot where there is a southern exposure. Add leaves or mulch to keep them insulated. Then, water every few days. When growth starts in early spring, you can prune away any damaged branches and feed with a balanced organic fertilizer. If you would like to learn more about how we can help you with winter planting, contact us now!    

By |2018-11-14T18:31:35+00:00November 14th, 2018|Categories: Planting Tips|Comments Off on Why Winter is a Great Time to Plant Trees and Shrubs

Using Mulch to Protect Flowers and Plants From Winter Freezing

Now that we are into fall and looking ahead to winter, it's that time of year where temperatures start to decrease and eventually will dip well below freezing. For many plants and flowers, those frigid conditions can lead to damage unless they get an extra layer of protection. That's where mulch comes in as part of regular fall landscape maintenance services. In fact, mulching serves as one of the best blanket covers for things like strawberries, some perennials, and many other types of plants during cold conditions. Winter mulch helps stop soil from either freezing and thawing conditions. It's the repeated freezing and thawing that can force stems, roots, and bulbs/tubers to come out of the ground. Plus, this can severely damage or kill plants. There are different types of mulch to consider. Straw is one type. The benefits are that straw offers good insulation, encourages sufficient air movement, and does not smother plants or flowers. Just one bale of straw can cover 100 square feet to a depth of at least three inches. Other types of winter mulches to consider include bark chips, hay, chopped corn stalks, pine needles, or shredded leaves. Those mulches to avoid include whole leaves, sawdust, or grass clippings because they can form a thick mat and suffocate the flowers and plants. Wood chip mulch is ideal for the root zone areas of trees and shrubs. However, plants like hardy shrub roses don't need any winter protection like mulch. Yet, other types of rose plants may need a double layer of protection in the form of mulch and potting soil. Leave the mulching to us. Contact us today for a monthly service plan that includes mulching for the winter of all your commercial landscape areas. We can ensure your plants, flowers, and shrubs make it through the winter while keeping a beautiful view for your customers.  

By |2018-11-05T18:56:50+00:00November 5th, 2018|Categories: Uncategorized|Comments Off on Using Mulch to Protect Flowers and Plants From Winter Freezing

Fall Commercial Lawn Care Services

Now that fall has arrived and the weather is changing, it's time to take a more in-depth look at fall commercial lawn care services and what that involves. The fall commercial lawn care service includes seeding, dethatching, aerating, over-seeding, and fertilizing. Mowing This is the time to start decreasing the height of your lawnmower. You'll want to end up somewhere around an inch and a half high on your lawn height. The frequency of mowing is also determined by how fast the grass grows during this time. Take one-third of the blade or less. Also, it's better to mow in the evening so the sun is not beating down on it. Weeding By this point, the weeds should be disappearing. There may be a few stragglers left to take care of before winter sets in and they completely go away. Trees and Shrubs This is the time to also pay attention to trees and shrubs as well as the lawn, doing deep root fertilization. This provides your landscape with the essential nutrients it needs for the winter. Raking It's important to remove all leaves that have built up on your lawn. If you leave them, they will decompose and use up any soil moisture plus invite insects to your lawn. This will all cause damage, including dead spots on the lawn that will be a welcome home for weeds in the springtime. Aerating Because lawns become compacted over time, this can reduce air pockets that are necessary pathways for nutrients and water to reach grass roots. That's why aeration becomes an annual event that is usually done in the fall. It loosens up the soil, returning those air pockets to the lawn. Over Seeding Adding more seeds to your lawn can help fix dead spots and creating grass that is lush and beautiful for the upcoming spring season. Fall Fertilizing A special fall fertilizer keeps the lawn healthy during the autumn months so that it has the nutrients it needs to get through the winter. Let us help you take care of your commercial lawn throughout the fall season. Contact us now to get started on our monthly commercial lawn maintenance services.

By |2018-10-26T22:51:38+00:00October 26th, 2018|Categories: Lawn Care|Tags: , , |Comments Off on Fall Commercial Lawn Care Services

Your Trusted Partner For Commercial Landscaping and Lawn Care

Whether you are managing commercial, industrial, institutional, government, multi-family, or retail property, we are your trusted partner, providing comprehensive landscaping and lawn services. These services include tree and shrub care, lawn and bed maintenance, planting and trimming, weeding, and pest control. Here are some of the commercial services we offer to keep your commercial property looking great across all four seasons: Commercial Landscaping: Serving more than 300 commercial clients, we provide landscape design, installation, and maintenance in Memphis as well as Nashville, TN; Southaven, MS; Jackson, TN; and Little Rock, AK. This includes services for apartments, condominiums, shopping centers, office buildings, cemeteries, hospitals, and hotels and motels. This service also includes changing out beds with seasonal flowers and plants, weed management, and irrigation services. We tailor each of our commercial landscaping services to our clients' needs and budget. Lawn Service: Our commercial lawn service includes mowing, pruning, trimming, lawn feeding and fertilizing, and leaf blowing. The goal is to provide you with a beautiful, lush lawn that enhances the look of your commercial property throughout the year. Pest Control:  Certified technicians provide pest control solutions that prevent, eliminate, and exclude pests from commercial properties. This includes pests like mosquitos, flies, bedbugs, rodents, roaches, spiders and ants. We only use EPA-approved, environmentally-friendly pest control products. And, with the winter season on the horizon, we also offer snow and ice services to keep your commercial properties free and clear for residents, customers, or visitors. Not only are one of the largest commercial landscape and lawn services in the Memphis area, but we also differentiate ourselves through our personal service experience; friendly, knowledgeable team of technicians, value-based pricing, and responsive service. Also, we offer free quotes on our monthly services and extended service plans. Contact us today to schedule your quote and see how our commercial landscape, lawn, and pest control services can give you peace of mind and confidence that everyone that sees your properties admires how they look.

By |2018-10-16T18:35:46+00:00October 16th, 2018|Categories: Commercial Landscape Maintenance|Comments Off on Your Trusted Partner For Commercial Landscaping and Lawn Care
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