We are Professionals at Summer Commercial Landscaping!
Pugh's Earthworks Summer is the most enjoyable season of the year for many people, but it can be tough on your lawn. With high temperatures, drought and other challenges, your lawn needs special attention to stay healthy and thriving during summer. So, what should you do in order to keep your Summer Commercial Landscaping looking great all summer long? We have got some tips and tricks here! When temperatures begin to rise and the ground becomes dry, it is time to start mowing your lawn. The best way to avoid brown spots in your grass is by maintaining a regular schedule of cutting. One of the most important things you can do when mowing is to make sure that all clippings are removed from the lawn, so they don't decompose into thatch. If left on top of soil, clippings can act as insulation and prevent water from reaching roots or seeping into soil where it needs to go--both conditions that lead to drought stress on plants! For best results with summer commercial landscape techniques like these: Cut at least two inches off blades each time you mow (more often if needed) Remove all clippings from lawn after each pass through with a mulching blade attachment. Scheduling your mowing can help with the hard work of keeping a lawn looking good. If you do not have much time to devote to your yard, consider hiring a professional landscaper like Pugh's Earthworks to do it for you. Summer Commercial Lawn Mowing Procedures When it comes to summer commercial lawn mowing procedures, there are a few things you need to know. First and foremost, the importance of mowing in the summer cannot be stressed enough. Mowing will help keep grass at a healthy height and prevent weeds from growing in your yard. Second, you should determine how often you need to mow based on how fast your grass grows, which varies depending on climate conditions (such as temperature). You can do this by measuring how tall each blade of grass is when it reaches its peak growth stage before it begins dying back again at the end of each day or week during those warmer months when most people tend not want their lawns cut too short because they might get damaged if left alone without being cared for properly by someone who knows what they are doing with regards specifically toward caring for these types of areas; after all no one wants their flower beds turning brown dueling against weeds all summer long! Thirdly also consider using an appropriate type/brand/model machine so that all jobs done properly without any problems occurring later down road such as needing repairs etcetera... And lastly, hiring a professional like Pugh's Earthworks to do this type of work is always a good idea because they will be able to tell you exactly what kind of mower or other equipment that you need in order to get the job done right the first time around. Summer Commercial Lawn [...]