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Spruce Up Commercial Lawns and Surroundings with Fall Maintenance Services

Preparing your commercial lawn and surrounding areas for winter, including flower beds, trees, and shrubs, is a critical strategy for maintaining beautiful landscapes throughout the year. And, there's a lot to get done in the fall season to prepare for that. Plants and seedlings need to be mulched while lawns need to be cleared of all the falling leaves. Plus, with winds and the start of rain, there is debris that should be removed plus trees and shrubs have to be pruned to get rid of any dead wood. This is also the time to winterize your commercial irrigation system to protect it from the cold elements. Here are some of the things you'll need to do to keep your commercial lawn and surroundings looking beautiful throughout the season and into winter: Deadhead flowering plants because this will help keep them healthy. Remove all weeds and debris in the area regularly. This may be something that has to be done more frequently until the trees have shed all their leaves. Debris that also needs to be cleared includes branches and other items that get blown around during this season. Prune plants to create a tidy landscape and sense of order to your commercial surroundings. This also keeps the plants healthy so they are ready to re-grow in the spring season. Pull all weeds that tend to make your landscape look messy and block your flowers and ornamental plants from putting on a spectacular display. Regularly check for insect damage so that no infestations get out of control. Edge and trim grass areas and mow at a height that keeps it all looking consistent. This regular mowing throughout the fall season will also help strengthen the roots and provide a way for new growth in the spring. Taking care of a commercial lawn and surroundings requires a lot of time, which you may not have. Yet, you want your office building, apartment complex, or other commercial structure to look pleasing to the eye as well as neat and tidy. After all, it reflects on your business and impacts those that visit or use these commercial areas on a daily basis. Contact us now to get started with our commercial lawn service for the fall and every season!

By |2018-10-06T21:41:08+00:00October 6th, 2018|Categories: Lawn Care|Tags: , , |Comments Off on Spruce Up Commercial Lawns and Surroundings with Fall Maintenance Services

Continue Mowing Your Lawn in the Fall

Even though the Fall season has officially begun, your lawn will continue to need your attention, including mowing, at least until after the first hard frost. This is because the grass is actively absorbing the moisture and nutrients it needs to get through the dormant winter so it will continue to need your attention. Therefore, Fall lawn maintenance and care are critical. During this season, grass growth slows down. However, it's best to stick with your lawn mowing routine. As the season progresses, you should lower your cutting height on the lawn mower to remove one-quarter to one-third of the grass blade.  Continue doing this until the lawn is about two inches tall and the grass is still actively growing. This will allow sunlight to reach the grass. Continuing to mow your lawn so that it is short over the winter season will help prevent snow mold when springtime arrives. This is just part of the process of preparing the lawn for spring.   Besides continuing to mow, you'll also need to aerate the soil. This allows oxygen, water, and fertilizer to reach the grass's roots.  Also, rake the leaves so that these don't block that same oxygen, water, and fertilizer from reaching those roots. Also, if left to pile up and get wet, fungal diseases could appear that eventually kill the grass. Additionally, other fall lawn chores include fertilizing your lawn and filling in bald spots on your grass with an all-in-one lawn repair mixture. Weed control is another important task in the Fall that will help your lawn remain healthy through winter and into spring. If you need assistance with mowing your lawn during the Fall season, contact us today. We can take care of mowing, fertilizing, weeding, and more.

By |2018-10-01T17:49:19+00:00October 1st, 2018|Categories: Lawn Care|Comments Off on Continue Mowing Your Lawn in the Fall

Fall is a Great Time to Mulch Flower Beds

During the fall, this is the time to give flower beds some much-needed attention. This is the time to mulch flower beds and replant with fall and winter tolerant flowers. Here are some tips on what to do: The first step is to remove all plant debris from the planting bed where you have flowers. This debris can be used as compost material. If you don't compost, then dispose of the plant debris. Remember to also remove any weeds from the plant and flower beds. Next, the soil needs to be prepared for rototilling. If you are leavint leaves as garden mulch, then be sure to shred them first. You can do this by usng a lawn mower to cut them into smaller pieces. One option is to then use what is known as living mulch. This is using live plants in place of conventional mulch. However, leaf mulch doesn't look very aesthetically pleasing when you want to have tidy flower beds.  However, it can be less work. Yet, leaf mulch is free versus investing in regular mulch. There's also the choice between organic and inorganic. Organic mulch has shredded wood products. However, you can also use pine needles or grass clipping for mulch as well. Pine needles can acidify soil as they decompose while leaf compost adds nutrients. Then, grass clippings can burn plants as it decomposes and cause nitrogen deficiency in plants. Organic mulches breakdown over time. As they do, this type of mulch releases nutrients and enriches the soil. Normally, you have to apply organic mulches every year to maintain flower beds. Inorganic mulch has stone products and recycled rubber products. This type of mulch can reduce problems with insects around the flower beds. The inorganic mulch can radiate heat from the sun, which may scorch the lower parts of plants. Either use plants that are adapted to this or put organic mulch around the base of the plant and use inorganic mulch in the areas of the flower beds where there are no plants. One downfall with inorganic mulches is that they are more costly initially. However, they also don't need to be replenished every year. Contact us today to find out how we can take care of your fall mulching needs for your flower beds!

By |2018-09-24T17:12:50+00:00September 24th, 2018|Categories: Flower Beds|Tags: , |Comments Off on Fall is a Great Time to Mulch Flower Beds

Leaf Removal is Key to a Healthy Lawn

Leaves falling on the ground are a message that fall has arrived. And, while the colors are beautiful and the piles of leaves are fun to jump on, they really do have to find somewhere else to live beside the lawn.  Leaves are a common part of lawn maintenance. Why Get Rid of the Leaves? There are many reasons why you should remove the leaves from the lawn. It is much healthier for your lawn. This is because if you allow the leaves to pile up on your lawn, they block the sunlight, water, and nutrients from reaching the root system and helping feed your lawn. The lawn needs to breathe but it can't do that if it's covered in leaves. The leaves can even block new grass blades. These leaves may also invite pests and diseases in that are difficult to get rid of. This can lead to mold, brown patches, and lots of insets. Also, it improves the lawn's overall appearance. Lastly, regularly removing the leaves makes for less work than letting them all pile up over time. Removing the Leaves There are many ways to remove the leaves from your lawn. The first way is to rake them off the lawn. This approach tends to get most leaves that have to be bagged up and removed. It's very labor-intensive. The second is to use a leaf blower, which does the job quickly but is noisy. However, as long as you select a good time to do it, such as mid-day, most people have become accustomed to the sound. Alternatively, you can use a mulching mower that shreds the leaves and turns them into fertilizer. Adding a bag to this mower allows you to collect everything and put it in your compost bin if you have one. Lastly, consider assistance from a professional lawn care maintenance company like Pugh's Earthworks who can take care of leaves, mowing, and fertilizing so you can just enjoy how it looks. Contact us today to learn more.    

By |2018-09-17T19:20:48+00:00September 17th, 2018|Categories: Lawn Care|Tags: , |Comments Off on Leaf Removal is Key to a Healthy Lawn

Focus on Root Growth in the Fall

Throughout the year, your lawn, shrubs, plants, and trees go through growth cycles. And, one of these is in the fall and involves something you don't actually see. That is root growth. Root growth is important because it's what provides a steady stream of nutrients and water to the plants, trees, and lawn. The stronger and larger those roots become, the more they can sustain the growth above ground. To focus on root growth in the fall, here's what you should do: Aerate your grass and lawn area. Because people and lawn mowers are constantly compacting the soil beneath the lawn, which makes it difficult for air, nutrients, and water to get to the roots. By aerating it, you'll be able to stimulate root growth. You can use a walk-behind aerator to cover larger lawns. Fertilize your lawn during the fall to promote root growth. The fertilizer will nourish the roots. It's best to use a spreader to ensure the fertilizer is evenly spread across the lawn. Also, use special fertilizer for shrubs, trees, and flowers. Apply the fertilizer at the beginning of the fall season and just before the frost sets in. Seed areas that have bare patches. This gives your lawn a chance to build up further strength and add to its root system.  Look for grass seed that has a small amount of weed seed mixed in. Be sure to loosen the soil with a rake before laying the seeds down. You will also need to water these areas on a daily basis for a few weeks. Transplant any plants to areas that give them more room to spread their roots out underground. The fall is the perfect time to get this done where temperatures are the most conducive. Remove leaves that have fallen to the ground. These can rot and create issues for the roots by making them sick and blocking passage of water and nutrients to them. You can use a leaf blower or start raking them up into piles to dispose of.  Consider saving those leaves up and putting them in a compost bin. This will make great fertilizer later on. We're also here to help by providing all the services you'll need this fall to promote root growth and create a sustainable landscape around your property. Contact us now to learn more!  

By |2018-09-09T20:59:16+00:00September 9th, 2018|Categories: Feed Your Lawn|Tags: , , |Comments Off on Focus on Root Growth in the Fall

7 Tips for Fertilizing Your Lawn in the Fall

With milder temperatures and the need to prepare your landscape for the winter season, fall is the perfect time to fertilize your lawn. Plus, there is fall morning dew that helps add moisture to absorb the fertilizer. Everything you do in the fall can help your lawn make it through a harsh winter season, including giving it the food it needs to support root growth. Here are five tips for fertilizing your lawn as part of your lawn maintenance care during the fall months: Apply lawn fertilizer round two to three weeks before the ground is likely to freeze. You can look online for the frost date for your particular area and then plan accordingly. On average, that means applying fertilizer to your fall lawn around mid-October. Fertilize in the fall either in the morning or the early evening. Fall temperatures during the middle of the day can still be too warm, which could cause the fertilizer to burn the grass. Mow the lawn right before you plan to fertilize. When doing so, be sure to leave some of the grass clippings. This green material can help the roots. Do not fertilize before any scheduled rain. The rain will only cause the fertilizer to run off the lawn and work against your plan of fertilizing it. If it has recently rained, also wait until the grass blades appear dry and then you can apply the fertilizer. Continue mowing throughout the fall season but begin to drop the blade down the lowest setting as the fall season draws to a close. Aerate the soil as well to ensure that the fertilizer, water, and oxygen can reach the grass roots. This gets the essential nutrients where they need to be to further develop a deep root system for your lawn. Use a crank-style fertilizer spreader or a walk-behind drop spreader to make sure the fertilizer evenly covers your entire lawn and doesn't miss any spots.  That consistency will give all the lawn roots a fighting chance throughout the winter and into spring. To get professional assistance with your fall lawn fertilizing for your commercial landscape, be sure to contact us today!

By |2018-09-04T18:41:36+00:00September 4th, 2018|Categories: Fertilize|Tags: , |Comments Off on 7 Tips for Fertilizing Your Lawn in the Fall

Make Sure Your Lawn is Ready for Labor Day Celebrations

Labor Day weekend, which is September 1st through September 3rd this year, is the unofficial end to summer and often filled with end-of-summer barbecues and fun. Whether you are hosting a customer event at your business or an employee picnic, you want to make sure your lawn and outdoor space is ready for the Labor Day celebration. Here are some tips to consdier for your lawn care and maintenance as well as any other landscaping featured around your commercial space: Lawn and landscape maintenance isn't just about aesthetics. You also need to think about safety. Look for any holes in your lawn or uneven surfaces that should be filled in so no one twists an ankle or takes a fall.  Add in topsoil to fill these holes and levels the surface. If you start looking for these holes a week or so in advance, you can also add some grass seed and water to get the grass growing in those areas again. If pressed for time, you can also add in pieces of sod to level out areas of your lawn. Look for anything that might annoy guests, such as prickly branches, weeds, and pests. If there is still a few weeks, consider hiring a pest control service as well as a company that can remove all the weeds and prickly branches. Don't forget to feed and aerae yuor lawn. This feeding should be in place for every six to eight weeks. This will help keep it looking green and vibrant. Plus, it will give it strength to withstand all the shoes, chairs, tables, and tents you put on it during your Labor Day event. Maintain a structured watering and mowing process for your lawn to also give it strength Lastly, don't forget to look for any signs of doggy-do-do prior to your event. And, when the Labor Day celebration is over, you'll most likely have to give that lawn a little love. After all the food, rugs, feet, and action, you'll need to consider if the lawn needs any re-seeding or manicuring. Contact us today to get some special care for your commercial lawn and landscaping before and after your Labor Day festivities.

By |2018-08-27T17:37:02+00:00August 27th, 2018|Categories: Lawn Care|Tags: , |Comments Off on Make Sure Your Lawn is Ready for Labor Day Celebrations

Lawns Need to Be Watered Regularly in the Summer

As the temperatures continue to soar, it's important to have a regular summer watering schedule for your lawn to ensure it can thrive and grow throughout the year. Here are some tips on how to water your lawn during the summer season: You don't need to water your lawn every day in the summer despite thinking it will help in the hot weather. What happens is that the lawn gets over-watered and starts to die. Get to know the soil properties of the area you live in. This tells you a lot about how to water your lawn in the summer and throughout the year. This is because water tends to penetrate soils differently. For example, it is more likely to penetrate sandy or loose soil than clay-based soil.  The water should penetrate six to eight inches below the ground surface. Check your overall irrigation system for your lawn to identify any places where water is not regularly reaching that portion of your lawn. Any dry spots will tell you where you need to make changes to your irrigation. Think about what type of grass you have in your lawn as this will also tell you more about how to water it. For example, Tall Fescue has a deep root system. This means it has the highest drought tolerance of all cool-season turf types. Then, Kentucky Bluegrass goes dormant during a drought. Warm-season grasses, which include Zoysia, St. Augustine, Bermuda, and Centipede, tend to thrive in warm conditions. They have a deep root system and require approximately 20% less water than cool-season lawn grasses. The age of your lawn is also an important consideration for determining irrigation frequency. While all lawns need consistent moisture, you need to proceed with caution on newly-planted lawns. Don't rely on rainfall. Instead, you'll need to provide supplemental irrigation during the first year of growth to ensure it develops that deep root system. Focus your watering times on early morning or late afternoon/evening when the sun is not scorching the grass or adding to the water evaporation. As a commercial landscape and maintenance company that is focused on helping local businesses enjoy healthy, beautiful outdoor spaces, we are here to help with your lawn care needs. Contact us today and we'll keep your lawn looking lush and green throughout all seasons.

By |2018-08-19T19:56:19+00:00August 19th, 2018|Categories: Lawn Care|Tags: , , |Comments Off on Lawns Need to Be Watered Regularly in the Summer

Our Expert Staff Can Re-Design Your Entire Landscape

Whether it's an office building, hotel, or retail location, it's important to consider how the outside of your company can reflect the inside. Plus, in doing your part for the local community, you want to ensure that you are being water-wise and offering a pleasant aesthetic to enhance how your city looks to residents and visitors. Our commercial landscaping services can help develop or re-design your entire landscape area whether it is expansive or just minimal in an urban setting. We create some of the most incredible outdoor environments you have ever seen. Hardscapes We offer a wide range of hardscape services for our commercial landscape design. These include: Walkways and sidewalks, using concrete, stone, pavers, and brick features Driveways Seating areas Retaining walls Fencing Water features Planters Bike racks Lighting Lighting is a key feature that many companies forget about it. This feature adds interest and keeps the property well-lit for security and advertising purposes during the evening and overnight hours. Also, lighting can help guide visitors in the evening hours to your front door. We offer LED bulbs, which are an efficient lighting solution for commercial properties. Also, low-voltage lighting solutions are an economical lighting solution. All types of fixture options are available to fit your architecture and landscape design. Sod, Plant, and Flower Installation From fresh grass and artificial turf to plants, flowers, and bedding, we offer a full range of commercial landscape installation services. Our commercial landscape designers create and oversee the installation and replacement of flowers, shrubs, and trees. Adding bright colors, shade, and natural ambiance provide a way to have a stunning look for your business. Drought-Tolerant, Water-Conscious Landscape Design With a greater focus on sustainability and environmental practices, it's important to consider this within your commercial landscape design. That's why we are able to come and provide recommendations on how to reduce water consumption through the use of artificial turf as well as drought-tolerant plants and landscape features, including crushed granite and other types of rock and gravel designs. Other Services Also, we offer commercial landscape maintenance services for mowing, trimming, fertilizing, and irrigating your landscape. Additionally, we have a pest control service to ensure no pests ruin that beautiful commercial landscape design. Contact us today to find out what we can do for your commercial landscape!    

By |2018-08-12T16:12:52+00:00August 12th, 2018|Categories: Landscape Design|Tags: , , |Comments Off on Our Expert Staff Can Re-Design Your Entire Landscape

First Impressions Count: Add Attractive Landscaping to the Front of Your Business

An unattractive entrance to your business is not inviting to potential new clients. It may send the message that your business is not concerned with the details, which prospects may think will then apply to them. Instead, they would rather work with a company that takes pride in itself. That first impression counts. Here are the basics of what defines good commercial landscape design: Gain Customer’s Interest Your commercial landscape should add interest and encourage them to stay awhile. For example, consider adding things like benches, picnic tables, and water features. Direct Traffic Flow You don't want your customers or prospects to be confused about where to enter your business. You can use landscaping to direct traffic flow right to your front door. Use decorative concrete lined by plants or flowers to lead the way. Accent Architecture Make sure the landscape fits your building's style. This will highlight architectural features and blend the natural with the structure in an aesthetic way. Convey the Right Message Your business and your building have a brand so your landscape should reflect that. Is that message about sustainability, fun, professionalism, or forward thinking?  This may mean dancing water features for fun or native grasses and wildflowers for sustainability-focused buildings. Conserve Water and Energy Now, more than ever, conservation is a critical part of commercial landscape design. You also want to present yourself as a socially conscious, environmentally friendly business. The landscape can provide shade to the building. If possible, you can also consider adding a "green" roof or roof-top garden, which can lower heating and cooling costs. Think About the Future When thinking about commercial landscape design, consider how it might landscape as it matures. This is important when deciding where to place trees and shrubs, which will change scale over time. Also, think about the type of maintenance that your commercial landscape design will require, weighing the cost and time needed to keep it looking beautiful. Work with a Professional Commercial Landscape Company Chose Pugh's Earthworks to carefully sculpt your landscape. They can select the best plants and have expert designers that make good use of space, accommodating the look of your company's building and surrounding area. Contact us today!

By |2018-08-05T20:13:14+00:00August 5th, 2018|Categories: Landscape Design|Tags: , , |Comments Off on First Impressions Count: Add Attractive Landscaping to the Front of Your Business
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