Transform Your Commercial Space with Expert Landscape Design

Pugh's Earthworks In the competitive world of commercial property, first impressions matter more than you might think. One of the most impactful ways to enhance your property’s appeal is through professional landscape design. Whether you are a commercial property owner, landscaper, or facility manager, understanding the importance of commercial landscape design consultation can be a game-changer. In this blog post, we will explore the significance of hiring expert landscape designers, the benefits of sustainable landscaping, and the steps involved in the commercial landscape design process. By the end, you will have a comprehensive understanding of how to elevate your commercial property and enhance its value. The Art of Commercial Landscape Design Commercial landscape design is not just about planting trees and mowing lawns. It is an intricate art that combines aesthetics, functionality, and sustainability to create spaces that are pleasing to the eye while serving practical purposes. A well-designed landscape can boost employee morale, attract customers, and significantly increase property value. Why Professional Consultation with the Pugh's Earthworks team Matters Professional landscape designers bring a wealth of knowledge and experience to the table. Our team can assess your property’s unique characteristics, understand your specific needs, and create a tailored plan that maximizes both beauty and utility. Their expertise ensures that every plant, walkway, and water feature is strategically placed for optimal impact. Enhancing Property Value Through Design The Pugh's Earthworks well-executed landscape design can dramatically increase your property's market value. Potential tenants and buyers are often willing to pay a premium for properties with attractive and well-maintained outdoor spaces. Investing in professional landscape design is not just about immediate visual appeal; it is a long-term investment in your property’s value. The Benefits of Sustainable Landscaping Sustainable landscaping is becoming increasingly important in commercial properties. It involves designing and maintaining landscapes in a way that conserves resource, reduces waste, and supports the local ecosystem. This approach not only benefits the environment but also offers numerous advantages for property owners. Environmental Impact Sustainable landscape design promotes biodiversity, conserves water, and reduces pollution. By choosing native plants and eco-friendly materials, you can create a landscape that supports local wildlife and minimizes your environmental footprint. Sustainable practices like rainwater harvesting and composting further enhance the ecological benefits. Cost Savings While the initial investment in sustainable landscaping may be higher, it pays off in the long run. Native plants require less water and maintenance, reducing your utility bills and upkeep costs. Energy-efficient lighting and irrigation systems also contribute to significant savings over time. Community Appeal A commitment to sustainability can enhance your property's reputation and appeal. Eco-conscious consumers and businesses are more likely to support and engage with properties that prioritize environmental responsibility. Sustainable landscapes can become a selling point that sets your property apart from the competition. Steps of the Commercial Landscape Design Process Understanding the commercial landscape design process is crucial for successful implementation. Here is a step-by-step guide to help you navigate this complex yet rewarding journey. Initial Consultation The process begins [...]

Outdoor Common Area Design: A Guide for Commercial Property Owners and Urban Planners

Pugh's Earthworks In the realm of commercial property development and urban planning, the functionality of Outdoor Common Area Design is pivotal in defining the character and appeal of spaces. Whether it is an outdoor hospital common area that provides a serene retreat for visitors and patients, an inviting and vibrant outdoor HOA common area, or a meticulously planned outdoor retail center common area that enhances shopping experiences, Pugh's Earthworks understands the design of these spaces demands thoughtful consideration. This guide aims to offer valuable insights and strategies for commercial property owners, urban planners, and HOA members who are looking to elevate outdoor common areas in various settings, including hotels, parks, and industrial centers. Understanding the Role of Outdoor Common Areas Outdoor common areas serve as communal hubs that foster social interactions, relaxation, and connectivity with nature. These spaces can significantly impact the perceived value and functionality of commercial properties. From outdoor hotel common areas that offer guests a tranquil oasis to outdoor park common areas that encourage community engagement and physical activity, the benefits of well-designed outdoor spaces are manifold. Key Principles of Effective Outdoor Common Area Design Sustainable Design and Green Infrastructure - Incorporating sustainable design principles and green infrastructure is no longer optional; it is a necessity. Sustainable design in outdoor common areas focuses on minimizing environmental impact through the use of eco-friendly materials, energy-efficient lighting, and water-conserving landscapes. Green infrastructure, including permeable pavements, rain gardens, and green roofs, plays a crucial role in managing stormwater, reducing urban heat islands, and enhancing biodiversity. Versatility and Flexibility - Outdoor common areas should cater to a wide range of activities and functions. This can be achieved by incorporating versatile furniture, movable planters, and modular elements that can be easily reconfigured to accommodate events, gatherings, or simply provide varied seating and interaction opportunities. Accessibility and Inclusivity - Ensuring that outdoor common areas are accessible and inclusive is paramount. This includes adhering to ADA guidelines, providing ample seating and shade, and designing spaces that are navigable and comfortable for individuals of all ages and abilities. Incorporating tactile and sensory elements can also enhance the experience for users with disabilities. Connection to Nature - Biophilic design principles, which seek to connect individuals more closely to nature, have been shown to improve mental well-being, reduce stress, and increase overall happiness. Incorporating natural elements, such as water features, native plants, and trees, into outdoor common areas can create more healthful and restorative environments. Case Studies and Best Practices Outdoor Hospital Common Area: Hospitals have reported great benefits from redesigned outdoor common areas to include healing gardens, walking paths, and meditation spaces. This transformation leads to improved patient outcomes and staff satisfaction, showcasing the power of nature in healthcare environments. Outdoor HOA Common Area: HOAs have reported tremendous improvements in their common areas by introducing community gardens, a multipurpose sports court, and shaded pavilions, fostering a stronger sense of community and encouraging outdoor recreation among residents. Outdoor Retail Center Common Area: Retail Centers report a redesigned outdoor space to include [...]

When it comes to your Commercial Property, hire us to Highlight Building Architecture Using Landscaping!

Pugh's Earthworks Landscape design can be used to highlight architectural details in your garden. This can transform a commercial building into a work of art, or even turn the courtyard into a work of art. Landscaping with plants that complement the architecture and materials used in the building will draw attention to these details and make them stand out in a positive way. In this article we discuss ways that Pugh's Earthworks is trained to Highlight Building Architecture Using Landscaping.  When you are highlighting building architecture, think about the overall look of the structure. Do you want to use plants and flowers that reflect its color or design? Or would you prefer something more subtle? You can also consider using plants with complimentary colors, which will create contrast without being too jarring for viewers. When it comes to landscaping around a building, trees and shrubs are often used as a backdrop and provide privacy from neighboring properties. Trees should be placed far enough away from buildings so that they won't interfere with them if they grow over time. Groundcovers like grasses can be used underneath trees as well as between other plantings; this provides insulation from cold temperatures in winter months but still allows for plenty of sunlight throughout spring through autumn periods when there are no leaves on trees yet. When it comes to landscaping around a building, trees and shrubs are often used as a backdrop and provide privacy from neighboring properties. Plants and Flowers to reflect the building's architecture. Use plants and flowers that are native to the area. If you are working on a building in a city, use plants that grow well in that climate. If your building is on sandy soil, then choose plants that do not require much water to survive (like cacti). Do not plant trees whose roots might damage underground pipes or cables when they grow too large! Choose appropriate landscaping materials for your water source--and remember: if it rains all the time where you live, then there's no point investing money into an elaborate irrigation system! While you want to create a garden that is complementary to your building, it is also important not to overwhelm the structure with too many plants. To avoid this, we recommend creating a color scheme by using plants and flowers with complimentary colors. Use purple flowers such as lilacs or bluebells if your building has dark green siding on it. Use red tulips alongside brick walls; although these two items do not match exactly (red vs brown), they are still similar enough in hue so as not to clash when placed next each other on purpose. Highlight Building Architecture Plants The plants you choose should be in contrast to the building's color, material, and texture. If the building is white or light colored with a smooth surface, use plants with dark foliage and/or bark. If your building has a rough texture add soft looking plants such as ferns or grasses that are not too tall, [...]

Xeriscaping is One of the Many Design Jobs that we Specialize in!

Pugh's Earthworks Xeriscaping is a sustainable landscaping technique that uses plants that require little or no supplemental water once they are established. Xeriscaping focuses on using plants that have a low water requirement and attract beneficial insects to the garden. Plants used in xeriscaping include succulents, cacti, meadow rue, sagebrush and yucca. Grasses used in xeriscaping include buffalo grass and saw-tooth oak. Flowering shrubs and trees that work well for xeriscaping include aloe vera, hibiscus and coral bean. Rocks used in a xeriscape are typically smaller than those used in other types of landscaping because they do not retain as much heat. It is an environmentally friendly landscaping technique. It involves using native plants and rocks to create a landscape that requires less maintenance and water, thereby conserving natural resources. Xeriscaping can reduce your carbon footprint by reducing your use of fossil fuels and pesticides. You will also be contributing to the health of our planet by reducing storm water runoff into rivers, streams and lakes (which often contains chemicals from household products). Implementing this landscaping technique requires using native plants, mulch and rock to create a garden that requires less watering. The term "xeriscape" comes from the Greek word xeros, which means dry or parched. It's also known as water-conserving landscaping or environmentally friendly landscaping. Xeriscaping focuses on using plants that require little or no supplemental water once they are established. Plants that attract beneficial insects to the garden, such as butterfly bush (Buddleia) and trumpet creeper (Campsis radicans), can be used in xeriscaping. These plants also provide food for birds, bees and other pollinators. Xeriscape gardens may include some plants with a low water requirement such as native grasses and succulents like sedum or sempervivum. Xeriscaping is an environmentally friendly way to landscape a yard. It uses native plants and hardy shrubs, which can withstand the region’s extreme weather conditions without requiring much maintenance. Xeriscape also requires less water than traditional landscaping because it does not use any natural or man-made materials such as mulch or fertilizer. Xeriscaping is a type of landscaping that focuses on using plants that require little or no supplemental water once they are established. Plants that attract beneficial insects to the garden, such as butterfly bush (Buddleia) and trumpet creeper (Campsis radicans), can be used in xeriscaping. These plants also provide food for birds, bees and other pollinators. Xeriscape gardens may include some plants with a low water requirement such as native grasses and succulents like sedum or sempervivum.[1] Xeriscaping is an environmentally friendly way to landscape a yard. It uses native plants and hardy shrubs, which can withstand the region’s extreme weather conditions without requiring much water. Xeriscaping uses plants that have a low water requirement and attract beneficial insects to the garden. Xeriscaping is a landscaping technique that uses plants that have a low water requirement and attract beneficial insects to the garden. The goal of xeriscaping is to create an environment that requires little maintenance, while also protecting our environment [...]

Pond Construction and Maintenance

Pugh's Earthworks Pugh's Earthworks offers a variety of Pond Construction and Maintenance Services. We have been working in the industry for over 30 years now and have helped many clients like you who wanted quality work done at a fair price. Our services are also available for commercial properties, hospitals, schools and other places where their ponds need proper maintenance. The popularity of commercial property ponds has increased significantly in recent years, as property have become more aware of the benefits they provide. Residential ponds are usually smaller than those found on commercial properties and are often created by landscapers or homeowners who want to add a special touch to their landscape. These types of ponds generally require less maintenance because they are not used as heavily, but they still need regular attention so that they continue functioning properly. Commercial aeration systems should be installed at all times if your business has a pond on its premises; this will keep it clean and prevent algae growth from occurring over time! If you are interested in learning more about how we can help keep your property clean year-round--and ensure its longevity--call us today! Commercial ponds are often larger than those found at residential properties and require a more thorough maintenance schedule. This is because they are exposed to heavier traffic and more wear-and-tear than their smaller counterparts, which can cause them to accumulate debris over time. The presence of algae can be especially problematic in large ponds or lakes because it makes the water cloudy and discolored; if left unattended for too long, it may even pose a safety risk! Commercial Aeration Systems Aeration is the process of introducing air into water. The goal is to increase the amount of dissolved oxygen in your pond, which improves its health and helps prevent fish from dying from lack of oxygen (hypoxia). Commercial aeration systems are designed for large ponds that need more than one skimmer unit or submersible pump to keep them healthy and clean. They're often used in koi ponds, which can hold thousands or even millions of gallons of water; however, if you have a smaller backyard pond that doesn't require this much attention--say 100 square feet or less--you can still benefit from using an aerator on occasion to boost its overall health. Benefits include: Reduced water temperature. Stabilized oxygen levels (ponds without aeration can become stagnant) Prevention of fish disease and death from hypoxia. Reduced algae growth. Improved water clarity (including the removal of green water). Ponds have become a popular way to add value, beauty and interest to commercial properties. Not only can ponds be used as water features, but they also provide an opportunity for fishing or other recreational activities. In addition to these benefits, ponds can be used to control noise and improve air quality around your commercial property. Ponds can be used for a variety of purposes. They are often used as water features, but they can also serve as a place to fish or [...]

We Design Beautiful and Functional Commercial Landscapes!

Pugh's Earthworks Pugh's Earthworks is a full-service landscape company providing design, installation and maintenance services for commercial applications. Our experienced team can help you create the perfect space with a variety of options to meet your needs including Commercial Landscape Design. We can help you to create the perfect space for your building, whether it is an office park or industrial facility. Our experienced team has been in business since 1992, so you can trust us to do this job right. Our extensive portfolio includes: Commercial Landscape Design (including sketch plans) Commercial Landscape Hardscape Design (paver patios & walkways) Commercial Landscape Retainer Wall Design (stone walls & block walls) Commercial Landscape Sprinkler Design (irrigation systems)  Commercial Landscape Flower Bed Design (flower beds) Commercial Landscape Fence Design (with stone or wood) Commercial Landscape Lighting Design (lighting systems) Commercial Landscape Paving Design (paving around buildings) Commercial Landscape Water Feature Design (water features & ponds) Commercial Landscape Irrigation System Maintenance Commercial Landscape Maintenance (mowing, edging & weed control) Commercial Landscape Construction (installation of hardscapes) We can also help you with any general landscaping needs that you may have. Our commercial landscape design process begins with a consultation. During this meeting, we will discuss your needs and expectations, as well as any goals or objectives you have for the project. We will take notes during this initial meeting and use them to create an outline for our proposal. Your proposal will include a detailed description of what we plan to do, how much it will cost and how long it will take (based on our past experience). Pugh's Earthworks has been a premier provider of quality landscaping services since 1992. Our staff has many years of experience working with both private sector clients as well as government entities such as town governments and public schools' systems. Our mission is to provide the highest quality landscaping services available. Our skilled team of professionals will work with you to create a unique landscape design that meets your needs, fits in with your budget and enhances the beauty of your property. We are a full-service landscape company providing design, installation and maintenance services for commercial applications. We specialize in commercial landscapes throughout the Mid-South with offices in Memphis, Jackson, Nashville, Little Rock and Southaven. Pugh’s Earthworks has been a premier provider of quality landscaping services since 1992. Again, our staff has many years of experience working with both private sector clients as well as government entities such as town governments and public schools' systems. Our mission is to provide the highest quality landscaping services available. Our skilled team of professionals will work with you to create a unique landscape design and will keep in mind the budget constraints agreed to. The end result will be a professionally completed project that enhances the beauty of your property. We are a full-service landscape company providing design, installation and maintenance services for commercial applications. We specialize in commercial landscapes throughout the Mid-South. Our experienced team can help you create the [...]

Prepare Your Commercial Property for Spring with Help from Pugh’s Earthworks

Pugh's Earthworks Spring is here, and you're itching to get outside and do some Spring Commercial Landscape Preparation! But before you start planting, there are a few important things that need to be done first. Lawns need to be mowed, weeds should be pulled, and flower beds need to be prepared. As a general rule of thumb, it's best not to plant anything directly into dirt; it's better for your plants' health if you add compost or soil amendments beforehand. This way the nutrients in the compost can work their way down into the root system before any plants go in. In this article we'll cover how to prep your flower beds for spring planting! Pugh's Earthworks Spring Commercial Landscape Preparation Pugh's Earthworks is a commercial landscaping company located in the Memphis area. We have been designing and installing commercial flower beds for over 30 years and have a great reputation in the community. We are recognized as a premiere Commercial Landscaping Firm in the Mid-South Region. with offices in Memphis, Nashville, Jackson, Littlerock and Southaven, we service many businesses. Pugh's Earthworks offers many services including: Designing custom flower beds for businesses and municipalities Building new flower beds from scratch or repairing existing ones Installing new plants or replacing old ones with healthier versions of the same plant Purchasing new plants from local nurseries and having them installed in our flower beds We also offer maintenance services for all of your commercial or residential landscaping needs. If you need a new flower bed installed, or an existing one repaired or maintained, please contact us today. Commercial Flower Bed Design & Installation The following are some examples of commercial flower bed designs and installations: Flower beds around a business building can be designed to accentuate the architecture or add color to an otherwise bland facade. They can also provide privacy by creating a screen between the parking lot and store front, or they can be used to create interest in an otherwise uninteresting space. Residential landscaping is often very different from commercial landscaping because homeowners have more freedom when it comes to what kinds of plants are allowed on their property. However, there are still some design principles that apply across both types of work: The goal should always be to create something beautiful without being too overwhelming (or underwhelming). The most important thing to consider when designing a flower bed is the location. You should take into account the light and shade in your yard, as well as any other features such as trees or shrubs that may already be there. Also, remember that people will be walking on top of your beds so they need to be sturdy enough to support someone’s weight. It’s also important to think about the overall feel of your yard. Are you trying to create a lush tropical paradise or a simple, clean look? This will help guide you in deciding what plants are best for your space. If you’re not sure where to [...]

Speak with a Pugh’s Earthworks Professional When Shopping for a Top Commerical Landscaping Firm

Pugh's Earthworks Pugh's Earthworks is a Top Commercial Landscaping Firm in Memphis, TN. We have many offerings to our clients, including Commercial Landscaping, Landscape Design, Water Features, Outdoor Lighting, Irrigation Systems and Retaining Walls Installation. Our team of professionals will work with you to create an outdoor space that meets all of your needs and fits within your budget. Commercial Landscaping Commercial landscaping is the installation of plants and other materials in a manner that is aesthetically pleasing, functional, and practical. This type of landscaping can be used to increase property value by creating an attractive environment for customers and employees alike. Commercial landscaping can also help save money on heating costs by providing shade during hot summer months or insulation against cold winter winds. It is important to note that not all companies involved with commercial landscaping are the same; some specialize in specific areas such as irrigation systems or tree trimming while others offer full-service packages including everything from tree planting to mulching removal services at one low price per month. Landscape Design Landscape design is the process of planning, designing and implementing a landscape. Landscape designers create outdoor spaces that are aesthetically pleasing, functional and sustainable. Landscape design is a creative process that integrates horticulture and design principles to create outdoor spaces that respond to their setting while also addressing client needs. It involves site analysis, research into available resources (including climate), observation of existing conditions on-site as well as off-site research into similar projects elsewhere in order to inform your vision for this particular project. A good designer should consider all aspects of sustainability when designing your space such as using native plants where possible; sourcing materials locally if at all possible; reducing energy consumption through passive solar gain or other means such as rainwater harvesting systems; incorporating rain gardens into existing lawn areas so they do not have to be irrigated during drought seasons. Top Commercial Landscaping Firm Water Features Water features are another great way to create a relaxing environment, and they can also be used to create a focal point in the landscape. A water feature can filter rainwater, helping it to infiltrate into the soil where it will benefit plants instead of running off into rivers or storm drains. A water feature can make a statement by itself; however, if you have limited space and budget for an elaborate design then consider using only part of the idea: perhaps just adding some pots with plants around your existing pond or installing an outdoor fountain near your front door so people see it when they arrive at your home. Outdoor Lighting Use lighting to highlight certain features of your landscape, create a dramatic effect or create an outdoor dining experience. Lighting can be used to highlight certain features of the landscape, such as trees and plants. This will make them appear more prominent in relation to other areas of the garden and help visitors understand what you want them to notice first when they enter your [...]

Pugh’s Earthworks is a Premier, Reliable and Trusted Commercial Landscaping Firm

Pugh's Earthworks Pugh's Earthworks is a premier, reliable and trusted Commercial Landscaping Firm in the Mid- South. Our major markets include Memphis, Nashville, Jackson TN, Littlerock and Southaven MS. We provide a wide range of Commercial Landscaping services all backed by our 100% customer satisfaction guarantee. When you trust your valuable commercial property to Pugh's Earthworks, you will be in the best position to keep your property looking pristine and staying healthy. We have customers with all types of landscapes and terrains. We service Hospitals, Cemetaries, Retail Shopping Centers, Industrial Properties and Office Complexes to name a few so you can image that each one offers unique challenges. Properties with steep terrains often require that our team build retaining walls to prevent the erosion of the lawn or flower beds. Some of the markets Pugh's Earthworks serves are hilly for example Littlerock and Memphis. There are several steps involved in building a retaining wall. The Pugh's Earthworks team is trained to build and to repair existing retaining walls. The typical steps involved to build a retaining wall typically include most of the following key steps and processes: Prepare a Trench - This is step one of the critical steps. In order to have a blueprint of where to dig, the area must be staked and marked with a Mason's Line. Add Drainage - Pugh's will use the proper drainpipe to allow for water to flow around the wall. Improper drainage will cause water to collect behind the wall which over time will cause it to weaken. Begin the Construction - The base blocks will be installed correctly so that as the wall is built it should have a natural lean into the hill and not lean away from the hill. Install Landscaping - This may not seem like a mission critical step, but actually it is very important. A major concern is the size of the plant or small tree. Depending on the variety, Pugh's Earthworks will know the proper planting distance from the wall to prevent the roots causing any damage to the wall's structural soundness. Existing Retaining Walls that have weakened over time need to be addressed as well. The Pugh's team is skilled at making repairs to holes in mortar, loose bricks, damaged drainage and other times of obvious problems. Click Now for Free Consultation       Landscaping & Lawn Maintenance for Institutional Clients This broad sector of properties includes churches, hospitals, country clubs, colleges and government branches. Of the many Memphis commercial properties, we have been proud to service for a decade or more, a large number of them are institutional facilities. The key to our longevity: developing strong relationships, evolving with our clients’ changing needs and helping them to continue to grow the value of the commercial properties they own, manage and occupy. We provide landscape design and installation services, commercial landscape maintenance services and water management services for these institutional facilities to ensure they’re running at peak performance at all times. [...]

Pugh’s Earthworks Creates Gorgeous Landscapes in Nashville TN

Pugh’s Earthworks Pugh’s Earthworks offers commercial landscape design, installation and maintenance. We provide Nashville, Tennessee Commercial Landscaping and are one of the leading companies in that market. Our Nashville facility is located at 2312 Winford Ave., Nashville, TN 37211. You can call us at (615) 251-1700. We originally opened for business in 1992. Since that time, we have worked to demonstrate our commitment to quality, integrity and superior service. Pugh’s Earthworks specializes in commercial grounds management for office buildings, apartments, condominiums and HOA’s common areas. We handle numerous commercial clients in the Memphis area, including some notable hotels, hospitals, churches, colleges and HOA managed properties. We are a large firm and can handle projects of any size. Even though our firm has grown quickly over the past 25 years, we have always worked to maintain the same great values we had, when we were just a small, up and coming landscape company. Pugh’s Earthworks offers commercial and residential landscape design, installation and maintenance. We are one of the leading commercial landscape firms in the city of Nashville, Tennessee. Our Nashville facility is located at 2312 Winford Ave., Nashville, TN 37211. You can call us at (615) 251-1700. We originally opened for business in 1992. Since that time, we have worked to demonstrate our commitment to quality, integrity and superior service. Pugh’s Earthworks specializes in commercial grounds management for office buildings, apartments, condominiums and HOA’s common areas. We handle numerous commercial clients in the Memphis area, including some notable hotels, hospitals, churches, colleges and HOA managed properties. We are a large firm and can handle projects of any size. Even though our firm has grown quickly over the past 25 years, we have always worked to maintain the same great values we had, when we were just a small, up and coming landscape company. Nashville Landscape Maintenance, Nashville Lawn Maintenance Pugh’s Earthworks is one of the Mid-South’ s leading commercial landscape installation and maintenance companies. Pugh’s Earthworks provides the highest quality landscaping services available. We are Memphis landscape maintenance experts. Our team is committed to acting with the utmost of integrity with our business operations and for clients and the communities we serve. Every job we do is backed by our 100% customer satisfaction guarantee. We are one of the largest landscape design, installation and maintenance firms in the Mid-South area. Our clients include some of the premier office buildings, hotels, hospitals, churches and cemeteries in the cities we operate. In addition to the commercial customers we serve, we also provide landscape services for Homeowners Associations, Condo Owners Associations and individual residential homeowners as well. Our staff has years of experience and can handle projects of any size.     Pugh's Earthworks Nashville Commercial Landscaping Pugh’s Earthworks was originally started by Mark Pugh. Our firm has been in business since 1992. Over the past 25 years, we have grown rapidly. In all that time and throughout all that growth, we have remained true to our motto, Big Company Strength, [...]

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