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Do’s and Don’ts of Summer Landscaping

When it comes to each season of the year, there are things you want to do and avoid with landscaping. In following these rules of landscaping, you'll find that certain actions promote the beauty and growth of a lawn, greenery, and flowers while others don't. To help your own landscape this summer, here are some do's and don'ts, starting with your summer lawn. DO think ahead when it comes to fertilizing your lawn. Planning a specific time for it will make sure you feed it appropriately and maintain its lush look the whole year round.  DO use organic lawn food that offers the best nutrients for your lawn. Read all the directions before putting it on your lawn. DON'T burn your lawn by putting down fertilizer when it is hot and dry. Be sure to add plenty of water to keep the grass moist when fertilizing. If too hot outside, it's better to wait on fertilizing your lawn. DON'T let your lawn go dormant by letting the grass die down. It takes a lot to make it come back. Or, it may not come back at all. That will mean more money and time you don't want to spend. Now, let's look at your entire summer landscape for some other tips: DO have a plan for what to plant and where. Think about what gets sun and shade as well as where water can automatically reach your plants and flowers. Then, plant accordingly. This plan will save you money and increase the chances of a beautiful look. DON'T overdo what you are planting. Keep it natural with the flowers, trees, and plants as well as accessories like pathways and fountains rather than put too much. DO try something new like a different type of flower or shrub to add new interest to your overall aesthetic. DO use drought-tolerant plants and look to add as much as possible that doesn't require as much water. DO bring in a specialist or professional for your commercial landscape so you can enjoy the look without having to do all the work. Contact us today to learn more!      

By |2018-07-27T20:52:17+00:00July 27th, 2018|Categories: Landscaping|Comments Off on Do’s and Don’ts of Summer Landscaping

Monthly Service Programs

At Pugh's Earthworks, we offer a number of monthly service programs that are designed to keep your commercial property looking beautiful. Here are the options: Commercial Landscaping Monthly Services Since 1992, we have offered landscape and lawn maintenance for commercial customers in Memphis as well as in Nashville, TN; Southaven, MS; Jackson, TN; and Little Rock, AK.  Commercial lawn and landscaping services are offered for apartments, condominiums, shopping centers, office buildings and complexes, cemeteries, hospitals, hotels, and motels, etc. The monthly commercial landscaping service includes bed and lawn maintenance, weed control, irrigation, and pest control. It can also include landscape design when there is a need to develop a new area of commercial property or redo what was already there. Monthly Lawn Maintenance Services Sometimes, you may only need to have a lawn cared for, so we also offer a monthly service program that does just that. It includes mowing, pruning, trimming, lawn feeding, and leaf blowing. This ensures a beautiful green and lush lawn the whole year round to keep your commercial property looking its best. Monthly Pest Control Services We have expanded our monthly service offerings to include pest control for commercial and residential properties. We have the necessary certifications in compliance with state regulations to prevent, eliminate, and exclude pests from commercial properties, inside and out. These common pests include mosquitos, flies, bedbugs, rodents, roaches, spiders and ants. The pests are treated with EPA approved, environmentally-friendly products to keep individuals and animals safe during all pest control services.  Snow and Ice Treatment Servies While you don't need this services the whole year round, it's good to have it during those harsh winter months. We can customize a snow and ice program that fits your commercial property needs. The multi-phase approach includes salt application before the storm hits. Once the snow and ice are on the ground, we have special trucks that are equipped with snow plows to help move the snow out of the way, including clearing parking lots around your facility. You can add this affordable snow and ice treatment service to your existing monthly program for added value and convenience. Contact us today to learn more about all of our monthly service programs.  

By |2018-07-21T16:19:21+00:00July 16th, 2018|Categories: Service Care|Tags: , , |Comments Off on Monthly Service Programs

Avoid Planting Trees and Shrubs in the Heat of Summer

Although you may want to plant the whole year round to keep your landscape looking beautiful, the weather is always a factor to consider that may stop you from doing so. That's because temperature extremes like severely cold or extremely hot are difficult for a new planting to handle. After all, they are just trying to take root and may be in shock with their new surroundings. Yes, plants, trees, and shrubs can undergo stress when placed in extreme conditions like excessive heat that occurs in the middle of summer. The heat can interfere with proper root development, causing the trees and shrubs to die. While you should avoid it, there are some ways to still do some planting in the middle of summer. First, do your planting in the evening and then water new plants after planting. You can also opt to do the planting on cloudy days. Then, use water bags and irrigation systems to ensure they have enough water so their roots can thrive even in the heat. The better times to plant trees and shrubs are early fall, late spring, and early summer. So, the next time to consider is early fall for your planting goals. It's a good idea to plant trees when they are dormant. Also, soak the shrub or tree in its pot before removing it to plant as this helps reduce the risk of damaging its tender roots. Provide good soil by adding a compost mixture and mulch after planting the tree or shrub. It can be challenging to plant trees and shrubs in a way that gives them a chance to grow and thrive. That's why we are here to help.  Contact us today to learn more about our planting, landscaping, and garden maintenance services.

By |2018-07-12T15:59:49+00:00July 12th, 2018|Categories: Planting Tips|Comments Off on Avoid Planting Trees and Shrubs in the Heat of Summer

Promoting Deep Root growth to Protect Grass From Dying in the Summer Months

Having a lawn with deep roots helps protect it when it gets so hot during those summer months. It's those deep roots that hold the water and keep the grass cooler so that it won't die out from the excessive heat. Here are some lawn maintenance tips to promote those deep roots for your lawn. Soil Start with cultivating the topsoil. Sandy loam or well-drained loam gives roots the ability to stretch out and grow. If you have sandy soil, know that it doesn’t retain water very well. That's when you will need to add organic matter, which delivers the necessary nutrients and increases water retention. Water Keep this soil moist. Grass needs at least an inch of water weekly. However, you don't need to water every day. It's actually infrequent watering that encourages deep root growth. Water must get below the root zone to help nourish the roots so they can become deeper. An automatic sprinkler system helps ensure that your lawn receives the right amount of water at the right time. Mowing Mow frequently and keep grass at the right height for the type of grass you have. For example, grass with large crowns or clumps, which is typically Kentucky bluegrass or tall fescue, should be mowed at a much taller height. In contrast, zoysia grass should have a shorter mowing. Whatever kind of grass you have, be sure to mow no more than one-third of the blade lengths at a time. This stimulates growth and protects the roots. Fertilizer Fertilize at the end of the growing season to achieve strong root growth. Slow-release fertilizers are often touted as the best for promoting the growth of the grass roots. AgriGro biostimulants have also been proven to increase root growth. This is because these substances help plants endure environmental stress better than those that were not treated. Other Maintenance You can also encourage strong roots by giving them plenty of room to grow. This means pulling any weeds, which have root systems that like to choke the roots of the grass. Plus, it involves periodic aeration, which allows air and water to reach the roots. Use a core aerator, which will reduce soil compaction. That way, the water can penetrate all the way down to the roots Be sure to also remove what is known as thatch by using a rake to clear this dead organic material and grass clippings from the soil. From following these tips, you'll most likely improve the chances of enjoying a lush green lawn throughout the summer.

By |2018-07-05T22:51:23+00:00July 5th, 2018|Categories: Lawn Care|Comments Off on Promoting Deep Root growth to Protect Grass From Dying in the Summer Months

The Benefits of Installing a Lawn Sprinkler System

When you have a lawn, one of the regular tasks is to ensure that it is watered properly. With a hectic life, you may not always remember what day or when you should water. That's why a lawn sprinkler system was invented. If you are debating whether a lawn sprinkler system would work for you and your lawn maintenance needs, consider these benefits: First, it automates lawn care for you. This makes it convenient because all you need to do is set the programmable timer and let the sprinkler system go to work caring for your lawn. This is especially ideal when you may be out of town for a week or longer. Also, it is consistent whereas you might miss spots when you manually water the lawn. Second, you'll actually use less water this way. For example, the sprinkler system can water your lawn at night thanks to the timer settings when it's coolest. This means the water won't evaporate like it would if you water in the heat of the day. That way, water is used effectively. Plus, doing it by the time means you won't go over the limit. Third, a sprinkler system is customized to your lawn needs. You can set it based on the size, type, and shape of your lawn. Also, you can use a variety of sprinkler types, including revolving, stationary, and oscillating. You can also adjust the sprinkler system so that it reaches other items in your garden or yard like plants, trees, hedges, and flowers. Fourth, a lawn sprinkler system just looks better and is safer than dragging a garden hose across the lawn. The sprinkler heads are low to the ground and do not take away from the aesthetics of your yard. Finally, a sprinkler system can add value to your home. Future homebuyers will appreciate that this convenient, efficient lawn care system has already been installed for them. If you need assistance with installing a sprinkler system for your lawn so you can take advantage of these benefits, contact us today!  

By |2018-06-19T15:52:05+00:00June 25th, 2018|Categories: Lawn Care|Tags: , , |Comments Off on The Benefits of Installing a Lawn Sprinkler System

Lawns Need to Be Watered Regularly in the Summer

In the heat of summer, your lawn is a lot like you. There is dehydration if not provided with enough water to stay cool and hydrated. In fact, a lack of water can be detrimental to all living things. The answer is to water frequently but don't overdo it. Here are our top lawn maintenance tips for watering your summer lawn: You don't have to water your lawn every day in the summer. I know it seems like you should but don't be tempted. It can lead to overwatering. Know your soil properties because water reacts differently to sandy soil versus to clay-based soil. Once you know what soil you are using, you can create a lawn watering system that addresses that type of soil in an effective way. Check how the water is penetrating your soil in different places because it will not be uniform throughout your lawn. After watering, dig holes to see how far down the water is gone. The ideal penetration is six to eight inches beneath the surface of the soil. Keep an eye on your sprinkler system to make sure everything is working and reaching across your entire lawn. You may need to adjust or repair the sprinklers throughout the summer season. Typically, a lawn needs at least one inch of water each week but more in the summer when the heat really impacts it. Try watering the day before you know you are going to mow the lawn. This will help prevent the tips of the grass turning brown because it will have the water to recover more quickly from being cut. Additionally, if you stick to the plan of watering deeply and less frequently, your lawn will develop drought-tolerant roots that help it survive and thrive even in hot weather. By watering earlier in the day before 10 a.m., you can also reduce the chance of the water evaporating before it really penetrates the soil. Plus, doing so reduces the risk of fungal growth. We're here to help, too. If you seek professional lawn care services, we can deliver consistent, knowledgeable lawn care maintenance for your property. Contact us today!

By |2018-06-13T23:53:32+00:00June 16th, 2018|Categories: Lawn Care|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on Lawns Need to Be Watered Regularly in the Summer

Change the Fertilizer Mix During the Heat of Summer

The summer heat brings a lot of stress to a lawn. The lawn can become parched and damaged from the summer sun and the extreme heat. Although it's easy to understand when a lawn loses its luster in winter months, most of us don't want the sun to shine down on a brown lawn in the summer months.  That's when it's time to think about fertilizing as part of our summer lawn maintenance. Don’t Over Fertilize You need to be careful about fertilizing in the summer. Applying too much during the heat of summer can actually harm your lawn. You will end up burning your existing lawn. Plus, If your lawn is looking straggly in midsummer, resist the urge to fertilize. And, it can lead to a significant amount of tender growth that will struggle in the heat and actually not make it. Why Fertilize in the Summer? When you fertilize conservatively in the summer, you'll be able to achieve some benefits for your lawn. For example, the right amount of fertilizer protects and strengthens a lawn against insects, heat stress, drought, and foot traffic. Use Organic Fertilizer When using fertilizer during hot summer months, opt for organic fertilizers. They are naturally slow-release. This means that they are less likely to burn your lawn compared to chemical fertilizers. Weed and Feed Fertilizer Since weeds are harder to kill in the summer because of their strong root system you can still cautiously apply a weed and feed fertilizer throughout the summer months of June, July, and August.  Look for those that contain nitrogen,  phosphorus, and potassium because this helps to promote a healthy lawn. Recycling Grass and Fertilizing Another option is to recycle your grass clippings as you mow your lawn. you can leave the grass clippings on the lawn to decompose. These clippings will recycle nutrients that will then serve as fertilizer during the summer months. This can actually reduce your use of chemicals on your lawn, which then reduces the risk of overfertilizing while providing a green lawn even during those heat waves. Contact Us Contact us today to find out how we can help with your summer lawn to keep it green and healthy even during the heat of summer.

By |2018-06-08T20:23:00+00:00June 8th, 2018|Categories: Fertilize|Tags: , , |Comments Off on Change the Fertilizer Mix During the Heat of Summer

Heat Can Significantly Impact Your Lawn

Heat doesn't just wear on us; it also has an adverse impact on nature, including plants, flowers, and lawns. However, you can still enjoy a healthy lawn even in the midst of extreme summer heat. Don't Mow Your Lawn Too Short It's a common mistake to mow a lawn too short. When this happens and it's hot, your lawn suffers and turns brown. This is because the lawn is restricted on how much energy it can produce for growth. However, if you don't trim it too short, then the grass can develop stronger roots. And, it's those stronger roots that support plants that can tolerate the stress that heat puts on it during the summer months. Use the One-Third Rule To determine the correct height to cut your grass, apply the “one-third” rule. This rule says never remove more than one-third of the grass height at one time. This keeps the lawn cooler because it removes less plant tissue. For example, if you normally cut your lawn at 2.5 inches, increase it to 3 inches during the hot summer months. Don't Over Water A big mistake so many make is to think the heat means grass needs more water. However, all that does is create another problem. The soil then tends to be constantly wet. This causes the grass roots to be deprived of oxygen. This can make them more susceptible to disease because diseases tend to thrive in wet conditions. Therefore, the drier the grass and soil, the less risk for a disease. Although you want to ensure hydration, you don't need to water daily to get that. Keep Mower Blades Sharp When grass is cut with a sharp mower blade, it will heal faster. Then, it's less susceptible to stress and disease that comes during the hot season. Also, the sharper mower blades will prevent a brown appearance. Use a Mulching Mower Rather than bagging up the lawn clippings, return them to the lawn by using a mulching mower. Clippings act as a slow-release fertilizer for the plant. Focus on Year-Round Lawn Health Whether there is heat or not, it's important to maintain your lawn's health the whole year round. Then, when it is hot, your lawn will already be prepared for the temperature change.  That way, grass will tolerate the heat more easily. Focus on season-long care, which includes fertilization, watering, mowing, and pest control. Contact us if you would like more help in creating a healthy, year-round lawn.

By |2018-06-03T17:11:38+00:00June 3rd, 2018|Categories: Lawn Care|Tags: , , |Comments Off on Heat Can Significantly Impact Your Lawn

Weed Control: Put Down Pre-Emergent in the Spring

Weeds seem to appear everywhere, especially after winter and spring rains. They get in the way of your lawn and garden plants and flowers getting the nutrition and water they need. That's why they must go. Spring is a good time to get those weeds under control as part of your lawn maintenance. There are many ways you can do this, but applying a pre-emergent herbicide is one of the most effective weed control strategies. Here's why: For our commercial lawn and garden services here in Memphis, we use high-quality pre-emergent herbicides to control broadleaf weeds and crabgrass that start to infringe on turf, landscaping, agricultural lands, golf courses and other areas.  Pre-emergent herbicides weed killers are perfect for spring and fall application. Pre-emergent herbicides are typically applied in the early growing season, which is the springtime. This helps prevent the weed seeds from germinating and becoming full-grown weeds. The pre-emergent herbicide weed control forms a barrier around a weed seed. This makes it nearly impossible for the wee seed to sprout so then it's less likely to grow. Pre-emergent herbicides can be applied a few different ways. You can utilize a granular spreader or a pressurized handheld sprayer. Liquid herbicides are often concentrated solutions that have to be mixed with water first. Granular herbicides can be spread and require irrigation to help the granule release the pre-emergent chemical.    To help make the pre-emergent work effectively, it's important to aerate the lawn and surrounding area first. Then, apply the weed control substance. This helps the pre-emergent get the seeds to do its work. Watering the pre-emergent also helps it to get into that topsoil layer where the weed seeds tend to germinate. Follow the instructions provided on each pre-emergent weed control solution you select. For all of our commercial clients, we take care of this part of lawn care and maintenance for you to ensure you have the healthiest lawn and garden possible. Contact us today to learn more.

By |2018-05-30T11:51:05+00:00May 24th, 2018|Categories: Feed Your Lawn, Fertilize, Insect Control, Lawn Care, Weed Control|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on Weed Control: Put Down Pre-Emergent in the Spring

Time to Change Out Those Flower Beds

Flower beds provide a beautiful and eye-catching feature to any commercial or residential garden. With a burst of color, these beautiful floral displays can provide enjoyment the entire year round. However, flowers tend to provide that beauty on a seasonal basis. That means that, at certain points in the year, it's time to change those flowers out for others that are in-season. At this time of year, it means going with flowers that flourish in hotter temperatures. Here's how to re-do a flower bed. The first step is to clean out the existing flower bed.  Remove old perennials, weeds, and any debris. Think of it as a clean slate so you can start again with seasonal blooms. This may be a good time to change the shape of your flower bed. Rather than going with that traditional rectangular look, why not add some curves to it by drawing out new lines with the soil? Now, it's time to add new soil to your flower bed. Dig up rocks, roots, and any debris before putting a layer of garden-specific soil. It should be about six inches deep. You can also add compost and leaf mold. This will boost soil nutrition. Let your flower bed settle for 30 to 60 days before planting. Work with your local garden center on the ideal flowers for this time of year. Once you have an idea of what works, then you can select the colors and varieties to use that will fit your space and garden style. This is where you can be creative. As you plant the flowers in the bed, be sure to add enough water to make puddles under each flower. Add a thin layer of mulch. This will help prevent weeds and allow the soil to retain moisture even during the hot summer ahead. Of course, if you don't have the time to re-do your commercial flower beds, consider turning to professionals like Pugh's Earthworks. Contact us today!

By |2018-05-30T11:53:27+00:00May 17th, 2018|Categories: Landscape Design, Landscaping, Lawn Care|Tags: , , |Comments Off on Time to Change Out Those Flower Beds
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