The summer heat brings a lot of stress to a lawn. The lawn can become parched and damaged from the summer sun and the extreme heat. Although it’s easy to understand when a lawn loses its luster in winter months, most of us don’t want the sun to shine down on a brown lawn in the summer months.  That’s when it’s time to think about fertilizing as part of our summer lawn maintenance.

Don’t Over Fertilize

You need to be careful about fertilizing in the summer. Applying too much during the heat of summer can actually harm your lawn. You will end up burning your existing lawn. Plus, If your lawn is looking straggly in midsummer, resist the urge to fertilize. And, it can lead to a significant amount of tender growth that will struggle in the heat and actually not make it.

Why Fertilize in the Summer?

When you fertilize conservatively in the summer, you’ll be able to achieve some benefits for your lawn. For example, the right amount of fertilizer protects and strengthens a lawn against insects, heat stress, drought, and foot traffic.

Use Organic Fertilizer

When using fertilizer during hot summer months, opt for organic fertilizers. They are naturally slow-release. This means that they are less likely to burn your lawn compared to chemical fertilizers.

Weed and Feed Fertilizer

Since weeds are harder to kill in the summer because of their strong root system you can still cautiously apply a weed and feed fertilizer throughout the summer months of June, July, and August.  Look for those that contain nitrogen,  phosphorus, and potassium because this helps to promote a healthy lawn.

Recycling Grass and Fertilizing

Another option is to recycle your grass clippings as you mow your lawn. you can leave the grass clippings on the lawn to decompose. These clippings will recycle nutrients that will then serve as fertilizer during the summer months. This can actually reduce your use of chemicals on your lawn, which then reduces the risk of overfertilizing while providing a green lawn even during those heat waves.

Contact Us

Contact us today to find out how we can help with your summer lawn to keep it green and healthy even during the heat of summer.