Transform Your Hotel’s Outdoor Spaces This Summer

Pugh's Earthworks Summer is here, and for hotel managers, commercial landscapers, and property owners, this means it is time to revamp your hotel’s outdoor areas. The significance of well-maintained hotel landscaping cannot be overstated. It boosts curb appeal, enhances guest experiences, and contributes to your brand's reputation. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the essential aspects of Hotel Summer Commercial Landscaping, providing practical tips and best practices to create stunning and sustainable outdoor spaces. Why Summer Landscaping Matters for Hotels Attracting Guests with Curb Appeal - First impressions are crucial in the hospitality industry. Your hotel's exterior is the first thing travelers see, and lush, well-maintained landscaping can make all the difference. A vibrant garden, manicured lawns, and tasteful outdoor décor create an inviting atmosphere that encourages guests to choose your hotel over competitors. Enhancing Guest Experience - Beautiful outdoor spaces are not just about looks. They offer guests serene environments to relax and unwind. Whether it is a garden walk, a reading nook under a tree, or a poolside paradise, well-planned landscaping enhances the overall guest experience, encouraging positive reviews and repeat visits. Reflecting Brand Values - Landscaping is a reflection of your hotel's commitment to quality and attention to detail. Sustainable landscaping practices, in particular, show that your brand cares about the environment, appealing to eco-conscious travelers. Key Elements of Successful Hotel Landscaping Expert Planning and Design - Effective hotel landscaping starts with a well-thought-out plan. Collaborate with experienced commercial landscapers to design spaces that are both beautiful and functional. Consider elements like plant selection, color schemes, and the layout of walkways and leisure areas. Choosing the Right Plants - Selecting the right plants is crucial for a sustainable and low-maintenance garden. opt for native species that thrive in your local climate, reducing the need for excessive watering and chemical treatments. Colorful flowers, evergreen shrubs, and hardy perennials can provide year-round interest. Sustainable Practices - Sustainability should be at the forefront of your landscaping plans. Implement practices such as using organic fertilizers, installing efficient irrigation systems, and incorporating drought-resistant plants. Sustainable landscaping not only benefits the environment but also reduces maintenance costs in the long run. Enhancing Common Areas with Greenery Lush Gardens and Lawns - A lush, green lawn is a staple of hotel landscaping. Regular mowing, fertilizing, and watering are essential to keep the grass healthy. Consider adding flower beds and decorative borders to enhance the visual appeal. Poolside Beautification - The pool area is a major attraction for guests. Enhance it with tropical plants, stylish planters, and comfortable seating areas. Shade-providing trees or pergolas can offer respite from the sun, making the poolside even more inviting. Courtyards and Patios - Courtyards and patios are perfect for outdoor dining and socializing. Use a mix of potted plants, hanging baskets, and garden beds to create a cozy, intimate atmosphere. Adding features like fountains or fire pits can further enhance these spaces. Pugh's Earthworks Seasonal Maintenance Tips Regular Watering and Irrigation - Hot summer months require vigilant watering. Install automated irrigation systems to ensure consistent watering without [...]

Revitalize Your Business Landscape: A Complete Guide to Memphis Commercial Landscaping

Pugh's Earthworks Memphis Commercial Landscaping is not just about aesthetics; it is a strategic business investment. A well-maintained and thoughtfully designed exterior not only captivates bystanders but beckons customers, creates a productive work environment, and elevates the community's overall impression. For Memphis business owners, landlords, and property managers, the distinctive charm of the city is as dependent on the succulence of its spruced-up greens as it is on the Blues and the Barbecue. That's where savvy commercial landscaping comes in, not only shaping Memphis' physical environment but also contributing to a positive economic ecosystem. In this comprehensive guide, we'll shed light on the intricacies of commercial landscaping, share industry insights, and provide a roadmap for optimizing your outdoor spaces. Whether you’re revamping an aging courtyard, maintaining a sprawling hospital garden, or planning a corporate complex’s verdant welcome, this post will be your key to unlocking Memphis' landscaping potential. Understanding the Market and Your Needs Before you break ground on your landscaping project, it is crucial to understand the unique demands of the Memphis market. Every inch of this vibrant city carries the weight of its history and the pulse of its contemporary culture—something you’ll want to weave into your design. The Memphis Aesthetic With its unique fusion of Southern charm, bluesy grit, and modern innovation, Memphis has an aesthetic story waiting to be told—right from the curb. Consider the city's historic roots, its riverfront locale, and the music that keeps its spirit moving. How can these elements be translated into your landscaping to create an experience as distinct as the city itself? Industry Compliance and Best Practices Navigating the legal and environmental landscape of Memphis commercial landscaping is non-negotiable. There are local regulations, permits to consider, and best practices to follow related to water conservation and the use of native plants to maintain the city’s ecological balance. Stay ahead by keeping abreast of the latest industry standards and environmental policies. Design that Speaks Memphis A landscaping design should not only be visually pleasing but culturally and contextually relevant. Reflecting the city's values of inclusion, vibrancy, and nostalgia can be achieved through color palettes, the choice of flowering plants, and the inclusion of public gathering spaces that entwine with local architectural styles. The Business Benefits of Landscaping A lush, well-groomed landscape is far more than a pretty face; it is a powerful strategic asset with tangible business benefits. Curb Appeal for the Win - Statistics show that first impressions are formed within the first seven seconds of a customer's encounter with your business. Drab or unkempt exteriors can repel potential clients, while a professionally landscaped frontage can increase your business potential. Employee Productivity and Well-being - Your outdoor space is a haven that can impact employee morale and productivity. Access to a green environment has been linked to lower stress levels, increased focus, and a higher likelihood of employee retention. Environmental and Economic Benefits - Beyond monetary returns, a well-designed landscape can reduce energy consumption, mitigate urban heat island effects, and even improve air [...]

Spring Weed Prevention for Various Landscapes

Pugh's Earthworks A lush green lawn or a flowerbed brimming with vibrant colors is a sight that everyone enjoys. However, the presence of unsightly weeds can mar the beauty of any landscape. Spring is an integral time to fortify your grounds against the encroachment of weeds, and it is important for gardening enthusiasts, homeowners, and commercial property managers alike to take proactive measures. In this guide, we look at the intricacies involved in crafting a tailored Spring Weed Prevention strategy for diverse types of landscapes while offering insights into identifying spring weeds and implementing maintenance practices that ensure your space stays weed-free and inviting. Understanding Different Landscapes Landscapes vary greatly in purpose, scale, and plant composition, making a one-size-fits-all approach to weed prevention futile. Understanding the unique characteristics of different landscapes is the first step in crafting an effective weed management plan. Residential Gardens The personal aesthetic and often, the environmental conscience, come into play with residential gardens. Homeowners tend to favor approaches that align with a holistic gardening mindset, using natural or homemade remedies to curb weed growth. Commercial Properties Scrupulously maintained and often featuring elaborate designs, commercial properties require a professional touch when it comes to weed prevention. Consistency in appearance and health is essential for creating a welcoming environment that reflects the business’s brand. Industrial Centers Wide expanses typify industrial center landscapes, which are often highly susceptible to weed infestations due to the acres of available space. The focus here is on practical and efficient maintenance practices, paired with weed repellents that can withstand rigorous use. Hospitals, Hotels, Cemeteries Public areas centered around comfort or solemnity must be kept meticulously clean of weeds. In these settings, non-toxic methods are preferred to ensure the safety of visitors and the preservation of a serene atmosphere. Common Spring Weeds Weeds are not merely an aesthetic nuisance; they can leach vital nutrients from the soil, compete with desirable plants for water and sunlight, and even pose a fire hazard under the right conditions. Understanding the weeds specific to spring is key in formulating a prevention plan tailored to the season. Identification and Characteristics From the dandelion's disruptive taproot to the sprawling tentacles of crabgrass, each weed exhibits distinct growth patterns and strategies for survival. Knowing your enemy is the first rule of sustainable defense, as it allows you to select the most pertinent control measures. Preventative Measures Preventing weed growth is a multi-faceted endeavor that involves both natural and chemical approaches. The choice of method usually hinges on the immediate effectiveness required and the long-term impact on the landscape's health. Organic Weed Control Methods For those seeking to avoid or minimize the use of chemicals, organic weed control methods are invaluable. These include targeted soil treatments, mulching, and the introduction of weed-suppressive plants. Chemical Options and Considerations When used judiciously and in accordance with local regulations, chemical herbicides can be potent tools in combating aggressive weed growth. Knowing the specific needs of your plants, soil type, and the environmental impact of [...]

We Offer Superior Hotel Commercial Landscaping!

Pugh's Earthworks Hotel Commercial Landscaping is not merely about keeping up appearances. It is an elaborate choreography of design, maintenance, and sustainability that plays a pivotal role in guest experiences and the overall success of a hotel's brand. In this post, Pugh's Earthworks will delve into the art and science of hotel landscaping, exploring why it is more than just a pretty garden and how it can become a key competitive differentiator. The Importance of Landscaping for Hotels Landscaping is often the initial point of interaction a guest has with a hotel. The driveway lined with ornate trees; the entrance flanked by vibrant flowers—these are the first impressions that cement a perception of hospitality. Yet beyond aesthetical allure, landscaping is an essential component of a hotel's identity. From luxury to eco-friendly, traditional to contemporary, the landscaping aligns with and reinforces a hotel’s brand and atmosphere. Proper landscaping also compliments a hotel's building design, amplifying architectural features and directing attention to critical areas. It invites guests to explore and spend time outdoors, perhaps in a meticulously arranged garden or poolside oasis. As such, the outdoor spaces of a hotel have to be thoughtfully considered and carefully managed to ensure they continue to serve these important roles effectively. Benefits of Commercial Landscaping While we already hinted at some of the advantages of commercial landscaping for hotels, let's dissect this further. Enhancing Curb Appeal - In a competitive marketplace, curb appeal can be a make-it-or-break-it factor. The visibility and attractiveness of a hotel from the street can influence a passerby's decision to stop and check-in. A well-maintained and thoughtfully designed landscape can draw in potential guests, assuring them that their stay will be as pleasurable as the hotel's exterior promises. Creating a Welcoming Atmosphere - Hotel landscaping has the power to set the mood. Flowing, organic designs imbue a space with a sense of calm, while structured patterns can convey modernity and elegance. Each leaf, tendril, and bloom contribute to the atmosphere—building anticipation and comfort for what lies beyond the lobby. Improving Guest Experience - A memorable stay often involves more than a comfortable bed and good service. The outdoor spaces provide a change of scenery, places to relax, and sometimes, breathing space. Elaborate gardens, tranquil ponds, and inviting terraces all to become extended realms through which guests can unwind and enjoy the hotel's amenities. Designing a Hotel Landscape Crafting an exterior that harmonizes with the hotel's interior is an art. It begins with a deep understanding of the brand, its values, and the image it wishes to convey. These are all areas Pugh's Earthworks has experience with. Considering the Hotel's Brand and Theme - A luxurious hotel might opt for elaborate designs with exotic plants, while a modern boutique hotel may choose minimalist gardens with clean lines and a monochrome palette. By understanding the hotel's brand and theme, the landscaping design becomes a subtler way to communicate these attributes. Incorporating Local Flora - Translating local landscapes into hotel grounds can anchor the property within [...]

We Are Professionals at Commercial Landscaping Sod Installation!

Pugh's Earthworks Sod is a great way to improve the look of your property. For commercial and residential landscaping, sod can add value to your property without breaking the bank. Commercial Landscaping Sod Installation might seem like an easy task, but there are many factors you should take into consideration before starting any project. Here are some considerations for sod installation in residential and commercial settings: Commercial Landscaping Sod Installation Sod is a great way to beautify commercial or residential property. It can also help reduce water usage, reduce maintenance costs and make your lawn look beautiful. This is why we recommend that you hire a professional landscaper to install sod on your commercial property. This will ensure that the installation process goes smoothly and quickly so that you can enjoy your new lawn as soon as possible! There are many benefits to having a new lawn installed on your property. It can improve the look and value of your property, increase its curb appeal and reduce maintenance costs. Pugh's Earthworks has been in business for more than 30 years and is a family run business. Pugh's Earthworks is also a certified nursery and offers a variety of other products, including trees and shrubs. We are one of the largest suppliers of commercial sod in the Mid-South area. We serve Memphis, Nashville, Jackson, Littlerock and Southaven. HOA Sod Installation HOA sod installation is a great way to beautify property and save money. Homes associations are popular in many areas, and they can be an excellent way to create a beautiful landscape while saving you money on your monthly HOA fees. Sod can be installed in a variety of ways, depending on the type of grass you choose and how much space you have available for it. It is also possible to install sod in many different areas around your home or apartment complex so that everyone has access to beautiful green lawns! Hospital Sod Installation Sod is a great way to beautify a lawn. It can be installed quickly and easily, as well as in a variety of different ways. Sod can be installed in many different places, including hospitals and office buildings. Sod is a great option for people who do not have time to wait for grass to grow. It can be installed quickly and easily, as well as in a variety of different ways. Sod can be installed in many different places, including hospitals and office buildings. Hotel Sod Installation Hotel sod installation is a great way to increase foot traffic at your hotel. Hotel guests are often looking for something new and exciting when they travel, so installing new lawns can help create a buzz around your property. Additionally, hotels are typically located in areas where there is already plenty of competition; if you want to stand out from the crowd, having lush grass and colorful flowers outside will be sure to catch the eye of potential customers who may otherwise have overlooked your business. Hotel [...]

Expert Hotel Commercial Landscaping is Available at Pugh’s Earthworks.

Pugh's Earthworks Pugh's Earthworks is a leading landscaping company in the Memphis area.  In addition, we have offices in Nashville, Jackson TN, Littlerock and Southaven MS. We specialize in many areas of landscaping including Hotel Commercial Landscaping, and we would love to help you with all your needs. Hotel Commercial Landscaping Hotel commercial landscaping is the process of designing and maintaining a hotel property. Hotel landscaping can add value to your hotel property, but it's also important to consider how it will affect your guests' experience. Hotel commercial landscaping involves keeping the grounds clean, neat and attractive so that guests feel welcome when they arrive at your establishment. You may want to consider adding features like pathways or benches so that people have somewhere comfortable to sit while they wait for their ride home after spending time at one of your facilities (like a pool). Hotel commercial landscaping can help to make your property stand out from other hotels in your area. It's also important to consider how it will affect the overall experience of your guests. If you want to learn more about commercial landscaping, contact us today. Hotel Landscape Sprinklers We are skilled at irrigation and effective sprinklers. Below are some of the areas of our expertise: Sprinkler system installation Sprinkler system maintenance Sprinkler system repair and troubleshooting Replacement of valves, heads, pipes and other components Restoration of broken pipes and sprinkler heads Installation of new valves, pipes and sprinklers Repair or replacement of a damaged valve or pipe Replacement of a broken head or broken pipe Hotel Flower Bed Design Have you ever wondered how to design a flower bed? Well, this is the perfect place to start. Flower beds can be used in many different ways around hotels and other buildings. They can improve the look of your hotel, help grow vegetables and herbs, or even fruit! The best thing about flower beds is that they are easy to maintain and make a great addition to any property. You can use them indoors or outdoors, depending on the type of plant you want to grow. Hotel Flowers Installation When it comes to hotel landscaping, flowers play an important role. Flowers can be used to add color, texture and fragrance to the grounds of your hotel. The type of flowers you choose will depend on what season they're planted in, as well as what type of soil you're using. If you have sandy soil, then annuals might not grow very well but perennials can be very successful in this environment. Perennials are plants that come back every year from their roots or bulbs while annuals die off after one season with no chance for re-growth the following year unless you plant new seeds each springtime. If you're planting perennials, it's important to choose the right type of soil and location for them. Most perennials need well-drained soil that is high in organic matter. Hotel Tree Installation When it comes to hotel landscaping, trees are one of the [...]

Speak with a Pugh’s Earthworks Professional When Shopping for a Top Commerical Landscaping Firm

Pugh's Earthworks Pugh's Earthworks is a Top Commercial Landscaping Firm in Memphis, TN. We have many offerings to our clients, including Commercial Landscaping, Landscape Design, Water Features, Outdoor Lighting, Irrigation Systems and Retaining Walls Installation. Our team of professionals will work with you to create an outdoor space that meets all of your needs and fits within your budget. Commercial Landscaping Commercial landscaping is the installation of plants and other materials in a manner that is aesthetically pleasing, functional, and practical. This type of landscaping can be used to increase property value by creating an attractive environment for customers and employees alike. Commercial landscaping can also help save money on heating costs by providing shade during hot summer months or insulation against cold winter winds. It is important to note that not all companies involved with commercial landscaping are the same; some specialize in specific areas such as irrigation systems or tree trimming while others offer full-service packages including everything from tree planting to mulching removal services at one low price per month. Landscape Design Landscape design is the process of planning, designing and implementing a landscape. Landscape designers create outdoor spaces that are aesthetically pleasing, functional and sustainable. Landscape design is a creative process that integrates horticulture and design principles to create outdoor spaces that respond to their setting while also addressing client needs. It involves site analysis, research into available resources (including climate), observation of existing conditions on-site as well as off-site research into similar projects elsewhere in order to inform your vision for this particular project. A good designer should consider all aspects of sustainability when designing your space such as using native plants where possible; sourcing materials locally if at all possible; reducing energy consumption through passive solar gain or other means such as rainwater harvesting systems; incorporating rain gardens into existing lawn areas so they do not have to be irrigated during drought seasons. Top Commercial Landscaping Firm Water Features Water features are another great way to create a relaxing environment, and they can also be used to create a focal point in the landscape. A water feature can filter rainwater, helping it to infiltrate into the soil where it will benefit plants instead of running off into rivers or storm drains. A water feature can make a statement by itself; however, if you have limited space and budget for an elaborate design then consider using only part of the idea: perhaps just adding some pots with plants around your existing pond or installing an outdoor fountain near your front door so people see it when they arrive at your home. Outdoor Lighting Use lighting to highlight certain features of your landscape, create a dramatic effect or create an outdoor dining experience. Lighting can be used to highlight certain features of the landscape, such as trees and plants. This will make them appear more prominent in relation to other areas of the garden and help visitors understand what you want them to notice first when they enter your [...]

Choose Pugh’s Earthworks for All of Your Commercial Landscaping Needs

Pugh's Earthworks If you want to enhance the look of your business property, contact Pugh's Earthworks for our commercial landscaping services. Our experienced team of certified commercial landscaping professionals can add beauty to your property by keeping it looking great with our commercial lawn care services. Pugh's Earthworks is a family-owned and operated business that has been in the landscaping industry for over 40 years. We are certified by the Tennessee Landscape Contractors Association, licensed by the Tennessee Department of Agriculture, and have a full-time staff of certified landscaping technicians. Our years of experience allow us to provide our customers with quality workmanship at an affordable price. Commercial Landscaping Services Pugh's Earthworks is a family-owned business that has been providing commercial landscaping services to businesses, hospitals and more in Memphis, Nashville, Littlerock and Southaven since 1988. We offer a wide range of services including: commercial lawn maintenance tree removal stump grinding (stump removal) For more information about our commercial landscaping services or to schedule an appointment with one of our experts today! Certified Commercial Landscaping Professionals Our commercial landscaping services are available in Memphis, Nashville, Jackson, Littlerock and Southaven. We provide our commercial clients with a wide range of landscape design and installation services. We are available to help your business succeed! If you have any questions or would like to schedule an appointment with one of our certified technicians, please call us today. Our friendly staff will be happy to assist you with any questions or concerns that you may have about your property's exterior appearance. Our experienced teams of commercial landscapers can add beauty to your business property by keeping your landscape looking amazing with our commercial lawn care services. We offer a variety of services, including: Lawn mowing and trimming. Pressure cleaning and power washing Tree trimming and removal. We, at Pugh's Earthworks, provide commercial landscaping services to businesses, hospitals and more in Memphis, Nashville, Littlerock and Southaven. Our team of experts has been helping clients create beautiful outdoor environments for decades. We work with our clients to develop custom designs that fit their needs and budgets so you can enjoy the benefits of an elegant outdoor space without breaking your budget or sacrificing quality craftsmanship. Conclusion Whether you're looking for commercial landscaping services or just want to learn more about our services, contact us today. We'll be happy to answer any questions you have and schedule an appointment for service. Pugh's Earthworks Premier Mid-South Landscaping Company Pugh's Earthworks is strategic with selecting business partners to help them deliver the top-quality results to their many customers. From selecting high quality equipment to hiring conscientious and dedicated employees, the Pugh's brothers do not take short cuts. This is true of their vendor selection for online digital marketing. Comprehensive Marketing For Pugh’s Earthworks Press Release: April 7, 2018 The owners of Pugh’s Earthworks, Mark Pugh, Michael Pugh and Tim Pugh announced that they have hired Flyline Search Marketing to deliver a comprehensive Internet Marketing program for the Earthworks [...]

Pugh’s Earthworks Applies Mulch to Protect Shrubs and Trees During Winter

Pugh's Earthworks Pugh's Earthworks is the most trusted Mid-South Commercial Landscaping Business. With offices in Memphis, Nashville, Jackson TN, Littlerock and Southaven MS, we keep all types of Commercial Properties in tip top shape.  Now that we are into fall and looking ahead to winter, it is that time of year where temperatures start to decrease and eventually will dip well below freezing. For many plants and flowers, those frigid conditions can lead to damage unless they get an extra layer of protection. That is where the Pugh's Earthworks team introduces mulch as part of regular fall landscape maintenance services. In fact, mulching serves as one of the best blanket covers for things like strawberries, some perennials, and many other types of plants during cold conditions. Winter mulch helps stop soil from either freezing or thawing conditions. It is the repeated freezing and thawing that can force stems, roots, and bulbs/tubers to come out of the ground. Plus, this can severely damage or kill plants. Mid-South Commercial Landscaping Business There are different types of mulch to consider. Straw is one type. The benefits are that straw offers good insulation, encourages sufficient air movement, and does not smother plants or flowers. Just one bale of straw can cover 100 square feet to a depth of at least three inches. Other types of winter mulches to consider include bark chips, hay, chopped corn stalks, pine needles, or shredded leaves. Those mulches to avoid include whole leaves, sawdust, or grass clippings because they can form a thick mat and suffocate the flowers and plants. Wood chip mulch is ideal for the root zone areas of trees and shrubs. However, plants like hardy shrub roses don't need any winter protection like mulch. Yet, other types of rose plants may need a double layer of protection in the form of mulch and potting soil. Leave the mulching to us. Contact us today for a monthly service plan that includes mulching for the winter of all your commercial landscape areas. We can ensure your plants, flowers, and shrubs make it through the winter while keeping a beautiful view for your customers. Pugh's Earthwork is one of the largest landscape design, installation and maintenance firms in the Mid-South area. Our clients include some of the premier office buildings, hotels, hospitals, churches and cemeteries in the cities we operate. In addition to the commercial customers we serve, we also provide landscape services for Homeowners Associations (HOA’s), Condo Owners Associations (COA’s) and individual residential homeowners as well. Our staff has years of experience and can handle projects of any size.   Click Now to Contact The Pugh's Earthworks Pros     Pugh's Earthworks operated five Commercial Landscaping Offices in Three Key States Mid-South Commercial Landscaping Business Our headquarters is in Memphis, Tennessee. We also operate landscape offices in Nashville, Jackson TN, Southaven MS and Little Rock AR. Our firm provides monthly grounds maintenance services for commercial clients. If you are seeking assistance with Landscaping or Lawn [...]

Hire Pugh’s Earthworks to Maximize the Efficiency of Summer Watering

Pugh's Earthworks has Operations in Tennessee, Arkansas and Mississippi Many parts of the country including the Mid-South, have had a very cool and wet May. However, it will not be long until the dry hot weather makes it critical to practice effective Summer Watering. Pugh's Earthworks is one of the largest commercial landscape design, installation and maintenance firms in the Mid-South area. Our clients include some of the premier office buildings, hotels, hospitals, churches and cemeteries in the cities we operate. In addition to the commercial customers we serve, we also provide landscape services for Homeowners Associations (HOAs), Condo Owners Associations (COA’s) and individual residential homeowners. A properly designed Commercial Landscape Sprinkler system, like the ones designed and installed by the Pugh's Earthworks Certified Landscape Technicians, will ensure that the lawn and plants on your property receive the exact amount of water during the summer. Protecting these plants is important as it is expensive to replace them. During the summer months, the hot weather and intense sunlight are tough for summer plants and lawns to take. That is why we often refresh both with extra water. However, there is still a need to water wisely during these hot months to be careful with water and get the maximum impact from your watering without wasting any of this precious resource. Below are some tips on how to water wisely to use less water as well as give your plants and lawn just the right amount: Water weekly: Pick one day a week to water your lawn and plants, preferably a time in the morning or evening where the sun and heat won't evaporate it too quickly. You may need to adjust it should there be summer thunderstorms or if you notice a better time where the water sticks around. Water deeply: Before you overwater, it's important to understand what this means and how much deeply involves. Check the soil and see if water has permeated the top six inches of clay soil or eight to 12 inches if you have loamy soil. Make sure the water is not stagnating on the top as this could mean your soil is compacted and it may lead to plant rot. Think long, soaking rain rather than many several quick sprinkles. Water when plants are ready: Plants will tell you when they are thirsty. Leaves will wilt or droop. The leaves may also yellow, curl up, or drop off. That means they really could use some water. Water in the morning: By focusing your plant and lawn watering on this point in the day, it gives the plants and lawn a way to fill up on water they can use throughout the day. Water plants when they need it: Besides when they are thirsty, there are other times where a plant or lawn may most need water. This includes giving more water to baby seedlings and transplants to help them because their root systems are not yet developed and acclimated to the soil.  Another group of plants that need water [...]

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