Shield Your Turf: Expert Tips for Commercial Lawn Summer Heat Care

Pugh's Earthworks Summer can be a challenging season for commercial landscapers, property managers, and lawn care businesses. The extreme heat can wreak havoc on even the most well-maintained lawns, leading to unsightly brown patches and stressed grass. The professionals at Pugh's Earthworks will guide you through the best practices for Commercial Lawn Summer Heat Care keeping commercial lawns lush and healthy during the scorching summer months. From understanding the impact of heat stress on grass to implementing effective summer lawn care techniques, we have got you covered. The Science Behind Heat Stress Heat stress occurs when temperatures rise above what grass can comfortably tolerate. This leads to a range of issues, including wilting, discoloration, and even death of grass blades. High temperatures cause grass to lose water faster than it can absorb, leading to dehydration. Additionally, heat stress can make lawns more susceptible to diseases and pests, further complicating maintenance efforts. Symptoms of Heat-Stressed Lawns Recognizing the symptoms of heat stress early can save commercial lawns from permanent damage. Look for signs such as: Wilting or drooping grass blades Discoloration, including yellow or brown patches Increased presence of weeds and pests Thinning grass coverage Common Misconceptions About Heat Stress Many property managers and landscapers believe that frequent watering can solve all heat-related issues. While hydration is crucial, overwatering can lead to other problems like fungal growth and soil erosion. Understanding the balance between adequate watering and other care techniques is essential for effective summer lawn care. The Importance of Proper Watering Optimal Watering Techniques Watering is the most critical aspect of summer lawn care. It is essential to water deeply and infrequently, allowing moisture to penetrate the soil and reach the roots. Early morning is the best time to water, minimizing evaporation and ensuring that the grass absorbs the maximum amount of water. Avoiding Overwatering Pitfalls - Overwatering can be as harmful as under-watering. It can lead to root rot, fungal diseases, and wasted resources. To avoid these pitfalls, use a soil moisture meter to gauge the lawn's hydration needs accurately. Aim to provide about 1 to 1.5 inches of water per week, adjusting based on rainfall and soil conditions. Utilizing Advanced Irrigation Systems - For large commercial properties, traditional watering methods may not be efficient. Consider investing in advanced irrigation systems such as drip irrigation or smart sprinklers. These systems can be programmed to deliver precise amounts of water at optimal times, ensuring even coverage and reducing water waste. Mowing Strategies for Summer Ideal Mowing Heights - Mowing height plays a significant role in maintaining a healthy lawn during summer. Cutting grass too short can expose the soil to direct sunlight, causing it to dry out faster. Aim to keep grass at a height of 3 to 4 inches during the hottest months. This height allows for better moisture retention and provides shade to the soil. The Importance of Sharp Blades - Using dull mower blades can damage grass blades, making them more susceptible to heat stress. Ensure that mower blades are sharp [...]

Revitalize Your Business Landscape: A Complete Guide to Memphis Commercial Landscaping

Pugh's Earthworks Memphis Commercial Landscaping is not just about aesthetics; it is a strategic business investment. A well-maintained and thoughtfully designed exterior not only captivates bystanders but beckons customers, creates a productive work environment, and elevates the community's overall impression. For Memphis business owners, landlords, and property managers, the distinctive charm of the city is as dependent on the succulence of its spruced-up greens as it is on the Blues and the Barbecue. That's where savvy commercial landscaping comes in, not only shaping Memphis' physical environment but also contributing to a positive economic ecosystem. In this comprehensive guide, we'll shed light on the intricacies of commercial landscaping, share industry insights, and provide a roadmap for optimizing your outdoor spaces. Whether you’re revamping an aging courtyard, maintaining a sprawling hospital garden, or planning a corporate complex’s verdant welcome, this post will be your key to unlocking Memphis' landscaping potential. Understanding the Market and Your Needs Before you break ground on your landscaping project, it is crucial to understand the unique demands of the Memphis market. Every inch of this vibrant city carries the weight of its history and the pulse of its contemporary culture—something you’ll want to weave into your design. The Memphis Aesthetic With its unique fusion of Southern charm, bluesy grit, and modern innovation, Memphis has an aesthetic story waiting to be told—right from the curb. Consider the city's historic roots, its riverfront locale, and the music that keeps its spirit moving. How can these elements be translated into your landscaping to create an experience as distinct as the city itself? Industry Compliance and Best Practices Navigating the legal and environmental landscape of Memphis commercial landscaping is non-negotiable. There are local regulations, permits to consider, and best practices to follow related to water conservation and the use of native plants to maintain the city’s ecological balance. Stay ahead by keeping abreast of the latest industry standards and environmental policies. Design that Speaks Memphis A landscaping design should not only be visually pleasing but culturally and contextually relevant. Reflecting the city's values of inclusion, vibrancy, and nostalgia can be achieved through color palettes, the choice of flowering plants, and the inclusion of public gathering spaces that entwine with local architectural styles. The Business Benefits of Landscaping A lush, well-groomed landscape is far more than a pretty face; it is a powerful strategic asset with tangible business benefits. Curb Appeal for the Win - Statistics show that first impressions are formed within the first seven seconds of a customer's encounter with your business. Drab or unkempt exteriors can repel potential clients, while a professionally landscaped frontage can increase your business potential. Employee Productivity and Well-being - Your outdoor space is a haven that can impact employee morale and productivity. Access to a green environment has been linked to lower stress levels, increased focus, and a higher likelihood of employee retention. Environmental and Economic Benefits - Beyond monetary returns, a well-designed landscape can reduce energy consumption, mitigate urban heat island effects, and even improve air [...]

Nashville’s Verdant Charm: Elevating Commercial Spaces with Premier Landscaping

Pugh's Earthworks Creating an impressive first impression is paramount in the business world. For local businesses and corporate entities across Nashville, a vibrant landscape serves as a soft greeting that can make a colossal impact. It is a handshake with the eyes; an acknowledgment on a subconscious level that a space is cared for and inviting. In a city known for its musical heritage and burgeoning economic landscape, the artwork of nature should not go unnoticed as a component of business growth. This article is dedicated to exploring the importance and intricacies of Nashville Commercial Landscaping in the green heart of Tennessee. Why Commercial Landscaping in Nashville Matters More Than You Think When your business premises boast a well-manicured lawn, a distinctive edge is achieved. Nashville’s rich cultural scene finds a parallel in the attention it pays to outdoor aesthetics that reflect a community's pride and worth. Studies have repeatedly shown that green space has a direct correlation to human happiness and productivity. The connection to greenery, especially in urban commercial settings, provides a respite from the concrete jungle, fostering an environment that encourages patrons and employees alike to linger and engage. Local business owners who invest in their outdoor spaces are not only contributing to a more pleasant cityscape but are also reaping the rewards through increased foot traffic, the extension of branded identity into the outdoors, and the creation of a meditative environment that can be crucial to stimulating creativity and wellness. Pugh's Earthworks Tailoring Landscaping to Nashville's Varied Business Sectors Homeowners Associations (HOAs): With a focus on community, HOA landscapes should promote interaction and calm. This often means open, well-maintained green areas and safe pathways that encourage a neighborly ambiance. Hospitals and Healthcare Facilities: The landscaping for healthcare facilities is not just about aesthetics, it forms a vital part of the healing environment. Tranquil gardens, accessible walking paths, and green roofs can support patient recovery and reduce stress for both patients and staff. Industrial Spaces: Here, sustainable design and functionality take center stage. Drought-tolerant plants and erosion control measures not only beautify but also serve an ecological purpose, ensuring the longevity of the landscape. Luxury Apartments: Multifamily housing in Nashville requires a balance of beauty and practicality. Lush, inviting environments are designed for relaxation and social gatherings, while also being easily maintained to meet the high traffic demands of residents and their guests. Customizing for Niche Markets: Nashville's quirky boutique areas, booming tech districts, and historic sites each call for a unique approach. For some, this may mean trendy xeriscaping, for others a focus on indigenous plant life to maintain a sense of place. The key is tailoring to the specific needs and aesthetics that will resonate with the niches they serve. Nashville’s Native Plants Landscape: A Unique Palette for Every Need With its rich biodiversity, Nashville offers a local palette of foliage that is not only beautiful but adaptive to the area’s climate and soil. Species like the serviceberry and the fringetree provide brilliant seasonal displays, [...]

Crafting Little Rock’s Green Oasis: The Art of Commercial Landscape Design

Pugh's Earthworks In the heart of Little Rock, Arkansas, a transformative landscaping movement is underway—one that is redefining the region’s commercial aesthetic, promoting sustainable practices, and enhancing the community's way of life. Join us as we uncover the principles and possibilities of commercial landscape design in this Southern gem. Whether you are a local property owner, a steward of the urban greenery, or a professional in the industry, the Pugh's Earthworks Commercial Landscapers can provide the inspiration and insights needed to cultivate a standout outdoor Commercial Landscape Design in Little Rock. From the banks of the Arkansas River to the vibrant corridors of downtown and beyond, the built environment of Little Rock is showing an increasing affinity for lush greenery, landscape architecture that marries form and function, and a green ethos that pulses through the city’s private and public spaces alike. The conviction to create environments that are both beautiful and beneficial is shaping not just the aesthetic appeal of Little Rock, but also its environmental footprint and the quality of life for its citizens. Elevating the Visual Impressions Beyond Curb Appeal Commercial landscapes in Little Rock stand as the city's most verdant welcome mats, signaling to customers, employees, and passersby that the businesses within are attuned to the nuances of their surroundings. It's about more than pleasing the eye. It's about curating an atmosphere that beckons, calms, and captivates. The question of design in commercial landscaping is not just about fashioning a space that is sleek and visually arresting. It is equally about answering to the architectural lines of the building it surrounds, complementing and softening those lines, and sometimes even providing a contrasting element that serves to enhance both the built and the planted. In a city like Little Rock, where historic structures sit side by side with modern developments, the art of landscape design becomes a delicate balance of past and present. The Brand in the Garden For businesses, the landscape is an extension of the brand—it is the first story told to any who approach. It is a canvas on which to paint the values of the company, and in Little Rock, where community and heritage are so palpably treasured, there's no better way for a business to act than to invest in the landscape that serves it. Whether it's a subtle nod to Arkansas's natural abundance through native flora or a grand display of corporate citizenship in the form of a public park, the choices made in the commercial landscape design reflect the core of the enterprise. Native Narratives In Little Rock, the emphasis on native plant species is more than a nod to ecological responsibility—it is a way to celebrate the unique biodiversity of Arkansas. The colors and textures of the local landscape are as distinctive as they are diverse, offering designers an abundant palette to create compelling and authentic expressions of place. Remember, your landscape is a declaration of fidelity—to the local environment, to the community, and to your company's own values. In [...]

We Offer Superior Hotel Commercial Landscaping!

Pugh's Earthworks Hotel Commercial Landscaping is not merely about keeping up appearances. It is an elaborate choreography of design, maintenance, and sustainability that plays a pivotal role in guest experiences and the overall success of a hotel's brand. In this post, Pugh's Earthworks will delve into the art and science of hotel landscaping, exploring why it is more than just a pretty garden and how it can become a key competitive differentiator. The Importance of Landscaping for Hotels Landscaping is often the initial point of interaction a guest has with a hotel. The driveway lined with ornate trees; the entrance flanked by vibrant flowers—these are the first impressions that cement a perception of hospitality. Yet beyond aesthetical allure, landscaping is an essential component of a hotel's identity. From luxury to eco-friendly, traditional to contemporary, the landscaping aligns with and reinforces a hotel’s brand and atmosphere. Proper landscaping also compliments a hotel's building design, amplifying architectural features and directing attention to critical areas. It invites guests to explore and spend time outdoors, perhaps in a meticulously arranged garden or poolside oasis. As such, the outdoor spaces of a hotel have to be thoughtfully considered and carefully managed to ensure they continue to serve these important roles effectively. Benefits of Commercial Landscaping While we already hinted at some of the advantages of commercial landscaping for hotels, let's dissect this further. Enhancing Curb Appeal - In a competitive marketplace, curb appeal can be a make-it-or-break-it factor. The visibility and attractiveness of a hotel from the street can influence a passerby's decision to stop and check-in. A well-maintained and thoughtfully designed landscape can draw in potential guests, assuring them that their stay will be as pleasurable as the hotel's exterior promises. Creating a Welcoming Atmosphere - Hotel landscaping has the power to set the mood. Flowing, organic designs imbue a space with a sense of calm, while structured patterns can convey modernity and elegance. Each leaf, tendril, and bloom contribute to the atmosphere—building anticipation and comfort for what lies beyond the lobby. Improving Guest Experience - A memorable stay often involves more than a comfortable bed and good service. The outdoor spaces provide a change of scenery, places to relax, and sometimes, breathing space. Elaborate gardens, tranquil ponds, and inviting terraces all to become extended realms through which guests can unwind and enjoy the hotel's amenities. Designing a Hotel Landscape Crafting an exterior that harmonizes with the hotel's interior is an art. It begins with a deep understanding of the brand, its values, and the image it wishes to convey. These are all areas Pugh's Earthworks has experience with. Considering the Hotel's Brand and Theme - A luxurious hotel might opt for elaborate designs with exotic plants, while a modern boutique hotel may choose minimalist gardens with clean lines and a monochrome palette. By understanding the hotel's brand and theme, the landscaping design becomes a subtler way to communicate these attributes. Incorporating Local Flora - Translating local landscapes into hotel grounds can anchor the property within [...]

Condominium Property Commercial Landscaping

Pugh's Earthworks Landscapes are the silent ambassadors of any living space, setting the stage for the experiences that unfold within and around them. For condominium properties, the outdoor space is not just an aesthetic feature but a communal living room that speaks volumes about the value and lifestyle the property upholds. From the whispering breeze rustling through the greenery to the meticulously trimmed hedges sculpting the space, commercial landscaping encompasses a world where nature and architecture coexist harmoniously. At Pugh's Earthworks one of our expert lines of business is Condominium Property Commercial Landscaping. Introduction In the realm of condominiums, where first impressions last and communal spaces unify, a well-maintained outdoor area is crucial. It is the subtleties in the landscape—a cascading plant here or a stone pathway there—that can transform a simple property into an alluring home for residents and a beacon for potential buyers. Benefits of Commercial Landscaping A thoughtful landscaping strategy does not just beautify—it cultivates an environment where lives thrive. Improved curb appeal draws residents and visitors into a magnetic and welcoming harmony of constructed and natural beauty, while enhanced property value is a tangible testament to the investment poured into the grounds. Furthermore, increased resident satisfaction stems from the pride and enjoyment of exquisite outdoor amenities. Key Considerations for Condo Owners and Property Managers Making the leap toward professional commercial landscaping should not be a leap of faith. Entrusting your property's green spaces to professionals is key. Customizing landscaping plans to fit the property's character and needs ensures that each square foot contributes positively to the overall aesthetic and functionality. And, with the seasons turning, regular maintenance and seasonal changes are pivotal in preserving the landscape's vibrancy. Designing Outdoor Spaces for Condos Condo landscapes can often feel like puzzles waiting to be solved. Maximizing limited space cleverly uses every inch for maximum beauty and utility. Incorporating greenery into the heart of the design not only breathes life into concrete but also supports local ecosystems. Furthermore, installing outdoor amenities and seating areas crafts comfortable, usable spaces for residents to unwind and gather. Sustainable Landscaping Practices With an ecological conscience, landscaping transforms into a stewardship that respects and nurtures the environment. Water conservation strategies, such as drought-resistant plants and efficient irrigation systems, help to preserve precious resources. Using native plant species supports local wildlife and minimizes upkeep, while integrated pest management champions a balance between protecting plants and avoiding pollutants. Engaging Residents in Landscaping Landscapes flourish when communities root for them. Community gardens can unite neighbors in cultivation and harvest, deepening their connection to the land. Encouraging resident involvement and feedback in landscaping decisions invests individuals personally in the care of their shared spaces. In addition, launching educational initiatives can inspire eco-friendly practices within the community. Case Studies and Success Stories Success in landscaping is noy measured solely in blooms but in the stories of transformation and growth. Showcase projects from condominiums that have reaped the benefits of professional landscaping can serve as blueprints and inspiration for those [...]

We are a Mid-South Commercial Landscaping Company with Many Specialties Including Retail Center Landscaping!

Pugh's Earthworks Pugh's Earthworks has been designing and building Retail Center Landscapes for over 30 years. We have an extensive portfolio of photos that highlight our work through the years, so you can see what we can do for your project. Our work is showcased in many different types of environments from industrial parks to mixed-use neighborhoods and more. Retail Center Landscapes Landscaping is a great way to add value to your property. It can be used to improve the curb appeal of your business, as well as increase safety and security. If you have any outdoor areas, such as parking lots or walkways around your building, landscaping can help make them look better for customers or employees who use those areas on a regular basis. Landscaping can be done in many different ways depending on what type of space you want to use it for: Enhancements made around entrances and exits such as street signs or other signage are some ways that landscaping can add value. These types of enhancements will make sure customers know where they are going when they come into town! If you have a parking lot or a walkway, landscaping can be used to make it look more appealing. You could add flowers or plants that will attract bees and birds, which will make the space seem more alive. This can also help attract customers who are interested in supporting local businesses as well as those who want to feel like they are walking through nature when they come into town. Landscaping can also be used to make your parking lot or walkway safer for customers. You could add things like speed bumps or flowerbeds to slow down cars, which will help prevent accidents from happening. You could also add reflective tape on the ground or signs that say “Pedestrian Crossing” to let people know where they should walk and drive. Retail Center Flower Beds A retail center flower bed is a garden space that can be used to display plants and flowers in a retail store. The purpose of a retail center flower bed is to add aesthetic appeal and interest to your store, but it can also help customers find their way around the store more easily. You should consider planting annuals in your retail center flower bed because they will be replaced every year when they die back, allowing you to keep up with trends in plant life without having to spend money on new plants every season. Retail Center Hedges  Retail centers are a great place to have a beautiful and well-maintained landscape. By adding hedges, you can beautify your retail center while also creating a natural barrier between it and the outside world. Hedges are also a great way to add privacy, especially if you are located in an area where there is a lot of traffic. They can be used as a natural partition for parking lots and business entrances, which will allow you to maintain your property without [...]

We Offer Commercial and Residential Pest Control to Eliminate Harmful Insects and Other Pests

Pugh's Earthworks Pugh's Earthworks is a full-service commercial landscaping company, and we offer Pest Control Services.  We specialize in providing the safest and most effective solution for your pest problems. We take pride in our ability to provide a variety of services that include exterior and interior inspections, treatment programs, and preventative maintenance services. Our company has been serving clients throughout Mid-South since 1992, so we are experts at finding pests and eliminating them quickly. Interior Pest Inspections The interior of your business is just as important as its exterior. Pests can enter through vents, pipes and other small openings in the walls. These pests can cause a lot of damage to furniture, equipment and food products if they are left unchecked for too long. Our trained professionals will inspect all areas of your building for signs of pest activity, so you know what needs to be done before it gets out of control or becomes a bigger problem than originally anticipated. If you need help with interior pest control services in Mid-South Region, including Memphis, Nashville, Jackson, Little Rock and Southaven or surrounding areas then call us today. We have over 30 years of experience in the pest control industry and are committed to providing our customers with high-quality service. Our technicians are certified professionals who will inspect your property and create a customized plan for eliminating pests. We can handle any type of pest problem including termites, roaches, bed bugs, rodents and more. If you have a pest problem in your building, then call us today! With our many years of experience in the pest control industry and we are committed to providing our customers with high-quality service. Our technicians are certified professionals who will inspect your property and create a customized plan for eliminating pests. Treatment for ants, Treatment for roaches Ants, roaches and other pests can be a problem for commercial properties. They are more likely to have pests than residential properties because of their size and location. Pests can cause health issues for people in the building as well as damage to property such as food being contaminated, or property being chewed up by mice or rats. In addition, pests can be a problem for business if they prevent customers from coming into your store or restaurant because it makes them feel uncomfortable walking through an area where there are lots of bugs around them. Pests are also a problem for business because they can make employees feel uncomfortable working in an area where there is an infestation of bugs. They might be afraid to eat lunch at their desk or take a break outside for fear of getting bitten by a bug or two. Treatment for bed bugs Bed bugs are a serious health hazard. They can be difficult to get rid of and hard to find, but with the right treatment plan, you can get rid of bed bugs in your home! • Bed bugs are small insects that feed on human blood. [...]

Choose Pugh’s Earthworks for All of Your Commercial Landscaping Needs

Pugh's Earthworks If you want to enhance the look of your business property, contact Pugh's Earthworks for our commercial landscaping services. Our experienced team of certified commercial landscaping professionals can add beauty to your property by keeping it looking great with our commercial lawn care services. Pugh's Earthworks is a family-owned and operated business that has been in the landscaping industry for over 40 years. We are certified by the Tennessee Landscape Contractors Association, licensed by the Tennessee Department of Agriculture, and have a full-time staff of certified landscaping technicians. Our years of experience allow us to provide our customers with quality workmanship at an affordable price. Commercial Landscaping Services Pugh's Earthworks is a family-owned business that has been providing commercial landscaping services to businesses, hospitals and more in Memphis, Nashville, Littlerock and Southaven since 1988. We offer a wide range of services including: commercial lawn maintenance tree removal stump grinding (stump removal) For more information about our commercial landscaping services or to schedule an appointment with one of our experts today! Certified Commercial Landscaping Professionals Our commercial landscaping services are available in Memphis, Nashville, Jackson, Littlerock and Southaven. We provide our commercial clients with a wide range of landscape design and installation services. We are available to help your business succeed! If you have any questions or would like to schedule an appointment with one of our certified technicians, please call us today. Our friendly staff will be happy to assist you with any questions or concerns that you may have about your property's exterior appearance. Our experienced teams of commercial landscapers can add beauty to your business property by keeping your landscape looking amazing with our commercial lawn care services. We offer a variety of services, including: Lawn mowing and trimming. Pressure cleaning and power washing Tree trimming and removal. We, at Pugh's Earthworks, provide commercial landscaping services to businesses, hospitals and more in Memphis, Nashville, Littlerock and Southaven. Our team of experts has been helping clients create beautiful outdoor environments for decades. We work with our clients to develop custom designs that fit their needs and budgets so you can enjoy the benefits of an elegant outdoor space without breaking your budget or sacrificing quality craftsmanship. Conclusion Whether you're looking for commercial landscaping services or just want to learn more about our services, contact us today. We'll be happy to answer any questions you have and schedule an appointment for service. Pugh's Earthworks Premier Mid-South Landscaping Company Pugh's Earthworks is strategic with selecting business partners to help them deliver the top-quality results to their many customers. From selecting high quality equipment to hiring conscientious and dedicated employees, the Pugh's brothers do not take short cuts. This is true of their vendor selection for online digital marketing. Comprehensive Marketing For Pugh’s Earthworks Press Release: April 7, 2018 The owners of Pugh’s Earthworks, Mark Pugh, Michael Pugh and Tim Pugh announced that they have hired Flyline Search Marketing to deliver a comprehensive Internet Marketing program for the Earthworks [...]

Winter Commercial Landscape Service Provided By Pugh’s Earthworks

Pugh's Earthworks Winter is officially here, and with it comes the need for commercial property owners to take care of their landscapes. They will want a landscape that looks good for both employees and customers throughout the winter months. There are many commercial landscape services that Pugh's Earthworks is happy to provide including Winter Commercial Landscape Service. As you know, this is a very busy time of year for any business owner. The holidays are behind us, and people everywhere are looking forward to the New Year. Planning and making resolutions for changes and improvements for 2023 are now top of mind.  This can be stressful time on every level, especially if your company has multiple locations across multiple states or countries! Winter Commercial Landscape Service To make sure that your commercial landscape looks its best during this busy period—and beyond—you may want some help from a professional landscaper like us here at Pugh's Earthworks. We are a professional and certified commercial landscape that is well known in the Mid-South Region. While our home office is located in Memphis, TN, we also have offices in Nashville, Jackson TN, Littlerock AR and Southaven MS. During the winter season, we are is prepared and eager to provide commercial landscape services that include: • Commercial Landscape Design • Commercial Landscape Installation • Commercial Landscape Maintenance • Commercial Landscape Repair So, you have a commercial property, and you need a company to maintain the landscaping on it. But what does that really mean? In terms of maintenance, we offer a variety of services. These include: • Fertilizing plants • Irrigation system management (we will make sure the sprinklers are on at the right times and are operating efficiently) • Snow removal A professional company like Pugh's can make sure your business' commercial landscaping is ready for the winter. So, if you are looking for a professional company to make sure your business' commercial landscaping is ready for the winter, look no further than our team. For over 30 years, we have been providing quality work in Memphis and surrounding areas. We have a reputation for being thorough and reliable, as well as possessing unique skills that allow us to tackle any type of landscaping project. When you choose us, you will get services like: • Tree trimming • Mulching • Lawn care Conclusion We hope that you found our post helpful. If you are looking to maintain your commercial property’s landscaping during the winter months, we can help! Our team of professionals is ready to meet your needs with a full range of services including plant pruning and removal, mulch delivery and more. So do not hesitate—call us today! CONTACT US Pugh’s Earthworks Landscape & Lawn Maintenance for Institutional Clients Winter Commercial Landscape Service We specialize in landscape and lawn maintenance for projects we have done for Institutional clients. Pugh’s Earthworks has more than 30 years' experience in the landscaping and lawn maintenance business. We started as a very small operation, with a hand full [...]

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