Pugh’s Earthworks Prepares Commercial Properties for the Fall Season

Pugh's Earthworks Pugh's Earthworks is a premier Commercial Landscaping company in the Mid-South. Our markets include Memphis, Nashville, Jackson TN, Little Rock and Southaven MS. With Summer winding down and Fall starting later in September, now is the time to address Fall Commercial Landscaping Service. The hot summer has taken its toll on commercial landscaping, including lawns, flowers, shrubs and trees. In order to help these valuable assets, sustain the harsh winter, hiring the experts at Pugh's Earthworks is a smart move. There are many steps we will take to prepare for the winter. Each one is a critical element to protect you commercial landscaping investment. Below are some of the items our team will focus on. Aeration - This process is something that not everyone thinks about, but the process is so beneficial. Over the long hot summer months, typically the temperatures and the dry conditions have caused your soil to compact and harden. When this happens the roots of the grass and shrubs find it difficult to grow and thrive. The Pugh's team using special equipment will break up the soil and allow moisture and nutrients to flow freely so that the plants can once again establish strong root systems. Plant - Fall planting is an important part of preparation for the season. For example, the hot summer may have killed certain spots in the lawn or shrubs in the flower beds. Unless you want bare spots in your commercial property lawn, it is a necessary to reseed of sod these areas before the really cold weather sets in. Same is true for dead shrubs in the flower beds. The Pugh's team will cut back Perennials like peonies, iris foliage, Hosta foliage, and daylilies. Other types of perennials should not be cut back and our team while know which those are. We will also plant new perennial bulbs and shrubs. Fall is a great time because the soil is still warm, but the air is cooler. This creates a better environment to stimulate growth. Of course, we will encourage that you continue to water all new and existing plants and grass throughout the fall season. Mowing and Fertilizing - Fall is a great time to fertilize. The Pugh's Earthworks team has the experience to know the specific chemical balance to apply and the tools to do it properly. This is important because the lawn is hungry for nutrients as during the hottest days of summer, no fertilizer may have been applied. In addition, when our team mows, we will adjust our commercial grade lawn mowers to a lower height. This is necessary as keeping the grass too high can cause it to mat during winter and consequently die. Clean up - Now that the temperatures are starting to drop, so will the leaves from the trees. It is important throughout the Fall to keep dead leaves and other fallen debris off of the lawn. Clearly this debris can add to trapped moisture which often causes fungal diseases that [...]

Pugh’s Earthworks is the Best at Designing and Maintaining Commercial Property Flower Beds

Pugh's Earthworks Parts of the country are now hitting triple digit temperatures and the spring rains have vanished. While summer is a great season it also carries with it heat exposure that is challenging for plants. Commercial Property Flower Beds are vulnerable to heat and drought. However, with the proper maintenance of a professional landscaping company like Pugh's Earthworks, the plants have a much better chance of surviving and even thriving. Since summer officially started on June 21st, it is still early and a good time to speak with a landscape technician at Pugh's Earthworks about maintenance on your property's flower beds. Our team will be able to analyze the positioning of the flower beds and decide what plants to use.  It may be necessary to change out commercial flower beds around your business for flowers and shrubs that thrive in hotter temperatures and more intense sunlight. Below are some considerations that the Pugh's team may want to review with you as part of your commercial landscape maintenance program: Obviously, flowers that can handle the hot summer temperatures will be the first consideration.  These include delphinium, roses, peony, daylilies, asters, anemones, and iris.  Next, flowers that complement the property with their color and fragrance in order to provide visual interest should be a consideration. Perhaps you may pick flowers from different parts of the season that can handle early, mid, and late summer weather so that changing them out is not a frequent necessity. The Pugh's Earthworks team can then get to work. They will not just start planting with the new flowers. Instead, they will most likely choose to prepare the flower bed by removing old perennials and then using weed killer to remove any other type of bed growth. In addition, many times it is a critical first step that adding new soil and compost to provide nutrients for the flower seeds or flowers prior to the actual planting is necessary and something our team will handle with precision. This is also a good time to evaluate the shape of the flower beds and consider making cosmetic or environmental changes to the shape of the flower beds. Commercial Property Flower Beds do not always have to use the traditional straight-line flower beds. Instead, consider curved beds for a unique look. When doing this you can plant the flowers in groups of three or more rather than the straight line found in a vegetable garden style bed. Arrange your garden with an eye to plant color, shape and size as well as time of bloom to give your garden movement and provide new views every time you see it. Arrange plants, shortest to tallest, from front to back or perimeter to center in your bed. When arranging groups, consider the views of your flowerbed from the house and sidewalk as well as the view from up close to it. Use dramatic plants like hostas to brighten shady places; add dramatic punctuation with oriental lilies and commission annuals such as [...]

Contact Pugh’s Earthworks for Commercial Property Flower Bed Design

Pugh's Earthworks Commercial Property Flower Bed Design   Flower beds provide a beautiful and eye-catching feature to any commercial or residential garden. With a burst of color, these beautiful floral displays can provide enjoyment the entire year-round. However, flowers tend to provide that beauty on a seasonal basis. Even though it is winter, it is still a good time to consider Commercial Property Flower Bed Design. Hiring the professionals at Pugh's Earthworks is the best place to start. Our team will get to work designing the flower beds for property functionality and appearance. The first step is to clean out the existing flower bed.  Remove old perennials, weeds, and any debris. Think of it as a clean slate so you can start again with seasonal blooms. This may be a good time to change the shape of your flower bed. Rather than going with that traditional rectangular look, why not add some curves to it by drawing out new lines with the soil? Now, it's time to add new soil to your flower bed. Dig up rocks, roots, and any debris before putting a layer of garden-specific soil. It should be about six inches deep. You can also add compost and leaf mold. This will boost soil nutrition. Let your flower bed settle for 30 to 60 days before planting. Work with your local garden center on the ideal flowers for this time of year. Once you have an idea of what works, then you can select the colors and varieties to use that will fit your space and garden style. This is where you can be creative. As you plant the flowers in the bed, be sure to add enough water to make puddles under each flower. Add a thin layer of mulch. This will help prevent weeds and allow the soil to retain moisture even during the hot summer ahead. Commercial Property Flower Bed Design In addition, the above items are things the Pugh's Earthworks team will deal with. Furthermore, below are some broad range considerations for your property that we can discuss with you. Brand Recognition is something that every company focuses on. It makes sense that when you are planting flowers, matching those colors to your company logo would be beneficial. Pugh's Earthworks will know the best plants and flowers to plant so as to accomplish this. Matching the Architecture of your building is important. After all, you have made a huge investment in the office complex. It only makes sense to create a flower bed that compliments your property. Again, the professionals at Pugh's Earthworks will know the exact combination of flowers and the style of the flower bed needed. We will use Native plants that flourish in the soil and climate of the region. Flower Beds can also assist with directing customers. Properly positioned to enhance signage will help to keep customers on the right path. In conclusion, Flower Beds that are properly designed and maintained will enhance your property's value and demonstrate your company's commitment to [...]

Adjust your landscape appearance for the season with the help of the experts at Pugh’s Earthworks

Pugh's Earthworks   Every season brings different weather conditions that impact your commercial landscape. That is why it makes sense to regularly adjust your commercial landscape to fit the season. This creates a year-round beautiful and welcoming look to your commercial landscape. The Pugh's Earthworks certified landscape technicians are educated on exactly what types of plants are acclimated to each of our four seasons. By rotating the plants that are used in commercial landscaping, properties are kept attractive. This strategy is part of the service provided by Pugh's Earthworks. Absent the use of a skilled company like Pugh's Earthworks, year-round commercial landscaping techniques which involves selecting trees and shrubs, can be overwhelming. Since spring is the next season coming up, let's start there. After a drab, cold winter, you will want to show some color in your commercial landscape. Look for the earliest-blooming shrubs, trees, and flowers to get ready to plant. You'll most likely start enjoying various colors by mid-spring. And, to carry on your staggered planting strategy, summer should consist of trees and shrubs that are heartier and can withstand the heat and humidity of the season. From there, fall offers a lot of opportunity for colorful foliage and deep colors across shrubs and trees. When winter arrives again, most of the plants and trees will go into hibernation, so be prepared to focus on colors like white, brown, and gray for a few months with the exception of the seasonal evergreen tree. Of course it is not just the plants and trees that are of concern. There is also your year-round commercial lawn care to consider. This area of your landscape should also have a strategy to keep it inviting throughout each season. With spring nearly here, it's time to sharpen those lawnmower blades and clean up all the debris. Keep an eye out for weeds and begin fertilizing. From there, each season will involve trimming, watering, and feeding until the lawn goes dormant again in winter. Below are some of the typical landscape plants and trees used at different times each year: Fall - In the fall, the key element that makes a beautiful and colorful landscape is the changing foliage. Two of the all time favorites for bright fall foliage are the Maple Tree and Sumac Shrub. Winter - This is probably the most challenging season. Plants that add color are Evergreen Trees and Shrubs. Another option for color is the Red Osier Dogwood. Spring - After the long gray Winter season, people are clamoring for colorful plants and blooms. There is a long list of those but for early color the Forsythia, Lilac and Mountain Laurel. Summer - Common are the Crepe Myrtle, Rose of Sharon and Hydrangea Shrubs. And, if you need expert and professional help making your commercial landscape fit with the season, then you should contact us today at Pugh's Earthworks to learn more about our commercial landscaping design and maintenance packages. Rose of Sharon   The Pugh's Earthworks [...]

Pugh’s Earthworks recommends the use of compost for commercial property nutrition and for the environment

Pugh's Earthworks The certified technicians at Pugh's Earthworks have learned, through their many hours of studies, that compost renders numerous benefits. For one it helps the environment tremendously. It retains a very large amount of water. This water retention prevents or reduces soil erosion by controlling runoff.  When water flows downstream it carries with it many pollutants. Things like heavy metals, nitrogen, phosphorus, oil and grease, fuels, herbicides, and pesticides. All these chemicals are found in such things as fertilizer, gasoline for power tools etc. Compost is a natural fertilizer. The decomposition process of organic matter that includes some of that food waste you throw away. It is that compost and what it is made of that helps nourish the soil and feeds those plants or that lawn. Compost can be made on a small scale like what people do with the organic aspects of their trash. It is typically made in a large container. Or, it can be created on a much larger scale. Besides food, compost can also include grass clippings, leaves, hay, seashells, tree bark and twigs, animal manure, and straw. The compost mixture typically consists of two parts of dry material like leaves to one part wet or green material, such as grass clippings. The mixture is then left to decompose. Air movement is important, but the decomposing compost must also remain evenly moist. What makes compost so good for the lawn and other landscape is the microorganisms. Millions of microbes deliver the necessary nutrients to the soil to help stimulate plant growth. With all the nutrients, the grass becomes healthier. Just think of it as vitamins for the grass. To apply compost to a lawn, it needs to be spread with shovels to create a layer across the lawn that is about 1/4" thick. After a rake can be used to ensure the compost is evenly spread. It is good to apply the compost just after seeding and aerating. Because microorganisms are continually reproducing and dying, you can never add too much compost to the lawn. Once organic matter starts to build up in the soil, you can apply compost much less.  Also, you won't need to fertilize and water the lawn while weed, insect, and disease will also decrease. This illustrates another benefit of using compost for the lawn. To get professional assistance with composting, contact the certified technicians at Pugh's Earthworks contact us now to find out how we can help you maintain a lush commercial lawn while doing marvelous things to protect our precious environment. Spreading Compost for Plants Pugh’s Earthworks Credentials/Affiliations/Degrees, Certifications The Pugh’s Earthworks team has all the proper credentials, degrees and certifications necessary to deliver top quality landscape and lawn maintenance design, installation and maintenance services. Our team is experienced, highly skilled. They all operate with a customer first attitude. Our firm is one of the largest landscape and lawn maintenance companies in Tennessee. We have all the right equipment to handle commercial landscape and lawn maintenance projects. Our [...]

Pugh’s Earthworks Apartment properties are beautifully and professionally maintained

Pugh's Earthworks Big Company Strength and Small Company Values!   Pugh’s Earthworks was originally started by Mark Pugh. Our firm has been in business since 1992. Over the past 25 years, we have grown rapidly. In all that time and throughout all that growth, we have remained true to our motto, Big Company Strength, Small Company Values! Regardless of the size of the client we are working for, our staff will deliver the best possible service, while treating each client with the utmost of respect. In a word, “We Love Our Customers” and “We Appreciate The Opportunity To Serve.” We are now one of the Mid South’ s leading commercial landscape installation and maintenance companies. Pugh’s Earthworks provides the highest quality landscaping services available. We are Memphis landscape maintenance experts. Our team is committed to acting with the utmost of integrity with our business operations and for clients and the communities we serve. Every job we do is backed by our 100% customer satisfaction guarantee. Pugh's Earthworks Apartment properties are beautifully and professionally maintained! Apartment Landscaping When people are looking for an apartment home, few will stop and visit a complex where the grass is overgrown or dying, standing water is visible and there is a lack of care for shrubs and trees. Conversely if the complex has freshly cut green lawns and beautifully landscaped shrubbery, people are more likely to stop and tour their potential new home. The certified and professional landscapers at Pugh's Earthworks are experts in Apartment complex landscape design and ongoing maintenance. Our properties are well designed and well maintained. There are many elements to Apartment property landscape design and maintenance. Below are some of the major components to a beautiful complex that will attract new and keep existing residents. Safe Walkways - Apartment residents enjoy taking walks with their family. If the sidewalks and pathways are not safe to walk on then the pleasure of being outdoors does not exist. Pugh's Earthworks incorporates safe and attractive walking trails into landscape design. Green Grass - No one wants to look out of the window and see a brown dying lawn or one that is riddled with weeds. Good landscaping maintenance like that performed by Pugh's Earthworks yields a harvest of a beautiful lawn. Properly designed sprinklers that apply appropriate water to the lawn while not creating unnecessary standing water is crucial. In addition, the right amounts of fertilizer and weed prevention treatments applied at the correct times of the season will keep the lawn lush and green. Parking Lot - Residents want a well designed and safe parking lot. In addition, the curb appeal of the parking lot in terms of plants and grass that surround it can be aesthetically pleasing as well as maintained to keep visibility high for safety reasons. Also, well designed drainage will keep the parking lot from having unsightly and dangerous standing water. Lighting - People want to feel safe at night. Well designed lighting as part of the overall landscaping is [...]

Refresh Planting Beds with Mulch to Protect During the Winter Freeze

Pugh's Earthworks Commercial Landscape Maintenance Services For Tennessee Pugh's Earthworks provides commercial landscape design and maintenance services throughout Tennessee, including Memphis, Jackson, and Nashville plus we service residential and commercial lawns in Little Rock, Arkansas. Our monthly seasonal landscape care for lawns includes professional lawn care, including irrigation and sprinklers, fertilizing, reseeding, aeration, and more. Lawn care can include additional services for your landscape, pest control, and ice and snow removal needs. Along with your lawn, you may have other aspects of your commercial landscape or residential yard the needs care before winter sets in, including your planting beds or flower beds. There are many reasons why now is the time to mulch these beds or have someone like us to the work for you. Garden mulch helps with weed suppression, conserves moisture, and adds organic matter that decomposes into plant-friendly fertilizer. Most importantly, mulch protects plant roots from heavy freezes and temperature extremes. The mulch does this by keeping a consistent soil temperature that keeps the roots of those bedding plants and flowers comfortable during those harsh winter months. Think of mulch as an insulating blanket. The best mulches for winter include coarse-textured materials like straw or hay, pine or evergreen boughs, and other fibrous organic mulch materials. Shredded leaves and compost also provide good winter cover for perennials and bulbs. Also, pine needles help ornamental beds and shrubs while straw works well for vegetable beds and strawberry beds. Mulches that contain shredded leaves and compost also provide food for earthworms, microbes, and other beneficial creatures that live in the soil and that also help plants get through the winter. Apply the mulch until after the first hard or killing frost.  Otherwise, mulching too early may cause stress and weaken the plant. When applying mulch, leave a one- to two-inch mulch-free zone around plants and put mulch three to four inches away from the base of shrubs. You should apply a two- to four-inch layer when using fine-textured mulch and three- to six-inches thick for coarser-textured mulch. Contact us today to learn more about our winter care landscape services.

By |2019-11-16T21:59:31+00:00November 16th, 2019|Categories: Flower Beds|Tags: , , |Comments Off on Refresh Planting Beds with Mulch to Protect During the Winter Freeze

Changing Flower Beds For the Summer

Now is the time to change out commercial flower beds around your business for flowers that thrive in hotter temperatures and more intense sunlight. Here's how flower beds should be changed out as part of your commercial landscape maintenance program. Let's start with some flower suggestions. These include delphinium, roses, peony, daylilies, asters, anemones, and iris. Then, choose flowers for their color and fragrance to provide visual interest. Pick flowers from different part of the season that can handle early, mid, and late summer weather. Next, don't just start planting with the new flowers. Instead, you need to prepare the flower bed by removing old perennials and then using weed killer to remove any other type of bed growth. Add new soil and compost to provide nutrients for the flower seeds or flowers that you plan on putting in the flower beds for summer. This is also a good time to change the shape of the flower beds. You don't have to use the traditional straight-line flower beds. Instead, consider curved beds for a unique look. When doing this you can plant the flowers in groups of three or more rather than the straight line found in a vegetable garden style bed. We can help you create beautiful summer flower beds that provide color and a fresh look all season long. Contact us now to find out how we can take care of your commercial landscaping needs.   Arrange your garden with an eye to plant color, shape and size as well as time of bloom to give your garden movement and provide new views every time you see it. Arrange plants, shortest to tallest, from front to back or perimeter to center in your bed. When arranging groups, consider the views of your flowerbed from the house and sidewalk as well as the view from up close to it. Use dramatic plants like hostas to brighten shady places; add dramatic punctuation with oriental lilies and commission annuals such as snapdragons to bridge periods when few perennials bloom. Whether your flowerbed is a high-maintenance rose garden or a jumbled cottage plot, it should reflect your personality. You may want shades of one color or a balanced palette of several. Your native garden’s monarda and purple coneflowers attract hummingbirds and butterflies; a moon garden’s white flowers attract nocturnal moths. Declare your concern for the environment by xeriscaping or designing a rain garden, techniques that use native plants to reduce the need for added nutrients and water. Whether a collection of heirloom blooms or the latest hybrid gems, your flowerbed speaks volumes about the gardener who keeps it.

By |2019-04-28T21:48:33+00:00April 28th, 2019|Categories: Flower Beds|Tags: , , |Comments Off on Changing Flower Beds For the Summer

Fall is a Great Time to Mulch Flower Beds

During the fall, this is the time to give flower beds some much-needed attention. This is the time to mulch flower beds and replant with fall and winter tolerant flowers. Here are some tips on what to do: The first step is to remove all plant debris from the planting bed where you have flowers. This debris can be used as compost material. If you don't compost, then dispose of the plant debris. Remember to also remove any weeds from the plant and flower beds. Next, the soil needs to be prepared for rototilling. If you are leavint leaves as garden mulch, then be sure to shred them first. You can do this by usng a lawn mower to cut them into smaller pieces. One option is to then use what is known as living mulch. This is using live plants in place of conventional mulch. However, leaf mulch doesn't look very aesthetically pleasing when you want to have tidy flower beds.  However, it can be less work. Yet, leaf mulch is free versus investing in regular mulch. There's also the choice between organic and inorganic. Organic mulch has shredded wood products. However, you can also use pine needles or grass clipping for mulch as well. Pine needles can acidify soil as they decompose while leaf compost adds nutrients. Then, grass clippings can burn plants as it decomposes and cause nitrogen deficiency in plants. Organic mulches breakdown over time. As they do, this type of mulch releases nutrients and enriches the soil. Normally, you have to apply organic mulches every year to maintain flower beds. Inorganic mulch has stone products and recycled rubber products. This type of mulch can reduce problems with insects around the flower beds. The inorganic mulch can radiate heat from the sun, which may scorch the lower parts of plants. Either use plants that are adapted to this or put organic mulch around the base of the plant and use inorganic mulch in the areas of the flower beds where there are no plants. One downfall with inorganic mulches is that they are more costly initially. However, they also don't need to be replenished every year. Contact us today to find out how we can take care of your fall mulching needs for your flower beds!

By |2018-09-24T17:12:50+00:00September 24th, 2018|Categories: Flower Beds|Tags: , |Comments Off on Fall is a Great Time to Mulch Flower Beds
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