Crafting Little Rock’s Green Oasis: The Art of Commercial Landscape Design

Pugh's Earthworks In the heart of Little Rock, Arkansas, a transformative landscaping movement is underway—one that is redefining the region’s commercial aesthetic, promoting sustainable practices, and enhancing the community's way of life. Join us as we uncover the principles and possibilities of commercial landscape design in this Southern gem. Whether you are a local property owner, a steward of the urban greenery, or a professional in the industry, the Pugh's Earthworks Commercial Landscapers can provide the inspiration and insights needed to cultivate a standout outdoor Commercial Landscape Design in Little Rock. From the banks of the Arkansas River to the vibrant corridors of downtown and beyond, the built environment of Little Rock is showing an increasing affinity for lush greenery, landscape architecture that marries form and function, and a green ethos that pulses through the city’s private and public spaces alike. The conviction to create environments that are both beautiful and beneficial is shaping not just the aesthetic appeal of Little Rock, but also its environmental footprint and the quality of life for its citizens. Elevating the Visual Impressions Beyond Curb Appeal Commercial landscapes in Little Rock stand as the city's most verdant welcome mats, signaling to customers, employees, and passersby that the businesses within are attuned to the nuances of their surroundings. It's about more than pleasing the eye. It's about curating an atmosphere that beckons, calms, and captivates. The question of design in commercial landscaping is not just about fashioning a space that is sleek and visually arresting. It is equally about answering to the architectural lines of the building it surrounds, complementing and softening those lines, and sometimes even providing a contrasting element that serves to enhance both the built and the planted. In a city like Little Rock, where historic structures sit side by side with modern developments, the art of landscape design becomes a delicate balance of past and present. The Brand in the Garden For businesses, the landscape is an extension of the brand—it is the first story told to any who approach. It is a canvas on which to paint the values of the company, and in Little Rock, where community and heritage are so palpably treasured, there's no better way for a business to act than to invest in the landscape that serves it. Whether it's a subtle nod to Arkansas's natural abundance through native flora or a grand display of corporate citizenship in the form of a public park, the choices made in the commercial landscape design reflect the core of the enterprise. Native Narratives In Little Rock, the emphasis on native plant species is more than a nod to ecological responsibility—it is a way to celebrate the unique biodiversity of Arkansas. The colors and textures of the local landscape are as distinctive as they are diverse, offering designers an abundant palette to create compelling and authentic expressions of place. Remember, your landscape is a declaration of fidelity—to the local environment, to the community, and to your company's own values. In [...]

Spring Weed Prevention for Various Landscapes

Pugh's Earthworks A lush green lawn or a flowerbed brimming with vibrant colors is a sight that everyone enjoys. However, the presence of unsightly weeds can mar the beauty of any landscape. Spring is an integral time to fortify your grounds against the encroachment of weeds, and it is important for gardening enthusiasts, homeowners, and commercial property managers alike to take proactive measures. In this guide, we look at the intricacies involved in crafting a tailored Spring Weed Prevention strategy for diverse types of landscapes while offering insights into identifying spring weeds and implementing maintenance practices that ensure your space stays weed-free and inviting. Understanding Different Landscapes Landscapes vary greatly in purpose, scale, and plant composition, making a one-size-fits-all approach to weed prevention futile. Understanding the unique characteristics of different landscapes is the first step in crafting an effective weed management plan. Residential Gardens The personal aesthetic and often, the environmental conscience, come into play with residential gardens. Homeowners tend to favor approaches that align with a holistic gardening mindset, using natural or homemade remedies to curb weed growth. Commercial Properties Scrupulously maintained and often featuring elaborate designs, commercial properties require a professional touch when it comes to weed prevention. Consistency in appearance and health is essential for creating a welcoming environment that reflects the business’s brand. Industrial Centers Wide expanses typify industrial center landscapes, which are often highly susceptible to weed infestations due to the acres of available space. The focus here is on practical and efficient maintenance practices, paired with weed repellents that can withstand rigorous use. Hospitals, Hotels, Cemeteries Public areas centered around comfort or solemnity must be kept meticulously clean of weeds. In these settings, non-toxic methods are preferred to ensure the safety of visitors and the preservation of a serene atmosphere. Common Spring Weeds Weeds are not merely an aesthetic nuisance; they can leach vital nutrients from the soil, compete with desirable plants for water and sunlight, and even pose a fire hazard under the right conditions. Understanding the weeds specific to spring is key in formulating a prevention plan tailored to the season. Identification and Characteristics From the dandelion's disruptive taproot to the sprawling tentacles of crabgrass, each weed exhibits distinct growth patterns and strategies for survival. Knowing your enemy is the first rule of sustainable defense, as it allows you to select the most pertinent control measures. Preventative Measures Preventing weed growth is a multi-faceted endeavor that involves both natural and chemical approaches. The choice of method usually hinges on the immediate effectiveness required and the long-term impact on the landscape's health. Organic Weed Control Methods For those seeking to avoid or minimize the use of chemicals, organic weed control methods are invaluable. These include targeted soil treatments, mulching, and the introduction of weed-suppressive plants. Chemical Options and Considerations When used judiciously and in accordance with local regulations, chemical herbicides can be potent tools in combating aggressive weed growth. Knowing the specific needs of your plants, soil type, and the environmental impact of [...]

We Offer Commercial Site Clean Up Services

Pugh's Earthworks When it comes to running a successful business or maintaining a bustling commercial property, first impressions and sustained upkeep are non-negotiables. A clean and polished environment is not just about aesthetics; it is a silent ambassador for all that happens within its walls, from professionalism to health and safety standards. As advertised on our website, Pugh's Earthworks offers Commercial Site Clean Up Services. This guide delves into the world of commercial site clean-up services: understanding their importance, recognizing the types, and navigating how to select the perfect provider for your unique property needs. The Importance of Maintaining a Clean Commercial Property Commercial site clean-up services are the unsung heroes of the business world. They ensure that your property, the face of your business, is not overshadowed by unsightly messes or jeopardized by unseen dangers. A tidy commercial space is a direct reflection of how you run your business; it exudes reliability and an overall commitment to excellence. More than that, it's an unmistakable message to your customers and employees that their comfort, safety, and well-being matter to you. Benefits Galore: How Clean-Up Services Add Value Improved Aesthetics and Curb Appeal -A clean façade is the hallmark of strong first impressions. A carefully maintained exterior can attract new customers, impress visitors, and instill a sense of pride in your team. First impressions are formed in mere seconds, making an immaculate property frontage a pivotal factor in customer retention and acquisition. Safety and Hygiene Prioritization -Maintaining cleanliness goes hand in hand with protecting human health. Cleaning up spills, managing waste, and sanitizing common areas minimize the risk of infections and accidents. These services aren't just about vanity; they're about creating a safe, healthy environment that can lead to increased productivity and diminished absenteeism. Compliance and Regulations - Environmental health requirements are stringent, and breach of these could lead to severe penalties and a tarnished reputation. Commercial site clean-up services aren't just best practices; they're often mandatory. They help keep your business on the right side of the law and ensure seamless operations without risk of shutdowns or legal entanglements. Customer Perception - A surprising but very significant benefit of a clean commercial space is the positive reinforcement it gives to customer loyalty and trust. Patrons are more likely to return and recommend your business to others if they have a pleasant, clean environment in which to interact with your brand. Sifting through Services: What is Available for Your Property? Commercial Site Clean Up services are as varied as the different types of commercial properties themselves. From the routine to the specialized, here is a breakdown of what our services at Pugh's Earthworks often entail. Exterior Cleaning Services - For the first line of defense against environmental elements, exterior cleaning services offer a range of treatments from simple power washing and window cleaning to full-scale parking lot sanitation. They keep the 'outside' looking as pristine as the inside should feel. Specialized Cleanup Services - Instances of unusual messes or hazards often call for specialized services. [...]

We Offer Superior Hotel Commercial Landscaping!

Pugh's Earthworks Hotel Commercial Landscaping is not merely about keeping up appearances. It is an elaborate choreography of design, maintenance, and sustainability that plays a pivotal role in guest experiences and the overall success of a hotel's brand. In this post, Pugh's Earthworks will delve into the art and science of hotel landscaping, exploring why it is more than just a pretty garden and how it can become a key competitive differentiator. The Importance of Landscaping for Hotels Landscaping is often the initial point of interaction a guest has with a hotel. The driveway lined with ornate trees; the entrance flanked by vibrant flowers—these are the first impressions that cement a perception of hospitality. Yet beyond aesthetical allure, landscaping is an essential component of a hotel's identity. From luxury to eco-friendly, traditional to contemporary, the landscaping aligns with and reinforces a hotel’s brand and atmosphere. Proper landscaping also compliments a hotel's building design, amplifying architectural features and directing attention to critical areas. It invites guests to explore and spend time outdoors, perhaps in a meticulously arranged garden or poolside oasis. As such, the outdoor spaces of a hotel have to be thoughtfully considered and carefully managed to ensure they continue to serve these important roles effectively. Benefits of Commercial Landscaping While we already hinted at some of the advantages of commercial landscaping for hotels, let's dissect this further. Enhancing Curb Appeal - In a competitive marketplace, curb appeal can be a make-it-or-break-it factor. The visibility and attractiveness of a hotel from the street can influence a passerby's decision to stop and check-in. A well-maintained and thoughtfully designed landscape can draw in potential guests, assuring them that their stay will be as pleasurable as the hotel's exterior promises. Creating a Welcoming Atmosphere - Hotel landscaping has the power to set the mood. Flowing, organic designs imbue a space with a sense of calm, while structured patterns can convey modernity and elegance. Each leaf, tendril, and bloom contribute to the atmosphere—building anticipation and comfort for what lies beyond the lobby. Improving Guest Experience - A memorable stay often involves more than a comfortable bed and good service. The outdoor spaces provide a change of scenery, places to relax, and sometimes, breathing space. Elaborate gardens, tranquil ponds, and inviting terraces all to become extended realms through which guests can unwind and enjoy the hotel's amenities. Designing a Hotel Landscape Crafting an exterior that harmonizes with the hotel's interior is an art. It begins with a deep understanding of the brand, its values, and the image it wishes to convey. These are all areas Pugh's Earthworks has experience with. Considering the Hotel's Brand and Theme - A luxurious hotel might opt for elaborate designs with exotic plants, while a modern boutique hotel may choose minimalist gardens with clean lines and a monochrome palette. By understanding the hotel's brand and theme, the landscaping design becomes a subtler way to communicate these attributes. Incorporating Local Flora - Translating local landscapes into hotel grounds can anchor the property within [...]

Condominium Property Commercial Landscaping

Pugh's Earthworks Landscapes are the silent ambassadors of any living space, setting the stage for the experiences that unfold within and around them. For condominium properties, the outdoor space is not just an aesthetic feature but a communal living room that speaks volumes about the value and lifestyle the property upholds. From the whispering breeze rustling through the greenery to the meticulously trimmed hedges sculpting the space, commercial landscaping encompasses a world where nature and architecture coexist harmoniously. At Pugh's Earthworks one of our expert lines of business is Condominium Property Commercial Landscaping. Introduction In the realm of condominiums, where first impressions last and communal spaces unify, a well-maintained outdoor area is crucial. It is the subtleties in the landscape—a cascading plant here or a stone pathway there—that can transform a simple property into an alluring home for residents and a beacon for potential buyers. Benefits of Commercial Landscaping A thoughtful landscaping strategy does not just beautify—it cultivates an environment where lives thrive. Improved curb appeal draws residents and visitors into a magnetic and welcoming harmony of constructed and natural beauty, while enhanced property value is a tangible testament to the investment poured into the grounds. Furthermore, increased resident satisfaction stems from the pride and enjoyment of exquisite outdoor amenities. Key Considerations for Condo Owners and Property Managers Making the leap toward professional commercial landscaping should not be a leap of faith. Entrusting your property's green spaces to professionals is key. Customizing landscaping plans to fit the property's character and needs ensures that each square foot contributes positively to the overall aesthetic and functionality. And, with the seasons turning, regular maintenance and seasonal changes are pivotal in preserving the landscape's vibrancy. Designing Outdoor Spaces for Condos Condo landscapes can often feel like puzzles waiting to be solved. Maximizing limited space cleverly uses every inch for maximum beauty and utility. Incorporating greenery into the heart of the design not only breathes life into concrete but also supports local ecosystems. Furthermore, installing outdoor amenities and seating areas crafts comfortable, usable spaces for residents to unwind and gather. Sustainable Landscaping Practices With an ecological conscience, landscaping transforms into a stewardship that respects and nurtures the environment. Water conservation strategies, such as drought-resistant plants and efficient irrigation systems, help to preserve precious resources. Using native plant species supports local wildlife and minimizes upkeep, while integrated pest management champions a balance between protecting plants and avoiding pollutants. Engaging Residents in Landscaping Landscapes flourish when communities root for them. Community gardens can unite neighbors in cultivation and harvest, deepening their connection to the land. Encouraging resident involvement and feedback in landscaping decisions invests individuals personally in the care of their shared spaces. In addition, launching educational initiatives can inspire eco-friendly practices within the community. Case Studies and Success Stories Success in landscaping is noy measured solely in blooms but in the stories of transformation and growth. Showcase projects from condominiums that have reaped the benefits of professional landscaping can serve as blueprints and inspiration for those [...]

We Offer Cemetery Commercial Landscaping Services Backed by a Stringent Quality Assurance Program!

Pugh's Earthworks The final resting place of loved ones holds a sacred place in the hearts of many. As a cemetery owner or administrator, the aesthetic and preservation of these memorial grounds reflect not only respect for the departed but also provide solace to the visiting bereaved. This is where the role of a professional commercial landscaping company like Pugh's Earthworks becomes vital. We are the premier Commercial Landscaping Company in the Mid-South. In this blog post, we delve into the expansive benefits of specialized Cemetery Commercial Landscaping Services. Customized Landscaping Design Cemeteries come with their unique history, sentiment, and character. Unlike generic plots, they require a landscaping plan that honors the solemnity and serene beauty associated with such spaces. Our customized design services consider the topography, climate, and cultural significance of each cemetery, proposing landscapes that are solemn yet uplifting, ensuring an atmosphere befitting reflection and remembrance. Maintenance Services Continuous care is the cornerstone of a well-preserved cemetery. Regular maintenance not only keeps the area tidy and visually appealing but also prevents deterioration and structural damage that can derive from neglect. We offer a range of maintenance services from lawn care, tree trimming, to path upkeep, ensuring that the cemetery remains a dignified space for commemorating loved ones. Eco-Friendly Practices Sustainability is not just a buzzword; it is a practice we imbue in our landscaping. Eco-friendly practices such as using native plants that flourish in local conditions not only maintain biological diversity but also minimize the ecological footprint. Our water management systems are designed to maximize efficiency, making certain that the beauty of nature contributes to healing and hope without harming the environment. Experienced Team The Pugh's Earthworks team comprises skilled professionals who specialize in cemetery landscaping—a nuanced field that goes beyond simple gardening. With years of experience, our landscape architects and horticulturists understand the careful planning and sensitivity needed, ensuring that each site conveys the quiet dignity it deserves. Competitive Pricing Quality service need not come with a prohibitive cost. We offer competitive pricing without cutting corners on materials or craftsmanship. Investing in our cemetery landscaping service means investing in quality that stands the test of time—financial efficiency paired with uncompromised care. Differentiators from Competitors What sets us apart is our unique design philosophy, which embraces local plant life and fosters natural beauty authentically suited to its surroundings. Our efficient water management underscores our commitment to sustainability. The dedicated customer service ensures we are aligned with your vision and needs, while our comprehensive maintenance plans mean you can rest assured that the landscapes will remain meticulously preserved. Conclusion The choice to entrust the visual and horticultural aspects of a cemetery to professional landscapers is both a practical and emotive decision. Our commercial landscaping services honor the delicate balance between mourning and celebration of life. For cemetery owners, funeral homes, city administrators, and landscape architects, we offer not just services but a steadfast commitment to enhancing these sanctuaries of memory. Together, we can create spaces that resonate with reverence, [...]

We Provide a Wide Range of Commercial Landscaping Services Including Synthetic Turf Installation

Pugh's Earthworks Pugh's Earthworks is a premier Commercial Landscape company headquartered in Memphis, Tennessee. The company offers a full complement of commercial landscaping services which includes the installation of Synthetic Turf. Other commonly used terms for this surface are "astro turf," "fake grass," and "artificial grass". The Benefits of Synthetic Turf In an era where convenience and sustainability reign supreme, synthetic turf emerges as a front-runner in innovative landscaping. This marvel of modern landscaping technology has surged in popularity among homeowners, schools, landscape architects, and sports facility managers. But what exactly is propelling the swift adoption of synthetic turf? Our comprehensive blog post unpacks the multitudinous benefits of synthetic turf, from low maintenance to water conservation and beyond. Low Maintenance One of the hallmark appeals of synthetic turf is its low maintenance nature. Gone are the days of weekend afternoons spent mowing, the perpetual cycle of watering, and the back-breaking work of fertilizing. This translates into not only precious time saved for busy homeowners but also substantial cost savings for schools and sports facilities that manage expansive areas. Consider the hours allocated every week to lawn care; synthetic turf liberates you from this time commitment. Moreover, the financial impact of reduced material costs, equipment wear-and-tear, and labor give synthetic turf a salient edge. Water Conservation Our synthetic turf stands on the front lines of water conservation — an increasingly vital initiative amidst global environmental concerns. The contrast in water usage is stark; while natural grass can soak up gallons upon gallons, synthetic turf requires no irrigation. This feature is especially pertinent in regions facing drought conditions or water use restrictions, where maintaining a green space could otherwise be burdensome or even unfeasible. Synthetic turf ensures lush landscapes without the environmental guilt. Durability When it comes to withstanding the elements and the rigor of sports, synthetic turf exhibits exceptional durability. Its resistance to wear and tear is unparalleled, maintaining its aesthetic and functional qualities under heavy foot traffic and diverse weather conditions. The implications for durability are far-reaching, from enduring the playful antics of children at school to hosting a multitude of sporting events without a dip in performance or safety. Pet-Friendly Pet owners rejoice; synthetic turf is here to cater to your furry companions. Say hello to a lawn that won't get dug up or turn into mud. Plus, synthetic turf's ease of cleaning — a simple hose down or brush-off suffices — keeps outdoor spaces hygienic and odor-free. All-Weather Suitability The allure of synthetic turf's all-weather suitability cannot be overstated. Rain or shine, sleet or sweltering heat, it remains unfazed and ready for use. For sports facilities and outdoor spaces, this means no downtime and optimal utilization year-round. Say goodbye to canceled games and waterlogged fields. Case Studies and Testimonials Do not just take our word for it. Listen to a homeowner who claims their backyard has never looked more consistently pristine since making the switch. Contemplate the evidence from a school that has saved on its annual maintenance [...]

Winter Tree Planting is a Vital Service we Perform for Commercial Properties

Pugh's Earthworks A hard freeze triggers plants into dormancy for the winter. This makes it the safest time for Winter Tree Planting.  The professionals at Pugh's Earthworks Commercial Landscaping will handle all winter planting needs so that trees and shrubs can be settled in and ready to start growing and making leaves in the springtime. Also, plants store energy during the growing season so they can provide energy during the fall and winter seasons that help them grow roots. Plants undertake most of this root growth during the “dormant” season. That is one of the biggest reasons why it makes sense to plant trees and shrubs during the winter season. However, there are other reasons that make it an ideal time, too. Stress levels are reduced because of the lack of foliage and soft new growth. This means less water is used to keep the trees and shrubs happy. Pruning will also not need to be done. To be successful with winter tree and shrub planting, there are a few tips to follow. First, mulching is important because it will help to maintain constant soil temperatures and keeps soil moisture at a constant level. Second, use less fertilizer and use organic fertilizer so it doesn't burn the roots. It is specifically designed to promote root growth while not encouraging foliage growth. Third, if you live in a windy area, consider staking the trees to prevent undue stress on the new roots. If the ground is frozen solid and unworkable, then you can store unplanted shrubs and trees in a sheltered spot with southern exposure. When growth starts in early spring, prune any damaged branches, and feed with a balanced organic fertilizer. Importance of Winter Tree Planting Winter tree planting is a strategic choice that offers numerous benefits. Planting during the dormant season allows trees to establish their root systems, ensuring a strong foundation before spring arrives. Additionally, nurseries often offer a wider selection of tree species during the winter months, giving you more options to choose from. By planting in winter, you're setting your trees up for long-term success. Choosing the Right Tree Species Selecting the appropriate tree species is crucial for successful winter planting. Considerations such as hardiness, adaptability to your specific location, and the desired aesthetic impact should guide your choice. Look for tree species known for their winter hardiness, such as evergreens or deciduous trees that thrive in cold climates. Matching the right tree species to your specific location will enhance its chances of survival and growth. Preparing the Soil for Winter Planting Preparing the soil is a critical step in ensuring optimal conditions for your newly planted trees. Start by conducting a soil test to determine its nutrient levels and pH balance. Based on the test results, you can make any necessary amendments to create the ideal soil conditions for your chosen tree species. Winter soil preparation sets the stage for healthy root development and long-term tree growth. Proper Planting Techniques Mastering the art of proper tree [...]

We Efficiently Maintain Property Entrance Container Gardens

Pugh's Earthworks Property Entrance Container Gardens make a lovely addition around HOA or Commercial Property entrances and in places where a little greenery is needed to soften and decorate. Bedding plants including annuals, perennials, small shrubs and ornamental trees make excellent mixes for container gardening. A good rule of thumb is to have a tall plant in the center and draping flora around the edges. Fill in other areas with a combination of blooming and green plants keeping in mind not to over crowd the planter and drown out some of the mix. Pugh's Earthworks creates and maintains these container gardens on some of our properties. Benefits of Property Entrance Container Gardens Container gardens at a property entrance offer numerous benefits that make them a popular landscaping choice. Unlike in-ground plantings, they can be moved and changed with the seasons or property owners' preferences, providing versatility and customization options. They allow owners to add their unique style and personality to greet guests with beautiful blooms and foliage. Curb appeal is one of the most noticeable advantages of using containers by the front door or walkway. The pops of color and texture instantly increase visual interest and make a great first impression. Studies show people value curb appeal, as it implies care has been put into the property. Container plantings are an easy way to spruce up the entry without major landscaping work. Container gardens are also one of the lowest maintenance ways to add garden interest at an entrance. The enclosed soil environment helps retain moisture longer than in the ground, reducing watering needs. Containers prevent weeds and grass from taking root like in-ground beds. There is no digging or soil amendment required. The ability to move containers allows for optimal sun exposure. For those without time for high-maintenance beds and borders, entrance container gardens are an ideal solution. The versatility and customization possible with entrance container gardens make them a great choice for expressing owners' personal styles. Mixing colors, shapes and textures allows for endless design options. Containers can be changed seasonally or rearranged anytime to keep the entryway looking fresh and inviting. They provide a simple, affordable way to try out new looks before committing to permanent in-ground plantings. For those wanting to quickly update their home's entrance, container gardens are the perfect flexible and creative solution. Choosing the Right Location When placing your property entrance container garden, consider visibility and access. Choose a spot that can be easily seen from the street to create curb appeal. Near the front entrance and walkways is ideal so it is one of the first things people notice when approaching your HOA or Business Property. Sunlight exposure is another key factor for container garden placement. Most flowering plants and vegetables need at least 6 hours of direct sunlight per day. Observe how the sunlight hits different areas of your property during the day before deciding where to position your containers. South or west facing spots are best. If needed, you can [...]

Commercial HOA Landscaping is Just One of the Many Great Services We Provide!

Pugh's Earthworks A well-maintained lawn and garden are a great way to show your customers and community that you care about the quality of life in your area. Pugh's Earthworks is expert at Commercial Landscaping, and we can help! Our professional Commercial HOA Landscaping services will make sure your backyard or front yard looks its best. HOA Landscaping Benefits As a business owner, you know that the most visible part of your property is its landscaping. Whether it is an apartment complex or office park, people will judge your company by what they see outside. Landscaping can help increase visibility for your business and attract new clients through: Increased foot traffic due to attractive aesthetics (and sometimes even smells). This can lead directly to more sales or leads as people walk through the area on their way somewhere else. Improved curb appeal that makes potential customers feel more comfortable entering the building or visiting the website online--or both! Increased real estate value for your property. This can help you sell or lease it out if you decide to move on from the space and make a profit! HOA Landscaping Certification HOA Landscaping Certification is a good way to show your customers that you are a professional, and it can also help you win more business. It is a great way to prove that you know what you are doing when it comes to landscaping, which will make clients feel more confident in hiring someone like yourself. Pugh's Earthwork is a Certified Commercial Landscaping Company. If there is one thing that we have learned from our years as a commercial HOA landscaper, it is that everyone wants something different out of their lawn care service providers. Some people want an eye-catching design; others just want their grass cut on time every week without fail; still others may be looking for something more complex like seasonal color changes or maintenance services such as fertilizing and trimming hedges throughout the year (or even tree removal). Whatever their needs happen to be--and whether those needs change over time--you need not worry because there are plenty of ways for businesses like yours (and even homeowners) alike who specialize in providing lawn care services such as mowing/trimming/weeding etc... HOA Landscaping benefits include: Increased property values and reduced maintenance costs. In a recent study, homebuyers were asked what they value most in a home. The top response was "good schools" followed by "low crime rate," and then "nice landscaping." Homeowners with well-maintained lawns, in well-maintained neighborhoods, are likely to sell their houses for higher prices than those whose yards are neglected or poorly maintained. HOA Landscaping also saves homeowners money by using one company throughout the entire neighborhood instead of having each homeowner hire separate lawn companies for each house. Pugh's Earthworks HOA Lawn Maintenance Maintain the lawns on a regular basis. Mower blades should be at least 3 inches off the ground, and you should cut your grass when it is dry. Always mow in the [...]

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