Let Our Team Handle Fall Flower Bed Mulching and Complete Commercial Landscaping Service

Pugh's Earthworks Fall is a great time for flower bed mulching, especially if you want to protect your flowers from winter. Fall flower bed mulching helps prevent winterkill, but it can also help retain moisture and keep weeds from growing. Our team at Pugh's Earthworks is trained in all aspects of proper mulch application. The fall is an effective time for mulching flower beds. Mulching is an important part of your fall gardening, and it can be done in a variety of ways. You can choose manual or mechanical methods, or even hire Pugh's Earthworks Commercial Landscaping to help you with all your landscaping needs. Mulching helps retain moisture and prevent weeds from growing up through the soil. If you are doing this yourself, start by removing old mulch from around your plants before adding new material on top of them (you may need some tools for this). Then spread out about two inches worth into each bed--more if you have larger plants--and work it into place so there are not any big clumps left behind by hand or tiller tool alike! When we are done, you will be able to see exactly where your plants are and how much space they take up. If you want them a little closer together or farther apart, simply move their location accordingly before adding more mulch around the base of each one. The next step is to keep your plants watered. It's important for them to have plenty of water during the fall months, especially if you live in a dry climate. Mulch will help retain moisture, but you should still water your garden when needed. Our team will start by removing old mulch from around your plants before adding new material on top of them. Then we spread out about two inches worth into each bed--more if you have larger plants--and work it into place so there are not any big clumps left behind by hand or tiller tool alike! When we are done, we will be able to see exactly where your plants are and how much space they take up. If you want them a little closer together or farther apart, we simply move their location accordingly before adding more mulch around the base of each one. Mulching is a great way to keep moisture in the soil and prevent weeds from growing. It can also be made of many different materials, such as bark chips or pine needles. If you have a flower bed that needs mulching, we make sure that we choose an appropriate material for it. For example, if your flowers are sensitive to cold temperatures (such as tulips), they will not appreciate being covered with pine needles! If you have a small garden, it is a good idea to mulch around the plants. This will help keep moisture in the soil and prevent weeds from growing. Mulch can also be made of many different materials, such as bark chips or pine needles. If you have [...]

We Can Assist with Fall Commercial Landscaping Preparation!

Pugh's Earthworks The beauty of fall is that it is the perfect time for a little extra pampering. The leaves are changing, the air is cooling down and you are starting to think about Fall Commercial Landscaping Preparation. It is also a great time of year to go through your landscaping and make sure it is in good shape before the cold weather hits. While many homeowners hold off on this task until after Thanksgiving when they have family over for Christmas, there are several reasons why you should consider doing some gardening right now – or at least preparing yourself for this work in the future: Pugh's Earthworks Pugh's Earthworks is a full-service commercial landscaping company that provides lawn care, snow removal and more. We have been in business since 1992 and have served many towns throughout the Mid-South Region. Pugh's Earthworks provides the following services: Lawn Care Services - We can take care of all your lawn maintenance needs including mowing, edging and trimming as well as fertilizing or aerating your lawn if needed. Commercial Snow Removal Services - We offer snow removal for businesses ranging from small offices to large warehouses at competitive prices! Landscaping Design & Installation - Our team of experienced professionals will create an outdoor space you will love to spend time in all year round! We can create a beautiful landscape design that will fit your budget and needs. We offer many different types of installation including mulching, sod laying, stonework and more! Starting Fall Commercial Landscape Preparation Do you need to prune trees? If so, when and how? How should you fertilize your lawn and shrubs? What type of weed killer should you use on your lawns and shrubs in the fall? When should preemergence herbicides be applied for control of crabgrass, foxtails and other weeds that germinate in spring (as opposed to summer)? Are there any insects that need spraying now that would not have been around earlier in the season (e.g., spider mites)? Are there any pests (e.g., aphids, leafhoppers) that need spraying now that would not have been around earlier in the season? What is the best time to apply insecticides for control of ants and other insects? How should you control scale insects on trees and shrubs? How should you control the weeds that grow in between cracks in sidewalks and driveways? What is the best time to apply fungicides for control of powdery mildew on ornamental plants? How should you apply pesticides? Preparing Trees for Fall Prune dead or dying branches. Remove any leaves and debris from the ground beneath your trees, as these can cause erosion issues when it rains. Water trees well before the cold weather arrives, so that they have time to absorb as much water as possible before winter sets in and makes watering more difficult or even impossible for some time (depending on where you live). Watering trees in the fall will help them to absorb as much water as possible before [...]

We Employ Talented and Certified Landscape Technicians!

Pugh's Earthworks Pugh's Earthworks is the premiere Certified Commercial Landscaping Company in the Mid-South Region. Our major markets include Memphis, Jackson TN, Nashville, Southaven MS, and Little Rock AR. We employ professional and certified landscape technicians. Certified and Professional Landscape Technicians Introduction Landscape technicians are professionals who are trained in landscaping and can be certified or non-certified. A certification has a higher level of education and training, while a professional landscaper is usually working on his/her own as a business owner rather than an employee. Both certified and professional landscape technicians have the experience necessary to provide you with quality work at an affordable price. Certified landscape technicians have passed a test to prove their knowledge, and they have a credential to show for it. This means that you can be more confident in the quality of service provided by certified technicians. Certified professionals follow best practices, so you can expect them to use products that are safe for your family or pets and don't cause any damage to plants or other parts of your property. The importance of a certified or professional landscape technician Certification is a way for you to show that you have the skills, education and experience needed to do your job well. Landscape technicians are required by law in some states to be certified or licensed. In addition to this, certification shows potential customers that you're qualified and able to perform your work safely and efficiently. Skills for landscape technicians Landscape technicians can be certified or professional. A certified technician has passed an exam and is allowed to use the CSLT designation on their business cards, letterhead, and other marketing materials. A professional landscape technician has not yet taken the exam but is working toward it by completing education requirements and working under the supervision of a certified landscape technician for five years or more. Professional certification involves taking both a written and practical test that covers plant identification; soils management; construction practices; maintenance techniques; design principles (including drafting); irrigation systems; fertilization methods; pest control methods; equipment use/operation safety procedures including safe storage of chemicals used in your work environment. The NALPTS offers a wide range of classes and certification programs in landscape management, design, maintenance, welding, and more. They are committed to providing the highest level of education and training possible while maintaining their reputation as an industry leader. Education for landscape technicians The education for a landscape technician varies from employer to employer. Some employers require that you have a degree in landscape technology or horticulture, while others will accept applicants with a certificate in landscaping. In some cases, an applicant may be hired with only on-the-job training and experience as their credentials. The requirements are determined by the company's needs as well as what type of tools and equipment they use on site. For example, if you are applying for an entry level position with little to no experience required then it is likely that your educational background is not going to [...]

Our Technicians Know the Best Grass for Mid-South Commercial Properties!

Pugh's Earthworks If you live in the Mid-South region of the United States, you know how important it is to have a lush and green property. Not only does it make your place look great, but it is also an indication of quality and pride. Grass that is well-maintained can also help with storm drainage and prevent runoff when there is heavy rain. This is why our team at Pugh's Earthworks Commercial Landscaping has compiled this list of some of our favorite grasses Best Grasses for Mid-South Commercial Properties: Bermuda grass Bermuda grass is an excellent choice for lawns because it has a fine bladed texture, which makes it easy to mow. It is also resistant to most diseases and insects. Bermuda grass requires watering during its first year in order to establish itself. Bermuda grass is a warm season grass that does well in the Mid-South. Bermuda grass is a fast-growing grass that needs frequent mowing. It can tolerate drought conditions and has good shade tolerance, making it an ideal choice for residential lawns. Bermuda grass is an excellent choice for lawns because it has a fine bladed texture, which makes it easy to maintain. And again, it is very resistant to most diseases and insects. Centipede grass Centipede grass is a good choice for the Mid-South. This warm season grass grows best in full sun and well-drained soil. Centipede can tolerate drought conditions, which makes it an ideal choice for commercial properties that experience dry spells during summer months. It also does not succumb easily to disease, making it a low maintenance option for your Mid-South property. Centipede grass is a low-growing option that can be used for ground cover or as an accent in your landscape. It has dark green leaves with a fine texture and grows in clumps from 6 to 9 inches tall. Centipede grass is a perfect choice for residential and commercial properties in the Mid-South. Its minimal maintenance is a plus and this grass will not require watering once established, making it a great option for areas that experience dry spells during summer months. St. Augustine grass St. Augustine grass is a warm-season grass that can tolerate drought and is low maintenance. It grows slowly but has a deep root system that gives it its durability in harsh conditions. It is ideal for commercial properties because it can withstand heavy foot traffic and provide year-round protection from weeds or other plants that may try to take over your lawn. St. Augustine will grow well in any climate where temperatures stay above 40 degrees Fahrenheit during the day and below 60 degrees at night, although it will grow better if they are closer to 50 degrees on both ends of that spectrum (40-50). St. Augustine grass can be planted in areas where Bermuda grass is already growing, but it will not thrive there. If you want to switch from Bermuda to St. Augustine, you will need to take out the old plants and do [...]

Eco-Friendly Commercial Landscaping

Pugh's Earthworks Commercial properties are huge areas that can be transformed into a green haven for biodiversity and wildlife habitat. Climate change concerns have led many companies to make their buildings more sustainable by incorporating more plants, water features and natural lighting into their designs. We have all seen those commercials on television, where the landscapers are pushing their gas-powered mowers, burning fossil fuels and releasing toxic fumes into the air. This is one of the reasons why Eco-Friendly Commercial Landscaping in Memphis is becoming so popular and the professionals at Pugh's Earthworks are on board with that. Eco-Friendly is not just good for your health; it also helps with saving money on energy costs! When you take into account all of these benefits combined with how much better it makes our community look overall as well as helping reduce carbon emissions from cars which causes global warming; there really is not any reason not to go green! There are many different ways you can go about going green. One of the most popular is to use an electric lawnmower. These machines are very easy to use and require little maintenance; so they're great for people who don't have much time or energy to spare! Plus, there's no more need for gas cans or oil changes either, which makes them even more environmentally friendly than their gas-powered counterparts. Another way to go green is by using organic fertilizers. These types of fertilizers are made from natural ingredients such as cow manure and animal bones; and they're much better for the environment than chemicals which can leach into groundwater or runoff into rivers. Another thing you can do to go green is to use eco-friendly cleaning products. These types of cleaners do not contain any harsh chemicals which means they're safe for the planet as well as your health! You can find these at most grocery stores nowadays; so, there is no reason not to try them out! Landscaping does not have to look dull or boring. There are plenty of plants that you can use that will not only be beautiful, but they will be good for the environment too! The experts at Pugh's Earthworks keep this is mind as we design, install and maintain beautiful and Eco-Friendly Commercial Landscaping. We keep in mind that the below issues are critical: Curb appeal: Landscaping is an important part of any commercial property, as it can help increase your sales and attract new customers. An appealing landscape will make your business look more professional and attractive to potential clients. Beauty: A beautiful yard makes people happy--and happier customers are more likely to come back! Plus, a well-maintained lawn creates an inviting space where employees can relax during breaks or after work hours (and even on weekends). This helps reduce stress levels which leads to better productivity throughout the day since workers will not feel as tired when they get up in the morning because they got plenty of restful sleep thanks to [...]

We Are Your Commercial Landscaping Experts for Drainage Installation and Maintenance!

Pugh's Earthworks It has been a wetter summer in many parts of the country. This brings to light the importance of Landscape Drainage. When it comes to landscaping, most people think about things like how the property looks or what kind of plants will grow there. But the drainage system is just as important for commercial landscapes as it is for residential ones. Without proper drainage, your commercial property could end up with standing water and mud puddles that damage structures and cars when vehicles drive through them. We all know that water is extremely important for life and living. Water is the most important substance on Earth. It is essential to life and living, and it is what makes up more than 70% of the Earth's surface. Water is also a natural resource that humans have been using since they first started living together in communities. Water has many uses: it can be used for drinking, cooking food and bathing; it can be used as a transportation medium (for example boats); or it can be used as an energy source (for example hydroelectricity). Water plays a critical role in ecosystems because it provides habitat for plants and animals as well as nutrients for them to grow on; without adequate amounts of water available within an ecosystem there will not be enough food available for any species within that ecosystem which could lead them towards extinction if left unchecked over time due lack sufficient resources needed survive long term." It is also crucial for many commercial landscapes to have good drainage. Drainage systems can prevent water damage to buildings and other structures, as well as improve the health of your landscape. The best way to prevent this type of damage is by installing a system that takes excess water away from your property before it has a chance to pool up on your land or in puddles at its edges. Drainage systems are essential because they help prevent flooding during heavy rains and keep puddles from forming after heavy downpours. This means that you won't have any issues with mold growth or mildew since there will not be any standing pools of water left behind after every storm cycle passes through town! Drainage systems can also help prevent ice from forming on the ground during the winter. This is especially important for commercial properties that are located in colder climates or those with high traffic areas like parking lots and driveways. Large commercial landscapes need drainage systems that are designed to improve the health of the landscape and prevent water from damaging buildings, cars or other structures. A drainage system is designed to prevent water from damaging buildings, cars or other structures. A properly designed and installed drainage system will also improve the health of your landscape by preventing standing water from collecting in low areas and fostering healthy root growth. Drainage systems are often constructed using perforated pipes that carry excess water away from high traffic areas. In order [...]

We Are Professionals at Commercial Landscaping Sod Installation!

Pugh's Earthworks Sod is a great way to improve the look of your property. For commercial and residential landscaping, sod can add value to your property without breaking the bank. Commercial Landscaping Sod Installation might seem like an easy task, but there are many factors you should take into consideration before starting any project. Here are some considerations for sod installation in residential and commercial settings: Commercial Landscaping Sod Installation Sod is a great way to beautify commercial or residential property. It can also help reduce water usage, reduce maintenance costs and make your lawn look beautiful. This is why we recommend that you hire a professional landscaper to install sod on your commercial property. This will ensure that the installation process goes smoothly and quickly so that you can enjoy your new lawn as soon as possible! There are many benefits to having a new lawn installed on your property. It can improve the look and value of your property, increase its curb appeal and reduce maintenance costs. Pugh's Earthworks has been in business for more than 30 years and is a family run business. Pugh's Earthworks is also a certified nursery and offers a variety of other products, including trees and shrubs. We are one of the largest suppliers of commercial sod in the Mid-South area. We serve Memphis, Nashville, Jackson, Littlerock and Southaven. HOA Sod Installation HOA sod installation is a great way to beautify property and save money. Homes associations are popular in many areas, and they can be an excellent way to create a beautiful landscape while saving you money on your monthly HOA fees. Sod can be installed in a variety of ways, depending on the type of grass you choose and how much space you have available for it. It is also possible to install sod in many different areas around your home or apartment complex so that everyone has access to beautiful green lawns! Hospital Sod Installation Sod is a great way to beautify a lawn. It can be installed quickly and easily, as well as in a variety of different ways. Sod can be installed in many different places, including hospitals and office buildings. Sod is a great option for people who do not have time to wait for grass to grow. It can be installed quickly and easily, as well as in a variety of different ways. Sod can be installed in many different places, including hospitals and office buildings. Hotel Sod Installation Hotel sod installation is a great way to increase foot traffic at your hotel. Hotel guests are often looking for something new and exciting when they travel, so installing new lawns can help create a buzz around your property. Additionally, hotels are typically located in areas where there is already plenty of competition; if you want to stand out from the crowd, having lush grass and colorful flowers outside will be sure to catch the eye of potential customers who may otherwise have overlooked your business. Hotel [...]

We Are the Best Multi Service Commercial Landscaping Company in the Mid-South

Pugh's Earthworks Pugh's Earthworks offers the best Multi Service Commercial Landscaping in the Mid-South. We are a company that offers a wide range of services to its customers. We pride ourselves on our attention to detail and customer satisfaction. Whatever your needs are, we can provide you with the best quality work at affordable prices. Lawn Service Lawn service is a core service of Pugh's Earthworks. Our lawn care services help to maintain the health of your lawn and beautify your property. We offer several options for lawn mowing, including weekly, bi-weekly and monthly visits from our professional technicians. If you are looking for an affordable option that includes fertilizing and weed control as well as seasonal treatments such as insecticides or fungicides, when necessary, then our comprehensive package may be right for you! Our lawn care services also include aeration, which helps to reduce soil compaction, promote healthier root growth and increase oxygen penetration into the soil. We can also provide you with the latest in organic fertilizers and weed control products that are eco-friendly, safe for children and pets and offer effective results. To learn more about our lawn care services and to schedule an appointment with your local technician, please contact us today! Trimming Services Trimming is a critical part of lawn care. You can have the best-looking grass in the neighborhood, but if it is too long or overgrown, it will not look nearly as good. Trimming helps keep your lawn looking healthy and green while keeping it free from weeds and pests that could affect its health. The best time to trim is during spring or fall when temperatures are not too hot or cold yet (but not right after a frost). Handheld trimmers work well on small patches of grass around flower beds or trees; electric models are better suited for larger areas like driveways where you need more power behind each stroke than manual devices offer. Trimming should be done regularly so that no one area becomes too thick with growth while others stay thinned out from previous cuts back down again -- this prevents uneven growth patterns across different parts of your yard which may cause some spots not being able to absorb nutrients properly through photosynthesis and could also cause problems with drainage. Regular maintenance helps keep your lawn looking healthy, green and free of weeds and pests that could affect its health. Pruning Services Pruning is a maintenance service that keeps your trees and shrubs healthy. It can be done at any time of year, but it is best to prune during the dormant season when plants are not growing. Pruning can be done by hand or with a machine depending on the size of your trees, shrubs, or hedges. Pruning removes dead or diseased branches to prevent further damage from insects and disease; it also promotes dense growth by removing extra shoots from branches that have grown too long, as well as removing suckers (sprouts) that grow below ground [...]

Our Company Offers Premier Hospital Commercial Landscaping

Pugh's Earthworks We are a company that has been in the commercial landscaping business for over 30 years. We are extremely proud of our work and believe in giving each customer the highest level of service. Our main focus has always been landscaping for businesses and institutions, but we also have a special fondness of Commercial Landscaping for Hospitals. We do not just plant flowers or put down sod; we take the time to understand what kind of environment works best for different medical facilities. Here are some reasons why hospital administrators should consider our services: Commercial Landscaping for Hospitals Commercial landscaping is the art of landscaping a commercial property. Landscaping can be used to improve the aesthetics of a property, increase its value and attract customers. Commercial properties may include hotels, restaurants and retail stores as well as office buildings. There are several reasons why businesses should consider investing in commercial landscaping services: Improve the Aesthetics of Your Property The first and most important reason to invest in commercial landscaping services is to improve the aesthetics of your property. A well-maintained landscape can increase curb appeal, which will attract more customers. This can also help increase property value. Increase Property Value Another reason why commercial landscaping services should be considered is because they can increase property value. Landscaping services are an investment, but they can help you recoup some of your initial costs by increasing the value of your property. Attract Customers Finally, businesses should consider investing in commercial landscaping services because they will attract more customers to their location. A well-maintained landscape will increase curb appeal, which will attract more customers to your business. This can also help increase property value. Increase Employee Morale Another reason why businesses should consider investing in commercial landscaping services is because it will increase employee morale. A well-maintained landscape can help improve the quality of life for your employees and make them more productive at work. Improve Your Company’s Image Another reason why businesses should consider investing in commercial landscaping services is because it will improve your company’s image. An aesthetically pleasing landscape can reflect positively on your business and help attract new customers. The Benefits of Hospital Landscaping Hospital landscaping can help to enhance the beauty of the hospital grounds, which will improve patient satisfaction. It also helps to improve employee morale and reduce stress levels for patients and visitors alike. This, in turn, can help to reduce healthcare costs by improving productivity and reducing absenteeism among staff members who might otherwise need time off from work because of stress or anxiety issues. There are many ways to improve a hospital’s landscaping. One way is to install a water feature in an area where patients and visitors can relax. This could include fountains, waterfalls or ponds with aquatic plants. The sound of running water has been shown to reduce stress levels for both people and animals. Another option is to install an outdoor seating area where patients and visitors can enjoy [...]

We Offer the Best Southaven MS Commercial Landscaping Services

Pugh's Earthworks Southaven Mississippi Commercial Landscaping Pugh's Earthworks is a full-service landscaping company that provides Southaven MS Commercial Landscaping. Our services include commercial landscape design, maintenance and irrigation systems. Pugh's Earthworks is family owned and operated. Southaven MS Commercial Landscaping Design Commercial landscaping design is an important part of your commercial property's overall appearance, but it is also something that many business owners overlook when they are busy with other aspects of their operation. The right landscaping can make or break a company's image, so it pays to put some time into finding the perfect designer for your needs. You should look for someone who is experienced in commercial work--a landscape architect who specializes in public spaces or parks might not have enough experience designing private properties like yours. There are many different approaches to take when designing a landscape plan: some designers prefer more naturalistic designs while others prefer more formal ones; some focus on function over form while others emphasize aesthetics above all else; and so forth. The best way to decide which approach fits your needs is by talking with potential designers about what kinds of plants you would like used (if any), how much space there is available for planting new trees/shrubs/flowers/etc., whether there are any safety concerns related to walking around large boulders placed near walkways...and so forth. You should also make sure that the designer has experience working with clients similar to yours: if you run a retail business, you probably want someone who specializes in commercial landscape design rather than residential or agricultural landscaping. Southaven Commercial Landscaping Maintenance When it comes to commercial landscaping maintenance, you want a company like Pugh's Earthworks that will do more than simply maintain your property. You want one that can help you maximize its potential. That's why we offer a wide range of services that include: Commercial Lawn Care Commercial Lawn Mowing Commercial Lawn Weed Prevention Commercial Lawn Spraying Pugh's Earthworks also provides fertilization and aeration services as well as irrigation repair and installation when needed. Commercial Landscaping Maintenance Commercial landscaping maintenance is a vital part of any business, large or small. It is important to maintain the beauty and aesthetics of your property in order to attract customers and keep up with competition. We offer a wide range of services like those listed above. Southaven Commercial Lawn Spraying and now Residential Lawn Spraying Landscaping is an important part of any commercial property. If you are looking for a landscaping company in Southaven, Mississippi that can help you with your commercial lawn care needs, Pugh's Earthworks is the one to call! We have been providing quality services to clients throughout the area for many years now and we look forward to continuing this tradition into the future. If you want your business or property looking its best, then there are many things that must be done in order for it to look its best all year long. One way of doing this is through proper maintenance of [...]

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