Green and Gorgeous Yards This Summer a Complete Guide to Fertilizing and Weed Control

Pugh's Earthworks Summer is the perfect time to enjoy the vibrant beauty of your lawn and garden. However, achieving that lush, green yard requires some thoughtful care, especially when it comes to Lawn Fertilizing and Weed Control. For homeowners and gardening enthusiasts, understanding the nuances of summer lawn care can make all the difference. In this comprehensive guide, you will discover practical tips, effective strategies, and valuable insights on how Pugh's Earthworks will help to keep your lawn healthy and weed-free throughout the summer months. The Importance of Summer Lawn Care Summer brings its own set of challenges for lawn care. High temperatures, inconsistent rainfall, and increased foot traffic can stress your grass. Fertilizing and weed control are crucial components that help maintain a healthy lawn during these demanding months. By giving your lawn the nutrients, it needs and keeping weeds at bay, you can ensure your yard stays green and thriving. Understanding Your Lawn's Nutritional Needs Every lawn has unique nutritional requirements based on its grass type, soil condition, and environmental factors. During summer, grasses, especially cool-season varieties, may experience slower growth. This makes it essential to provide the right balance of nutrients. Nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium are the primary nutrients lawns need. Understanding how much and when to apply these can prevent nutrient deficiencies and promote healthy growth. Choosing the Right Fertilizer for Summer Selecting the appropriate fertilizer for summer use is key to successful lawn care. Slow-release fertilizers are ideal during this season as they provide a steady supply of nutrients over time, reducing the risk of burning your grass. Organic options, such as compost and manure, are also beneficial. They not only feed your lawn but also improve soil health. Always read the label to ensure the fertilizer suits your lawn's specific needs. Timing Your Fertilizer Application When it comes to fertilizing, timing is everything. Applying fertilizer in the early morning or late evening can prevent the nutrients from evaporating in the heat of the day. Watering your lawn before and after fertilization helps the nutrients penetrate the soil efficiently. Aim to fertilize your lawn every six to eight weeks during the growing season, adjusting based on your grass type and local climate conditions. Watering Wisely for Optimal Growth Proper watering techniques complement your fertilization efforts. Deep, infrequent watering encourages roots to grow deeper into the soil, making your lawn more drought-resistant. Aim to water your lawn early in the morning to minimize evaporation and fungal growth. Using a soaker hose or drip irrigation system can provide even distribution and conserve water. Organic Weed Control Methods For those who prefer an eco-friendly approach, organic weed control methods are excellent choices. Corn gluten meal is a natural pre-emergent herbicide that prevents weed seeds from germinating. Mulching with organic materials such as wood chips or straw can suppress weed growth by blocking sunlight. Hand-pulling is also effective for small infestations, especially if done regularly. Chemical Weed Control Options Sometimes, organic methods are not enough, and chemical weed control [...]

Contact Pugh’s Earthworks to Protect Your Commercial Property in the Summer Heat

Pugh's Earthworks For those of us living in the middle parts of the country, the heat dome is settling in for the long haul. While there is not much rain in the forecast, triple digit temperatures definitely are. Commercial Landscaping is vital to keep lawns, trees, flowers and shrubs from dying and looking their best during the extreme heat of the summer. Pugh's Earthworks is the Commercial Landscaping Company to contract with. They are experts in all facets of Commercial Landscaping and will know what steps to take to protect your Commercial Property from the extreme summer heat. Water Pugh's Earthworks can install an automatic sprinkler system if you do not have one. That is one of our services and we are very experienced with installation and maintenance. An automatic sprinkler system helps ensure that your lawn receives the right amount of water at the right time. Keeping the soil moist is good but deep watering is more important that frequent short waterings. Grass needs at least an inch of water weekly. However, you do not need to water every day. It is actually infrequent watering that encourages deep root growth. Water must get below the root zone to help nourish the roots so they can learn to grow deeper in search of moisture and nutrients. Having a lawn with deep roots helps protect it when it gets so hot during those summer months. It is those deep roots that hold the water and keep the grass cooler so that it will not die out from the excessive heat. Here are some additional lawn maintenance tips to promote those deep roots for your lawn. Soil Start with cultivating the topsoil. Sandy loam or well-drained loam gives roots the ability to stretch out and grow. If you have sandy soil, know that it does not retain water very well. That is when you will need to add organic matter, which delivers the necessary nutrients and increases water retention. Mowing Mow frequently and keep grass at the right height for the type of grass you have. For example, grass with large crowns or clumps, which is typically Kentucky bluegrass or tall fescue, should be mowed at a much taller height. In contrast, zoysia grass should have a shorter mowing. Whatever kind of grass you have, be sure to mow no more than one-third of the blade lengths at a time. This stimulates growth and protects the roots. Fertilizer Fertilize at the end of the growing season to achieve strong root growth. Slow-release fertilizers are often touted as the best for promoting the growth of the grass roots. AgriGro bio stimulants have also been proven to increase root growth. This is because these substances help plants endure environmental stress better than those that were not treated. Other Maintenance You can also encourage strong roots by giving them plenty of room to grow. This means pulling any weeds, which have root systems that like to choke the roots of the grass. Plus, it involves periodic aeration, which [...]

Pugh’s Earthworks Offers Expert Summer Lawn Feeding to Ensure a Beautiful Commercial Property

Pugh's Earthworks is a full service commercial landscape company When you hire a high caliber Commercial Landscaping Company like Pugh's Earthworks, your Commercial Landscape appearance will stand out in the community. From start to finish meaning intial design to ongoing annual maintenance, we are the company to hire. One such service is the ability to keep your Commercial Property looking great with proper Summer Lawn Feeding. Pugh's Earthworks management is completely committed to quality in every facet of their organization. So much so that we offer a 100% satisfaction guarantee. In addition, our commitment to obtaining and maintaining the lastest industry certifications is paramount. Employees working for Pugh's Earthworks accept and demonstrate our quality assurance program and display this on every job we work on. QUALITY POLICY It is the goal of Pugh’s Earthworks to provide our customers, both internal and external, with services, which meet or exceed their expectations. We recognize that one of the most important assets we possess, enabling us to achieve this goal, is our professional staff. We strongly encourage all of our people to take the pride of ownership in all the work they do. Quality is everyone’s responsibility. Quality is conformance to the customer’s requirements. We believe every job can be improved. Every idea is treated with the utmost respect. We realize that improvement must be an on-the-job process. Part of most company's strategy is to align themselves with great vendors that help them be successful. This is true of Pugh's Earthworks from the equipment they use, employee work apparell right down to their vendor of choice to assist with online marketing and website relevance. That vendor is Flyline Search Marketing. This is a family owned company with over 14 years of delivering great results and customer service to their customers. Pugh's Earthworks management hired Flyline Search Marketing several years ago to manage their online marketing and sales platform. In addition, the Flyline team manages the website ensuring it is updated with product displays and ease of navigation is solid.  Flyline has worked with companies throughout  the United States and produced tremendous sales growth. Another great thing about Flyline is they bring a comprehensive approach to the table. They will help to develop lead streams while also reducing dependence on wire orders. They will manage social media, build brand recognition and enhance index information with the search engines. One of the greatest things customers have expressed about Flyline Search Marketing is their humble, dedicated and customer first approach. As the CEO Mark Lein likes to say, "we always put the customer first". It is this dedication and commitment to quality that keeps Pugh's Earthworks as a standout in the markets we serve.  Those competitive markets are Memphis, Nashville, Jackson TN, Little Rock and Southaven MS.  In every market we are committed to providing the highest quality landscaping services available.  Our certified professional team is committed to acting with the utmost of integrity with our business operations and for clients. Every job we do is backed [...]

Hire Pugh’s Earthworks to Maximize the Efficiency of Summer Watering

Pugh's Earthworks has Operations in Tennessee, Arkansas and Mississippi Many parts of the country including the Mid-South, have had a very cool and wet May. However, it will not be long until the dry hot weather makes it critical to practice effective Summer Watering. Pugh's Earthworks is one of the largest commercial landscape design, installation and maintenance firms in the Mid-South area. Our clients include some of the premier office buildings, hotels, hospitals, churches and cemeteries in the cities we operate. In addition to the commercial customers we serve, we also provide landscape services for Homeowners Associations (HOAs), Condo Owners Associations (COA’s) and individual residential homeowners. A properly designed Commercial Landscape Sprinkler system, like the ones designed and installed by the Pugh's Earthworks Certified Landscape Technicians, will ensure that the lawn and plants on your property receive the exact amount of water during the summer. Protecting these plants is important as it is expensive to replace them. During the summer months, the hot weather and intense sunlight are tough for summer plants and lawns to take. That is why we often refresh both with extra water. However, there is still a need to water wisely during these hot months to be careful with water and get the maximum impact from your watering without wasting any of this precious resource. Below are some tips on how to water wisely to use less water as well as give your plants and lawn just the right amount: Water weekly: Pick one day a week to water your lawn and plants, preferably a time in the morning or evening where the sun and heat won't evaporate it too quickly. You may need to adjust it should there be summer thunderstorms or if you notice a better time where the water sticks around. Water deeply: Before you overwater, it's important to understand what this means and how much deeply involves. Check the soil and see if water has permeated the top six inches of clay soil or eight to 12 inches if you have loamy soil. Make sure the water is not stagnating on the top as this could mean your soil is compacted and it may lead to plant rot. Think long, soaking rain rather than many several quick sprinkles. Water when plants are ready: Plants will tell you when they are thirsty. Leaves will wilt or droop. The leaves may also yellow, curl up, or drop off. That means they really could use some water. Water in the morning: By focusing your plant and lawn watering on this point in the day, it gives the plants and lawn a way to fill up on water they can use throughout the day. Water plants when they need it: Besides when they are thirsty, there are other times where a plant or lawn may most need water. This includes giving more water to baby seedlings and transplants to help them because their root systems are not yet developed and acclimated to the soil.  Another group of plants that need water [...]

Pugh’s Earthworks is experienced with Summer Commercial Lawn Care

Pugh's Earthworks commits to strive in all we do for total customer satisfaction May has now arrived and already temperatures are expected to be in the nineties and above in some regions. Will not be long before the summer heat sets in for the long haul. Proper Summer Commercial Lawn Care is critical to keep lawns looking good and staying healthy. The certified and professional Landscape Technicians at Pugh's Earthworks, have the knowledge and tools to keep Commercial Property lawns in tip top shape during the hot summer. Being exposed to excessive heat not only takes its toll on us humans but it also is difficult to bear for nature. Meaning plants, flowers, and lawns. However, you can still enjoy a healthy Commercial Landscape even in the midst of extreme summer heat when you hire Pugh's Earthwork's. There are numerous actions that can be taken during the extreme heat of summer. Our team at Pugh's Earthworks is trained in all aspects of climate adjustments as it relates to Commercial Landscaping. Below are a few of the things we are mindful of. Length of the Lawn Often people like to mow the lawn very short. It looks nice and neat and gives the lawn that well-kept golf course look. However, when this happens and it is super-hot outside, your lawn suffers and turns brown. This is because the lawn is restricted on how much energy it can produce for growth. However, if you do not trim it too short, then the grass can develop stronger roots. And it is those stronger roots that support plants that can tolerate the stress that heat puts on it during the summer months. Use the One-Third Rule To determine the correct height to cut your grass, apply the “one-third” rule. This rule says never remove more than one-third of the grass height at one time. This keeps the lawn cooler because it removes less plant tissue. For example, if you normally cut your lawn at 2.5 inches, increase it to 3 inches during the hot summer months. Do not Over Water A big mistake so many people make, is to think the heat means grass needs more water. However, all that does is create another problem. The soil then tends to be constantly wet. This causes the grass roots to be deprived of oxygen. This can make them more susceptible to disease because diseases tend to thrive in wet conditions. Therefore, the drier the grass and soil, the less risk for a disease. Although you want to ensure hydration, you do not need to water daily to get that. Keep Mower Blades Sharp When grass is cut with a sharp mower blade, it will heal faster. Then, it is less susceptible to stress and disease that comes during the hot season. Also, the sharper mower blades will prevent a brown appearance. Use a Mulching Mower Rather than bagging up the lawn clippings, return them to the lawn by using a mulching mower. Clippings act as [...]

The growing season is on again and Pugh’s Earthworks will keep your Commercial Property lawn looking sharp

Pugh's Earthworks commercial landscape design and maintenance services Time to sharpen those mower blades and get the lawn equipment in tip top shape. The expert landscaping technicians at Pugh's Earthworks are preparing to kick off another successful year at keeping our commercial customer's lawns looking the best in the city. The cities we operated in are throughout Tennessee, including Memphis, Jackson, and Nashville plus we service lawns in Little Rock, Arkansas and Southaven MS. Our monthly seasonal landscape care for lawns, bedding, trees and shrubs, irrigation, and hardscape areas is available for both commercial and residential customers for monthly services. Our commercial and residential landscape company also assists with pest control as well as winter snow clearing and ice treatment. No matter what time of year, it can be challenging to keep your commercial lawn or residential lawn looking pristine, lush, and manicured. That's because a lot of work goes into taking care of your lawn. As you can see from the past few weeks of blog posts, just fall lawn care spans fertilizing, mowing, reseeding, and aerating. Then, you've got to stay on top of pests and address any brown spots and weather changes. Whether you run a business or work for another company, today's lives have become hectic, making it challenging to stay on top of all types of home or business maintenance. That's when it makes sense to seek help from a professional landscape and lawn service. That way, you can enjoy a beautiful landscape that welcomes customers to your business or shows off your home to your neighbors. We offer a wide array of services for our commercial and residential clients so you can focus on your business and life. Beyond jut working with individual companies, we also partner with larger organizations to handle areas like HOAs. Our clients also include apartment buildings, hotels and motels, commercial buildings, business and industrial parks, cemeteries, schools, office complexes, and retail centers. Our professional services provide a comprehensive way to enjoy the best landscape and lawns without having to do the work yourself. Let us take care of everything while you focus on your business and customers! About Pugh's Earthworks Pugh's Earthworks management does not cut corners with staffing, equipment and hiring of vendors to help their company stand out. We hired Flyline Search Marketing several years ago to manage our online marketing and sales platform. In addition, the Flyline team manages the website ensuring it is updated with product displays and ease of navigation is solid.  Flyline has worked with companies throughout  the United States and produced tremendous sales growth. Another great thing about Flyline is they bring a comprehensive approach to the table. They will help to develop lead streams while also reducing dependence on wire orders. They will manage social media, build brand recognition and enhance index information with the search engines. One of the greatest things customers have expressed about Flyline Search Marketing is their humble, dedicated and customer first approach. As the CEO [...]

Let Pugh’s Earthworks provide lawn maintenance this hot summer

Pugh's Earthworks Big Company Strength and Small Company Values!   Pugh’s Earthworks was originally started by Mark Pugh. Our firm has been in business since 1992. Over the past 25 years, we have grown rapidly. In all that time and throughout all that growth, we have remained true to our motto, Big Company Strength, Small Company Values! Regardless of the size of the client we are working for, our staff will deliver the best possible service, while treating each client with the utmost of respect. In a word, “We Love Our Customers” and “We Appreciate The Opportunity To Serve.” We are now one of the Mid South’ s leading commercial landscape installation and maintenance companies. Pugh’s Earthworks provides the highest quality landscaping services available. We are Memphis landscape maintenance experts. Our team is committed to acting with the utmost of integrity with our business operations and for clients and the communities we serve. Every job we do is backed by our 100% customer satisfaction guarantee. Let Pugh’s Earthworks provide lawn maintenance this hot summer! Complete Lawn Maintenance Pugh’s Earthworks has been providing commercial lawn maintenance services since 1992. We specialize is landscape and lawn maintenance for commercial facilities. Currently, we serve more than 300 commercial clients. Our firm is one of the largest landscape and lawn maintenance firms in Memphis. We also operate similar operations in Nashville TN, Southaven MS, Jackson TN and Little Rock AK. Our award winning team services apartments, condominiums, shopping centers, office buildings and complexes, cemeteries, hospitals, hotels and motels and other commercial facilities. The majority of our clients have opted into a comprehensive monthly landscape and lawn maintenance program. Our programs can be tailored to meet the specific and unique needs to each property. They are affordable and ensure that the appearance of your property will always be fresh and beautiful. There are so many elements to lawn maintenance. A professional landscape technician has studied all of these elements to obtain certification. Absent a thorough understanding of complete lawn maintenance, it becomes difficult to maintain a healthy and attractive lawn and landscape. Below are some of the important factors that play a vital role in a healthy lawn: Watering - The general rule of thumb by most lawn experts is to water so that the soil is moistened six to eight inches deep. Lightly watering does not encourage deep root grow and thus allows the grass to be susceptible to severe burning from the hot sun.  Different soil types will require varying amounts of water so a certified lawn technician will understand these differences. Typically it is better to water in the cooler early morning. This allows the water to absorb but then lets the natural evaporation process take place as the day heats up. Mowing - The above ground stem of the grass which is sometimes referred to as culm, derives its nutrients from underground. The taller the stem the more difficult it is for the valuable nutrients to reach to the top. Therefore it [...]

Lawns need to be watered regularly in Summer and the experts at Pugh’s Earthworks will help you analyze the process

Pugh's Earthworks Big Company Strength and Small Company Values!   Pugh’s Earthworks was originally started by Mark Pugh. Our firm has been in business since 1992. Over the past 25 years, we have grown rapidly. In all that time and throughout all that growth, we have remained true to our motto, Big Company Strength, Small Company Values! Regardless of the size of the client we are working for, our staff will deliver the best possible service, while treating each client with the utmost of respect. In a word, “We Love Our Customers” and “We Appreciate The Opportunity To Serve.” We are now one of the Mid South’ s leading commercial landscape installation and maintenance companies. Pugh’s Earthworks provides the highest quality landscaping services available. We are Memphis landscape maintenance experts. Our team is committed to acting with the utmost of integrity with our business operations and for clients and the communities we serve. Every job we do is backed by our 100% customer satisfaction guarantee. Lawns need to be watered regularly in Summer and the experts at Pugh's Earthworks will help you analyze the process! Checking the condition of the lawn Summer Lawn Watering Most lawn experts and research indicates that turf grasses need an estimated 1 inch of water per week to stay healthy and green. Although occasionally if the summer heat is too intense you may have to let the lawn go into an almost dormant state. In order to have a strong lawn you need to encourage deep root growth. In addition we all need to be aware of water conservation. It is a precious resource to be used wisely. Below are some tips that experts recommend. When to water - Signs of footprints and a darker color in the lawn are typically signs of early drought stress. Water infrequently - When you water make sure the watering is deep down to the roots. This creates a deep root growth pattern and encourages less weed growth. Water early in the day - If you water in the heat of the day your water will evaporate. If you water at night it can create fungal growth and lawn damage. Spread the water evenly - Try to avoid flooding some spots while missing the water on others. Water conservation awareness -  Mowing the lawn higher, avoiding excess nitrogen fertilizer, limiting foot traffic, discontinuing pesticides and careful placement of the sprinklers so as not to waste water on the driveway or street are all things that can help to conserve water. Avoid over-watering - As the water is absorbed monitor your watering to ensure there are no areas of standing water afterwards. Monitor rainfall - Watch the weather forecasts. If rain is expected do not water the lawn. Landscaping & Lawn Maintenance For COA’s & HOA’s Pugh's Earthworks provides landscaping and lawn maintenance programs for HOA (homeowners associations) and COA (condominium associations). In fact, the work we do for HOA’s and COA’s represents a sizable portion of the more than 300 commercial landscape maintenance clients we [...]

By |2020-06-14T01:11:46+00:00June 14th, 2020|Categories: Apartment Landscape Maintenance, HOA/COA Landscape Maintenance, Pugh's Earthworks, Summer Lawn Care, Summer Lawn Watering, Summer Water Conservation, Uncategorized, Water|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on Lawns need to be watered regularly in Summer and the experts at Pugh’s Earthworks will help you analyze the process

Pugh’s Earthworks recommends fertilizer mix should be changed for summer months

Pugh's Earthworks Big Company Strength and Small Company Values!   Pugh’s Earthworks was originally started by Mark Pugh. Our firm has been in business since 1992. Over the past 25 years, we have grown rapidly. In all that time and throughout all that growth, we have remained true to our motto, Big Company Strength, Small Company Values! Regardless of the size of the client we are working for, our staff will deliver the best possible service, while treating each client with the utmost of respect. In a word, “We Love Our Customers” and “We Appreciate The Opportunity To Serve.” We are now one of the Mid South’ s leading commercial landscape installation and maintenance companies. Pugh’s Earthworks provides the highest quality landscaping services available. We are Memphis landscape maintenance experts. Our team is committed to acting with the utmost of integrity with our business operations and for clients and the communities we serve. Every job we do is backed by our 100% customer satisfaction guarantee. Pugh's Earthworks recommends fertilizer mix should be changed for summer months! Lawn Fertilization Summer Lawn Care Homeowners spend an average of 40 hours each year mowing according to Of course that is only the mowing part, there is also the $8.5 billion spent on lawn care products like fertilizer, weed control and lawn equipment. According to experts in the field of gardening, below are some tips for lawn care during the summer months: Fertilizing  -  Typically fertilization is only required a couple of times per year. Experts agree that fertilization in the spring and then again in midsummer yields effective results in terms of lawn appearance and overall health. Specially blended fertilizers for lawns which contain high amounts of nitrogen stimulate growth and a deep green color. Feeding the lawn twice per year often results in excessive growth which can lead to additional watering and mowing needs. The type of fertilizer used also makes a difference according to experts. Many brands offer pre-emergent herbicides mixed in with the actual nitrogen. Pre-emergents are a tremendous aid in preventing weed growth. However, it is thought by many turf growers that it is best to use pre-emergents by themselves rather than the ones mixed in with lawn food. Fertilizer Spreading - When you feed the lawn it is always best to do it when the grass is dry. This is because if the grass is wet the grains of fertilizer can stick to blades of grass instead of going down to the soil as needed. If the fertilizer sticks to the wet blades it typically will result in chemical burning that will damage the lawn. Using a fertilizer spreader is the most effective tool. It is also important to load the spreader while it is setting on he sidewalk or driveway. Invariably there will be spillage as you load the spreader. This can be swept up and placed in the spreader if on the concrete but if the spillage is on the lawn itself it will result in [...]

By |2020-06-07T15:05:01+00:00June 7th, 2020|Categories: Feed Your Lawn, Fertilize, Lawn Care, Pugh's Earthworks, Summer Lawn Care, Uncategorized|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on Pugh’s Earthworks recommends fertilizer mix should be changed for summer months
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