Pugh’s Earthworks

August is here, and with it comes the sizzling summer heat that can take a toll on commercial landscapes. For commercial landscapers, property managers, and outdoor service providers, maintaining a lush, healthy landscape during the hottest month of the year is no small feat. But fear not! Pugh’s Earthworks Certified Commercial Landscaping has got you covered with strategies for Protecting Commercial Landscaping in August Heat.

In this comprehensive guide, we will discuss proven tips and techniques for heat-tolerant landscaping, effective commercial lawn care, and practical methods for protecting plants during the summer months. By the end of this post, you will have a clear understanding of how to keep your commercial landscape in pristine condition, even when temperatures soar.

Understanding the Challenges of August Heat

August heat presents unique challenges for commercial landscapes. The intense sunlight, high temperatures, and lack of rainfall can lead to stressed plants, dry soil, and increased pest activity. These factors can quickly turn a once-thriving landscape into a dry, brown mess if not properly managed.

  • The Impact of High Temperatures – High temperatures can cause significant stress to plants, leading to wilting, scorched leaves, and stunted growth. It’s essential to choose heat-tolerant plants and implement effective cooling strategies to mitigate the impact of extreme heat.
  • The Role of Soil Moisture – Maintaining adequate soil moisture is crucial during hot summer months. Dry soil can lead to root dehydration, making plants more susceptible to heat stress. Regular watering and proper mulching can help retain soil moisture and keep plants healthy.
  • Pest and Disease Pressure – Hot weather can create favorable conditions for pests and diseases. It is important to monitor your landscape regularly and take proactive measures to prevent infestations and outbreaks.
  • Selecting Heat-Tolerant Plants – Choosing the right plants for your commercial landscape is the first step in creating a heat-resistant environment. Opt for native or drought-resistant species that can thrive in high temperatures with minimal water.
  • Native Plants – Native plants are adapted to the local climate and soil conditions, making them more resilient to heat stress. They require less water and maintenance, making them an excellent choice for commercial landscapes.
  • Drought-Resistant Species – Plants like succulents, ornamental grasses, and certain types of shrubs are naturally drought-resistant and can withstand prolonged periods of heat. Incorporating these species into your landscape can reduce the need for frequent watering.
  • Shade-Loving Plants – Strategically planting shade-loving plants under trees or in shaded areas can help protect them from direct sunlight and reduce heat stress. Ferns, hostas, and impatiens are great examples of shade-tolerant plants.
  • Watering Strategies for Hot Summers – Proper watering is crucial to keep your commercial landscape healthy during the summer heat. Implementing efficient watering techniques can ensure your plants receive the right amount of moisture without wasting water.
  • Early Morning Watering – Watering early in the morning allows plants to absorb moisture before the day’s heat intensifies. It also reduces evaporation, ensuring more water reaches the roots. Aim to water between 5 AM and 9 AM for the best results.
  • Drip Irrigation Systems – Drip irrigation systems deliver water directly to the plant roots, minimizing evaporation and runoff. This targeted approach ensures plants receive the necessary moisture without over-watering, making it an efficient option for commercial landscapes.
  • Mulching to Retain Moisture – Applying a layer of mulch around plants helps retain soil moisture, regulate temperature, and reduce weed growth. Organic mulches like wood chips, straw, or compost are excellent choices for conserving water and protecting plant roots.

Fertilization Tips for Summer Heat

Fertilizing your commercial landscape during the summer requires a careful approach to avoid stressing plants further. Use slow-release fertilizers and apply them at the right time to promote healthy growth.

  • Slow-Release Fertilizers – Slow-release fertilizers provide a steady supply of nutrients to plants over an extended period, reducing the risk of nutrient burn. They are particularly beneficial during hot weather when plants need consistent nourishment.
  • Timing of Fertilization – Avoid fertilizing during peak heat. Instead, apply fertilizers in the early morning or late afternoon when temperatures are cooler. This reduces the risk of fertilizer burn and ensures plants can absorb nutrients effectively.
  • Organic Fertilizers – Organic fertilizers, such as compost or well-rotted manure, enhance soil structure and provide essential nutrients without the risk of chemical burn. They also improve soil moisture retention, benefiting plants during hot summer months.

Aeration for Heat-Stressed Lawns

Aeration is a vital practice for maintaining healthy lawns, especially during the summer heat. It involves perforating the soil to allow air, water, and nutrients to penetrate the grass roots.

  • Benefits of Lawn Aeration – Aeration helps relieve soil compaction, improves water infiltration, and promotes deeper root growth. These benefits are particularly important during hot weather when grass needs optimal access to water and nutrients.
  • When to Aerate – The best time to aerate your lawn is during the cooler parts of summer or early fall. Avoid aerating during peak heat, as it can stress the grass further. Aim to aerate when the soil is moist but not waterlogged for the best results.
  • Aeration Methods – There are various aeration methods, including core aeration, spike aeration, and liquid aeration. Core aeration, which involves removing small plugs of soil, is the most effective method for commercial lawns.

Managing Weeds in Summer Heat

Weeds can compete with your plants for water and nutrients, making them a significant threat during the summer. Implementing effective weed control strategies can help maintain a healthy commercial landscape.

  • Mulching to Suppress Weeds – In addition to retaining moisture, mulch acts as a barrier to prevent weed growth. Apply a thick layer of mulch around plants to smother weeds and keep your landscape looking neat and tidy.
  • Hand Weeding – Hand weeding may be labor-intensive, but it’s an effective way to remove weeds without damaging your plants. Regularly inspect your landscape and pull-out weeds by hand to keep them under control.
  • Herbicide Use – If weeds become overwhelming, consider using herbicides. Choose selective herbicides that target specific weed species without harming your plants. Always follow the manufacturer’s instructions for safe and effective application.

Creating Shade Solutions

Providing shade for your commercial landscape can help reduce heat stress and protect your plants from direct sunlight. There are various ways to create shade, from planting trees to installing shade structures.

  • Planting Trees – Strategically planting trees can provide natural shade and reduce temperatures in your landscape. Choose fast-growing species that offer ample canopy cover, such as oak, maple, or elm trees.
  • Installing Shade Structures – For immediate shade solutions, consider installing shade structures like pergolas, awnings, or shade sails. These structures can provide relief from the sun while adding aesthetic value to your commercial property.
  • Using Shade Cloth – Shade cloth is a versatile and affordable option for creating temporary shade. It can be draped over plants, trees, or structures to protect them from the harsh sun. Choose a shade cloth with an appropriate density to suit your needs.

Monitoring and Preventing Pests

Pests can wreak havoc on your commercial landscape, especially during the summer when they are most active. Regular monitoring and preventive measures can help keep pests at bay.

  • Pugh’s Earthworks Regular Inspections – We conduct regular inspections of your landscape to identify early signs of pest activity. Look for damaged leaves, chewed stems, or unusual plant behavior. Early detection is key to preventing infestations.
  • Natural Predators – Encourage natural predators, such as ladybugs, spiders, and birds, to inhabit your landscape. These beneficial creatures can help control pest populations without the need for chemical pesticides.

Enhancing Soil Health

Healthy soil is the foundation of a thriving commercial landscape. Improving soil health through organic amendments and proper practices can enhance plant resilience to heat stress.

  • Adding Organic Matter – Incorporating organic matter, such as compost or well-rotted manure, into your soil can improve its structure, water-holding capacity, and nutrient availability. Healthy soil supports robust plant growth and enhances heat tolerance.
  • Soil Testing – Regular soil testing can help you understand your soil’s nutrient levels and pH balance. Based on the results, you can amend the soil with appropriate fertilizers and lime to create optimal growing conditions.
  • Avoiding Soil Compaction – Heavy foot traffic and machinery can compact the soil, restricting root growth and water infiltration. To prevent compaction, use designated pathways and minimize heavy equipment use in planting areas.


Protecting your commercial landscape during the August heat requires careful planning, proactive measures, and continuous monitoring. By selecting heat-tolerant plants, implementing efficient watering and fertilization strategies, and engaging your community, you can maintain a vibrant and healthy landscape even in the hottest months.

Remember, the key to success lies in staying informed and adapting to changing conditions. With these tips and techniques, you can ensure your commercial landscape thrives year-round. If you need further assistance or personalized advice, do not hesitate to reach out to our Pugh’s Earthworks team of experts!



Pugh’s Earthworks Protecting Commercial Landscaping in August Heat

Commercial Lawn Maintenance Services

Pugh’s Earthworks has been providing commercial lawn maintenance services since 1992. We specialize is landscape and lawn maintenance for commercial facilities. Currently, we serve more than 300 commercial clients. Our firm is one of the largest landscape and lawn maintenance firms in Memphis. We also operate similar operations in Nashville TN, Southaven MS, Jackson TN and Little Rock AK. Our award winning team services apartments, condominiums, shopping centers, office buildings and complexes, cemeteries, hospitals, hotels and motels and other commercial facilities.

The majority of our clients have opted into a comprehensive monthly landscape and lawn maintenance program. Our programs can be tailored to meet the specific and unique needs to each property. They are affordable and ensure that the appearance of your property will always be fresh and beautiful. We are a family owned and operated landscape and lawn maintenance firm. Our company takes immense pride in the work we do. Pugh’s Earthworks has big company size and strength, but we focus on maintaining our small company values. We guarantee the work we perform and our attention to detail is second to none. Our best source of new clients has always been via recommendations from current and previous clients. Take a look at the customer testimonials we have received.

Pugh’s Earthworks was originally started by Mark Pugh. Over the past 25 years, we have grown rapidly. In all that time and throughout all that growth, we have remained true to our motto, Big Company Strength, Small Company Values! Regardless of the size of the client we are working for, our staff will deliver the best possible service, while treating each client with the utmost of respect. In a word, “We Love Our Customers” and “We Appreciate The Opportunity to Serve.”

Pugh's Earthworks Commercial Lawn Care

Pugh’s Earthworks Commercial Landscaping



Pugh’s Earthworks
We operate 5 landscape centers, in 3 states.

Our headquarters is in Memphis, Tennessee. We also operate landscape offices in Nashville, Jackson TN, Southaven MS and Little Rock AR. Our firm provides monthly grounds maintenance services for commercial clients. If you are seeking assistance with Landscaping or Lawn Maintenance services, please give us a call or send us a message via the contact form below. We do offer FREE Estimates.


Phone: (866) 207-4734