Weeds seem to appear everywhere, especially after winter and spring rains. They get in the way of your lawn and garden plants and flowers getting the nutrition and water they need. That’s why they must go.

Spring is a good time to get those weeds under control as part of your lawn maintenance. There are many ways you can do this, but applying a pre-emergent herbicide is one of the most effective weed control strategies. Here’s why:

For our commercial lawn and garden services here in Memphis, we use high-quality pre-emergent herbicides to control broadleaf weeds and crabgrass that start to infringe on turf, landscaping, agricultural lands, golf courses and other areas.  Pre-emergent herbicides weed killers are perfect for spring and fall application.

Pre-emergent herbicides are typically applied in the early growing season, which is the springtime. This helps prevent the weed seeds from germinating and becoming full-grown weeds. The pre-emergent herbicide weed control forms a barrier around a weed seed. This makes it nearly impossible for the wee seed to sprout so then it’s less likely to grow.

Pre-emergent herbicides can be applied a few different ways. You can utilize a granular spreader or a pressurized handheld sprayer. Liquid herbicides are often concentrated solutions that have to be mixed with water first. Granular herbicides can be spread and require irrigation to help the granule release the pre-emergent chemical.   

To help make the pre-emergent work effectively, it’s important to aerate the lawn and surrounding area first. Then, apply the weed control substance. This helps the pre-emergent get the seeds to do its work. Watering the pre-emergent also helps it to get into that topsoil layer where the weed seeds tend to germinate. Follow the instructions provided on each pre-emergent weed control solution you select.

For all of our commercial clients, we take care of this part of lawn care and maintenance for you to ensure you have the healthiest lawn and garden possible. Contact us today to learn more.