With the official start of spring nearly upon us, it’s time to think about getting your commercial landscape ready for the seasonal changes.

Since each season has some specific landscaping tasks to accomplish, one of the spring tasks involves fertilizing. Here’s why.

Lawns need fertilizer during the early spring when the grass begins to green up. Feeding the lawn, shrubs, flowers, and other aspects of your landscape promote growth while also strengthening the roots so the temperature changes aren’t an issue.

There are several ways to apply lawn fertilizer during the spring season. A spreader ensures more even coverage than fertilizing by hand. Also, hand fertilizing may result in burns where the fertilizer is concentrated and pale areas that don’t get as much fertilizer as they should.

Try a broadcast or rotary spreader because they are easy to use and don’t cause striping like a drop spreader. However, a drop spreader ensures that there is no chance of overthrow where fertilizer lands on streets, sidewalks, or driveways. At the same time, a drop spreader requires two trips over the lawn at right angles.

Apply the fertilizer and then thoroughly water the lawn. This rinses the fertilizer off the grass blades so they won’t burn and lets the fertilizer sink into the soil to do its job. Keep people and pets off the lawn for 24 to 48 hours.

There are different types of fertilizer that can be used. Slow-release doesn’t have to be used as often, but these are more expensive. Fast-release offers quick results, but you have to apply it in smaller amounts and more often. Your risk of burning your lawn increases. Weed and feed is another fertilizer option.

You’ll need to be careful around trees, shrubs, and garden plants. You can use organic materials like compost and manure, but you will have to use a lot  Also, horse manure may contain weed seeds. Liquid fertilizers aren’t recommended because they are difficult to apply evenly and require frequent applications.

Be sure to water the lawn a few days before you plan to fertilize. When you do apply the fertilizer, make sure the grass blades are completely dry to avoid burns.

If you would like help with fertilizing and maintaining your commercial landscape, contact us now to find out how a monthly plan can ensure you enjoy a beautiful commercial landscape throughout the year that welcomes your visitors.