The best approach to controlling weeds throughout your commercial landscaping is to stop them from even showing up.

First, it’s important to know about the weeds you are trying to control. There are perennial weeds that survive and reproduce even in adverse conditions like even through winter weather. Then, there are annual weeds that can’t survive underground but some emerge at times of the year when preemergent weed killers aren’t active.

Next, it’s good to have a weed control strategy as part of your landscape maintenance program that incorporates pre-emergent weed control. These products should be used before a plant germinates in early spring.

For difficult annual weeds, you may need to do multiple applications, including at the start of the spring and then at timed intervals throughout the season. This is because pre-emergent weed killers don’t destroy weeds and their seeds. What they do is stop the weeds and their seeds from growing.

For the first treatment of pre-emergent, the middle of March is highly recommended just when the spring season is about to start. This tends to get the weeds that most commonly start to appear as the average soil temperatures go above 50 degrees. Major summer weeds include crabgrass or clover, so it’s important to use a pre-emergent treatment to stop them.

Often, it can seem time-consuming to handle all these weed control treatments at your commercial property. Plus, you might be worried about visitors coming into contact with the pre-emergent treatments for weeds.

That’s why you can leave the weed control work to us by contacting us now to find out how we can add weed control to our monthly commercial landscaping maintenance services.